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Everything posted by Jumpdude

  1. Keith, You and Melissa are good people, so why would you lower yourselves to patronizing and promoting a DZ/company that was built on and is still actively financed by such fraud and deception and that staff members that actively participate in? Refuse to Lose!!! Failure is NOT an option! 1800skyrideripoff.com Nashvilleskydiving.org
  2. Someone sent me the attachment and said it was one of the posts and another user posted something about Keith A.'s Dz at Waverly got called out in this thread and someone else replied to the post in the attachment. I didn't see either post, but got plenty of emails asking if I saw them. They must have been good though. Refuse to Lose!!! Failure is NOT an option! 1800skyrideripoff.com Nashvilleskydiving.org
  3. Have you gotten a cost estimate on what you'll pay in legal fees to defend a libel action? I may be wrong, but if she is ONLY exposing the truth and not fabricating info, why would she need to pay legal fees? Refuse to Lose!!! Failure is NOT an option! 1800skyrideripoff.com Nashvilleskydiving.org
  4. I wonder if this new found information were to get in between the customer and sLyride, would it sway the customer's business to the REAL DZ's? Refuse to Lose!!! Failure is NOT an option! 1800skyrideripoff.com Nashvilleskydiving.org
  5. Your post tells us that you are as brain dead as the rest of the fuckers who patronize the sLyride DZ's! Refuse to Lose!!! Failure is NOT an option! 1800skyrideripoff.com Nashvilleskydiving.org
  6. What is with "Wind Tunnel Skydiving"? Do they not know who they are advertising with? If you are referring to windtunnelskydiving.com with some dude wearing a clown suit on the home page, that IS sLyride, just another name. Refuse to Lose!!! Failure is NOT an option! 1800skyrideripoff.com Nashvilleskydiving.org
  7. Got it covered! It seems they felt the need to buy the .net and .org to go with the .com on that one, (can't imagine why ) so I got the .info, which is probably more appropriate anyway because it's full of really good info! www.americanflightadventures.info and, as with the last one, it's fully geo targeted! Refuse to Lose!!! Failure is NOT an option! 1800skyrideripoff.com Nashvilleskydiving.org
  8. I didn't see anything in that document that struck that info from the case and I didn't see where Cary or Ben disputed it, so it must be accurate. Well, I guess we both have a reading problem because if you will recall, when www.nashvilleskydiving.org was promoting the DZ, there was no info in that site about what kind of planes or equipment they had and anything else you claim about it. Since I am no longer affiliated with that location, and since I own the domain, I decided to give it some value on the internet and use it to direct the customers to ethical dropzones and to help prevent you people's internet piracy tactics from scarfing up the customers the should rightfully go to Mike Mullins' DZ's, SD Alabama, SD Smoky Mts and Skydive ET. You're just pissed off because when someone searches for Skydiving in or near Nashville, they find that site before they find your sites and they are able to make a more conscious decision about where to jump and are not snow blinded by the sLyride scam. As you described when you called me a couple of months ago, nashvilleskydiving.org shows up before your sites and you explained that you are having difficulty keeping staff and it hampers you from getting customers, well,,, GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! For those who don't know, to my disbelief, Chuck called me and asked me to turn off the sites. BUT, he never disputed the facts that are in the site because he knows it's true, (just like he didn't dispute anything in the current info in the site when he made his ranting post that I am replying to), and he never gave me a legitimate reason to turn them or or even anything to correct. Now, You say your DZ and staff is not involved in any fraudulent advertising, how can you explain your's, Fincher's and some of the others at Waverly having pictures all over the national string of fraudulent sites by the second newest known company name, Plutian (Pollution), with sites like, skydivinginsacramento.com, or skydivinginnashville.com, or even skydivinginhonolulu.com and the newest known group of sites by sportations.com? That looks to me like you guys are pretty deeply involved. And it's Fire Truck Mechanic, NOT Garbage Truck Mechanic and I am retired, so I now have noting better to do that to set here and search for and expose the sLyride scam that you are involved in. And uuhhhh, What group membership, but nice try to redirect the topic? Refuse to Lose!!! Failure is NOT an option! 1800skyrideripoff.com Nashvilleskydiving.org
  9. Page 6 is where it is discussed. http://1800skyrideripoff.com/sdaz.pdf Refuse to Lose!!! Failure is NOT an option! 1800skyrideripoff.com Nashvilleskydiving.org
  10. Yep! That's the fuckers! You can clearly see how they are raping our sport and scooping up the customers who should have gone to the REAL local DZ's. It's pretty bad when the owner of those websites said in a court document that he knows that his websites are deceptive and refuses to change them because he makes more money the way they are. Needless to say, he lost that court case. Refuse to Lose!!! Failure is NOT an option! 1800skyrideripoff.com Nashvilleskydiving.org
  11. That's a Google ad, not a DZ.com ad. Considering there is a thread here on DZ.com about how much they are hated, I too am surprised they have not gone out of business. Aren't their feelings hurt yet? I'm not getting your point, I know it's a Google ad, not a DZ.com ad, but as I posted earlier in this thread, and the point of this thread is that the DZ.com admin can control those ads and the mods stated to post the screenshots and they will address it. Refuse to Lose!!! Failure is NOT an option! 1800skyrideripoff.com Nashvilleskydiving.org
