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Everything posted by mattyblast

  1. Doesn't the government of Holland actually pay a salary of some sort to homemakers? I heard that somewhere--don't know if it's true. "DOOR!!!"
  2. "If you don't stand for something, you don't stand for anything!" "DOOR!!!"
  3. Didn't he send a bunch of money to Africa to help with their AIDS epidemic? If so, you can add that to the list. I remember him talking about his intentions to do so in a state-of-the-union speech a few years back. "DOOR!!!"
  4. In between jumps at Skydive Arizona I was able to put in 10 minutes of tunnel time while I was there. Wow, what a humbling experience! Talk about a major reality check. I am not (yet) good at skydiving...period! When I was able to stabilize myself and do some turns, and some work with levels (up/down), I did okay, but otherwise it was extremely difficult. I felt like a ping-pong ball during the Powerball lottery drawing! Watching the tape was an even bigger reality check. "Is that what I look like?? Ugh!" Lots of potato-chipping, and I think a huge overhaul on my arch is needed. I look forward VERY much to showing the tape to my coaches, jumpmasters & other mentors at my home DZ. Hopefully I'll be able to put into practice the suggestions they have for me and improve my technique. In the meantime, come on, Chicago! Let's get one of these built up in our area!! "DOOR!!!"
  5. Hello everyone. Something's wrong with my older brother, and the family is kind of shaken up. He's afraid to go to the doctor, so we're all playing the "Go see a doctor"--"I can't go see a doctor" game. What's happening is that ever since November-December, he has become very weak, especially in his hands and forearms (he's 39). It takes him several tries to get up out of a chair, especially one with a cushioned seat. It takes him two hands to turn the key to start his car. He walks very slowly and with weak movements, like a 100-yr.-old man. He just changed jobs, and his benefits (including health insurance) don't kick in until April. I'm pretty sure I can convince him to see a doctor before then--who cares if it costs more just for a preliminary consult, right? He's the kind of guy who couldn't hurt anybody, no matter how hard he tried--he's just that sweet & genuine. Anybody have any hunches as to what his condition is? What would cause symptoms of carpel tunnel syndrome combined with a general weakness all over the body? I've played around with, and found some possibilities, but I'm interested in hearing from anyone who's seen a similar combination of these specific symptoms. Whatever the case, please send some good thoughts our way. If it turns out his days are numbered, this will be very difficult for the family. "DOOR!!!"
  6. The Wisconsin weather has gotten on my last nerve, and I've booked a flight to AZ. I'll be at Eloy on Thursday and Friday, 3/2-3/3. Want to meet up? Drink beer? Play tonsil hockey (hey, you can't blame a guy for trying)? Send me a PM or reply here. See you there! "DOOR!!!"
  7. I'm all set, folks. I'll be there all day next Thursday & Friday 3/2 & 3/3. If anyone who's from there or who also wants to make a last-minute getaway wants to meet me there for a beer or three, PM me, k? "DOOR!!!"
  8. You're right about that. On two of those weekends I would have been able to jump if I had gotten there right when they opened, but I had other obligations those mornings that I couldn't get out of. But I do agree with you. "DOOR!!!"
  9. Yeah--haven't been in a tunnel yet. Don't know if I'll have the cash for more than a couple minutes, but I'd love to try it! "DOOR!!!"
  10. It's actually not too bad, until I arrive at the DZ, that is. Last Sunday it was sunny and very few clouds. I called ahead to check what the wind speed was, and manifest told me it was about 10mph. Forty-five minutes later, when I got there, it had risen to 16mph and never came back down. The previous weekend, the clouds were at about 7000ft. when I called in--high enough for my hop&pop. But then when I got there, boom, the clouds decided to sink to 4000ft. The weekend before that, too cold. The weekend before that, wind speed too high. Before that, overcast skies. :( "DOOR!!!"
  11. For five weekends in a row--and it looks it's going to be six with the high-speed winds predicted for this weekend--I've been grounded because of the weather. The frustration has risen to the point where I am considering taking a weekend getaway to Eloy to do a few of my AFF jumps to catch up. Eloy already says they're willing to do this, as long as I review safety/emergency issues with them (necessary at my home DZ anyway when going more than 30 days w/o a jump) and do a check jump before actually doing any AFF jumps. Naturally I'd be bringing my log book, too. My only concern is that of ethics. My home DZ got me started and has taught me everything I know. The people there love to teach, and they go out of their way to spend time with students, teaching them even when they don't have to. What's the unwritten rule in skydiving about doing a few AFF jumps at a different DZ? These weather problems are just eating me alive--I want to jump, dangit, but I also don't want to create bad energy with the people here, who have got me started. Help! "DOOR!!!"
  12. Cakewalk Express came with a MIDI cable that I bought awhile back to connect my Korg to my computer, and I thought it was super user-friendly and straight-forward. The cable+software was less than $20. So if you want a cheap sneak preview of what the full-blown version of Cakewalk Home Studio would be like, try Cakewalk Express first. Have fun! "DOOR!!!"
  13. The problem with killing him is that with all the terrorists using suicide bombs, they obviously look at their own death as being worth their cause. If we kill Osama, he's simply getting what many other terrorists are intentionally doing anyway. What we need is to lock his ass up, make his prison life as miserable as possible, and maybe make a reality TV show about how horrible his prison life is. Let the other terrorists watch that instead of Osama's stupid videos and cassette tapes that he's making. I hate terrorists. I wish our world leaders would step it up exponentially in the fight against them. "DOOR!!!"
