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Everything posted by j0nes

  1. why would someone go outside to look for tornados? it doesn't make sense unless the person is a storm chaser. are you implying that all texans are storm chasers?
  2. j0nes

    Norah Jones

    Norah and I are not related.
  3. I don't get this one: 13. When you hear a tornado siren, you go out and look for a funnel.
  4. check your post time... i did it first. but here you go. it's ok to feel inadequate(again)
  5. since when is down-winding it beerable? unless it was your 1st. as for me 0/4/1 I owed a case for landing on the runway (not as serious as you might think as the Otter was the only thing flying that day)
  6. It's a grandma name.... like Ruth. Or Virginia.
  7. twin otter, sky high people stand in door then fall like simple stones
  8. j0nes


    which do you say when you don't care about something?
  9. j0nes

    Ebay jitters

    I got hosed buying a video camera to the tune of about $1300. Ebay cut me a check for $250. Lesson learned.
  10. j0nes

    Point Break

    but he is such a horrible actor.
  11. depending on where you work, this might not be a smart click. www.ratemypoo.com
  12. j0nes

    Happy Ramadan

    what's to dislike about ramadan? you skip meals and pray a lot.... doesn't that sound like fun?
  13. j0nes

    Happy Ramadan

    I am a kinder, gentler j0nes.
  14. j0nes

    Happy Ramadan

    Ramadan begins this week (the day depends on what country you're in), so Happy Ramadan. Want to know more? http://english.aljazeera.net/NR/exeres/C18CCDC4-623C-4EE5-84CC-D09ACB414F94.htm
  15. odd. any idea why that is or what criteria is used?
  16. That describes just about any DZ or boogie I've been to. Not that I'm complaining....
  17. j0nes

    Do you like beer?

    it was really just to trick you into watching the commercial. of course you're right, alcoholics suck. and as we ALL know ANYONE who has EVER drunk a beer is an alcoholic.
  18. there may be a recording quality setting that affects the amount of time also. usually the higher the quality, the fewer hours you can record. TiVo is really cool, but if you can avoid the initial purchase price AND the monthly fee, you might be better off with you cable/dish dvr.
  19. j0nes

    Do you like beer?

    what makes the 4th time any different that the previous re-posts? just because you (in your omniscience) have seen it before, doesn't mean other posters haven't.