  12. Here's another one! Them fuckers just don't get the point that they are not wanted here. Refuse to Lose!!! Failure is NOT an option! 1800skyrideripoff.com Nashvilleskydiving.org
  13. I may suggest talking to him about a class action. Being that he is an attorney, he would be well qualified to talk to you or anyone about that. Refuse to Lose!!! Failure is NOT an option! 1800skyrideripoff.com Nashvilleskydiving.org
  14. I do agree that the DZO's do need to get together to take their domains. That would be a damn good start. The only thing I can see that they would try to do is to just buy another domain that's as close as they can get to the ones that get seized and try to keep doing business. I'm not sure if I can be of any assistance to you and your issue, but if there is anything, I'd be glad to help any way that I can. Just PM me if there's anything I can do. Refuse to Lose!!! Failure is NOT an option! 1800skyrideripoff.com Nashvilleskydiving.org
  15. I think it would more of an indirect way to put them out of business. They've already proven that they don't have any problem running fraudulent sites such as the Skydive Wyoming site that was referenced in one of the last posts, but if there is no DZ's that accept their tickets, the fraud case would be easier to nail down and they could then be forced to shut down. In other words, it don't matter if they have affiliate DZ's or not, they are still going to sell their worthless gift certificates and when they encounter a legal issue that they realize is a real threat, they just start a new company name and continue business as usual. Refuse to Lose!!! Failure is NOT an option! 1800skyrideripoff.com Nashvilleskydiving.org
  16. I think I'd dress up like Billy Vance! Refuse to Lose!!! Failure is NOT an option! 1800skyrideripoff.com Nashvilleskydiving.org
  17. That is a damn good question. I know of several DZO's who would get in on it, but the brick wall I've ran in to during communicating with them is that nobody wants to start one and end up carrying the financial burden on their own. If someone will get it going, other DZo's will surely join in. As we see, Cary's answer to court cases is to essentially say "Fuck it!" and start a new company name. I suppose that's his way of thumbing his nose at the system. And since the latest company name was exposed in the sLyride/Google ads thread and the other threads that expose their next new company name, it's quite obvious that someone or more like several someone's are going to have to step up to the plate and get a major class action going and hopefully take away Cary's ability to do business. If someone can start it, I know for a fact there's 5 DZO's in the southern region that I'm almost positive will get in on it and I know of others across the country that would be interested as well. Refuse to Lose!!! Failure is NOT an option! 1800skyrideripoff.com Nashvilleskydiving.org
  18. Wow... only once did the judge rule in favor of Mr Matthews in the entire testimony. Did Cary go for the cheapest lawyer he could find? Sometimes its like they say, you get what you pay for. Maybe the "cost of doing business" is getting too expensive! Refuse to Lose!!! Failure is NOT an option! 1800skyrideripoff.com Nashvilleskydiving.org
  19. Don't forget the Nashville court case... Refuse to Lose!!! Failure is NOT an option! 1800skyrideripoff.com Nashvilleskydiving.org
  20. First one done, and fully Geo-Targeted! Enjoy! http://www.sportations.net/ Refuse to Lose!!! Failure is NOT an option! 1800skyrideripoff.com Nashvilleskydiving.org
  21. Here another one with two sLyride ads and a whole new company name on one of them. sportations.com, the whois report shows that it was created in April, so this new name has not had much time to do much damage to our sport, yet. I called and verified and yes, it is sLyride, and YES, it is the same scam! Fuckers!!! **Edited to add additional info** At the bottom of the new site sportations,com, there's a banner for another site "adventureads.net", Buyer beware! This domain was created on the same day as the sportations domain, as we all know, it's another sLyride scam, so for what it's worth to DZO's looking to advertise, don't use adventureads.net! This is another assault on our sport as well as the other sports. New wave of consumer alerts coming soon. Refuse to Lose!!! Failure is NOT an option! 1800skyrideripoff.com Nashvilleskydiving.org
  22. I may be wrong, but I've been watching for the sLyride ads lately, and I've noticed that a lot of them are not showing for quite a while now, so going on the appearance alone, it looks like the DZ.com admin got most of them blocked, or at least it looks like it, but I did however find another one that showed up this evening. skydivegeorgia.com It's possible that them sLyride fuckers just added another domain to the list to get around being blocked. Also, this is an old thread that pretty much shows that the DZ.com Admin is serious about blocking the sLyride ads as much as possible. http://www.dropzone.com/cgi-bin/forum/gforum.cgi?post=2381844;search_string=sangiro%20skyride;#2381844 Refuse to Lose!!! Failure is NOT an option! 1800skyrideripoff.com Nashvilleskydiving.org
  23. If you guys are planning to bring in Whuffo's, Let me know either via PM or post it here in the thread if you are able to get this boogie together so I can re-word the sLyride consumer alert to accommodate you guys. www.1800skyrideripoff.com/bahamas We absolutely DO NOT want to direct anyone away from a real DZ. Refuse to Lose!!! Failure is NOT an option! 1800skyrideripoff.com Nashvilleskydiving.org
  24. I used to get the headaches, accompanied by the ear problems, then after the doc's ideas for medications ran out, he put tubes in my ears and absolutely NO problems since. That was 5 years ago. Refuse to Lose!!! Failure is NOT an option! 1800skyrideripoff.com Nashvilleskydiving.org
  25. That's more like it!!! Refuse to Lose!!! Failure is NOT an option! 1800skyrideripoff.com Nashvilleskydiving.org