  14. Is there a strategy or a hint to winning this one? I came close a couple of times, but still haven't been able to make it. "DOOR!!!"
  15. Sorry to see that you got screwed. I hope Mr. Groves gets caught pulling this crap, gets tossed in the slammer, and becomes the object of "Bubba's" affection. "DOOR!!!"
  16. Looks great, Beth. Is there something sparkly in your hair, or is it the lighting from the camera that's giving it that luster? "DOOR!!!"
  17. Dude. It boggles my mind, too. But I'm telling you the god-honest truth. If you go to bars around here (especially on Water St., if anyone else from the Brew City is on here), you see beautiful people smoking. Beautiful people who are enjoying themselves. Beautiful people who are among other beautiful people enjoying themselves and each other...and they're all lighting up. Are they insecure? Heck no--if they were insecure they wouldn't be dressing in outfits that bring out their brea--I mean--best. Are they less educated? I don't know. I guess I'm the insecure one, if I'm even agonizing over this in the first place. Fire away--if that ain't leaving myself wide open, I don't know what is! "DOOR!!!"
  18. You butt-twang. Go outside to emit your gasses until you've roped this one in for sure. Once that's been accomplished, then you'll be free to let the ducks fly anywhere. "DOOR!!!"
  19. Truth be told, I'm not joking, I'm not being sarcastic, and I'm not trolling. I've truly been agonizing over this. Directly linked to deaths, dangers of secondhand smoke, smelly hair, don't like to kiss them, blah, blah, blah... I appreciate all the Sunday School answers and "Ad" organization comments, but what still doesn't make sense to me is that when I go to a bar (among other places), I see beautiful people smoking. If I went to a bar and saw people smoking who had oxygen tanks with them and bottles of Febreze to squirt all over themselves, then it would all make sense. But instead I see healthy people smoking. Attractive people smoking. People lighting up who are considered by the rest of the world to be living life to the fullest. People whom many horny people would like to be with. Shit, I probably won't start, but damn if this doesn't frustrate the piss out of me. Why can't somebody invent a fake cigarette that looks like the real thing but has no tar or nicotene? "DOOR!!!"
  20. You've seen all the "the truth" commercials. You've seen the warnings from the American Lung Association. You've seen the pictures of the old people using oxygen masks. You've read all the Surgeon General's warnings. And you've seen the statistics. But none of this changes that fact that yes, people who smoke really are deemed more friendly, fun, adventurous, and socially-skilled than non-smokers. And they're beautiful people, too. Ever seen a hot woman in a bar (or at your DZ) with a cigarette in her hand? Of course! Sometimes a woman in a bar will hold her cigarette high in the air like she's some kind of queen, and it's her scepter. And at a party, smokers all flock together. It's like there's this sign smokers all wear around their necks that says "I'm one of your people--let's get together!" And they all make it a point to go outside at the same time and smoke together. Just them. The VIP section. The smokers' private time. Leave the goody-goody church-going dorks inside, and go outside together so you can light up and see how much cooler all of you are than the rest of 'em. I'm genuinely tempted to start. Last time I was at my favorite karaoke bar I bummed, and then puffed on a few cigarettes while I was there. I felt like I had made a huge transformation and crossed over into the land of the fun people. Anyone want to recommend a good brand to start with? "DOOR!!!"
  21. I was taking a girl out to play pool one night, and she started yapping on her cell...and yapping...and yapping. Finally I grabbed the phone from her and spoke into it, saying, "Hey! Guess what! We're all out playing pool and she didn't invite you! How does that make you feel? Awww, I'm sorry, dude!" She has a good sense of humor, and so did the guy she was talking to. Still, I always wonder about these people at bars or restaurants who are constantly on their cell phones. If you want to talk that much with the person, why is he/she not sitting next to you at the place? "DOOR!!!"
  22. AMEN! Here's to those of us who can change the channel to whatever we dang well please, let the dirty dishes accumulate as much as we want to, spend our money on toys & skydives, sleep in on weekends (when they're too cloudy, anyway), cook for ourselves, flirt with anyone we want to, stay out as late we want to, watch as much NHL hockey as we want to, drool over the hot figure skaters as much as we want to without fear of getting slapped (that blond from Germany = rowrrrr!!), buy ourselves flowers for whatever reason we want to, walk around naked in the apartment whenever we want to, set the thermostat to whatever temperature we want to, put our feet on the furniture (I'm getting rid of the coffee table anyway), get toasted for no reason (without driving, of course), avoid wasting money on trips to museums or other educational/enriching cr*p like that, and who don't have to listen to questions like "Does this make me look fat?" Here's to us! Happy Valentines Day, single people! Ah, yes, Valentines Day is like my first skydive. I'd rather have people looking at me from both directions (AFF) than be attached to somebody (tandem). "DOOR!!!"
  23. I would LOVE to see a wind tunnel in Wisconsin (I'm from Milwaukee). The best spot for it (as already mentioned) would definitely be Wisconsin Dells, since it's a hot spot for thrill rides & touristy stuff. Lots of whuffo business. I agree that the Gurnee Mills/Six Flags area would be a good possibility, too. "DOOR!!!"