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  1. Promised?? I don't recall being promised anything. As far as I am concerned, I cut away, or as you say got cut away, for knowing too much. I was assigned to step up and save the dz because nobody else gave a shit and during that time, I found out alot of things that I would of rather of never known. I really don't care what you Bertt or anybody else thinks on here because I know the truth and it seems you do to. So be a real man and speak the truth...or else let it go. I never supported anything that was a lie, and that my friend is why I am not there today. You said it yourself. You can't pay me to lie or to be dishonest with people. I guess that's why the previous manager of 7 yrs quit too huh? Chuck so good at running a business...it seems the only thing he can do is run a business off! Now is there anything else you want to say about me or my job performance? Or is it true that you don't know what that would even be and your just talking shit like the rest of them? There is no rest for the weary huh Cary Q?
  2. haha well sir you are doing an ass backward way of accomplishing your goal Well sir, I do apologize that you feel that way. But, just like all the other post on here, you don't have to read them... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0VjPNKc0VsU There is no rest for the weary huh Cary Q?
  3. Yelp..that would be Chuck Owen and 2 other juveniles that he payed to go with him during the early morning hours. There is no rest for the weary huh Cary Q?
  4. WHAT?????????? they only offered me a Vet..... Now I am pissed........ Sorry that you can make jokes of this....it was only intended to inform the site that the DZ does not have a lease and will soon be shut down. Therefore, this website can go back to what it's suppose to be and no more ASC BS There is no rest for the weary huh Cary Q?
  5. QuoteTo bad this one is full of crap. ;) I can tell by the way she writes who she is...anonymity destroyed. She's as grammatically incorrect as she is pissed about losing her job after she was doing things that really only brought shame to herself. And on that note...If you got hate in your heart...let it out. ;) Really Shooter?? If that's the case, then that girl your talking about, will definately get the word out! I got a feeling you don't have a clue as to what your talking about or what your doing...but here comes the rain! There is no rest for the weary huh Cary Q?
  6. They totally rock! Great group of folks out there! There is no rest for the weary huh Cary Q?
  7. Quotethis is great! this whole site should be renamed "about a half dozen people that are obsessed with ASC.Com" Wasnt this site suppose to be the most reliable source for skydiving info??? But really its just a mudslinging outlet. there are more conspiracy theories about ASC, skyride, and its employers or contractors then there are about D.B. Cooper. this place is a laugh riot. And a laughing stock for the sport. when did DZ.com become reduced to this....how embarassing......... Sorry if you feel it's embarrassing but how do you think the people feel who have been ripped off by a company who refuses to stop the lies and scandals? How about the employees that get used and fired because they know too much? What kind of DECENT company would hide such info for an employee to "know too much" and fear that the info would get out, like it's about to from me, and let them go? Just sayin... There is no rest for the weary huh Cary Q?
  8. That is exactly what I am saying, especially when everything is always a secret until well, they change names over and over. Then I start asking what the hell is going on and got tired of explaining to customers about scams they had found. There is no rest for the weary huh Cary Q?
  9. again, I am speaking directly about the drop zones. There is no rest for the weary huh Cary Q?
  10. I don't give a shit about Skyride or Thrill planet, I am speaking about the DZ's only. I don't care who agrees or disagrees. I know what I know is the truth and I know that Chuck Owen is now the manager of both TN and GA DZ's as of Aug 15 2010 and that the company changes names constantly to keep people from finding them. There is no rest for the weary huh Cary Q?
  11. If he can't, I sure can. Cary Q broke down in the courtroom in front of the judge while his lawyers walked out on him. There is not a lawyer in this country that will represent him, and quite honestly, I busted out laughing watching Cary bust into tears begging the judge for mercy because he was "confused"...WTF?? Grow up Cary, quit screwing people and do what's right. It's called being a responsible and respectable person. Nothing good comes out of evil. There is no rest for the weary huh Cary Q?
  12. Your exactly right stratostar...they quote does come from the FAA, which was presented to Polk County Comm in order to save the company. During the time I worked there, I was asked to perform many task that made me question why? But was advised because Cary Q said to. I didn't jump you and I don't claim to be the smartest person on here but I can say, I know alot more about this scamming company than you EVER will and we probably need to leave it at that. There is no rest for the weary huh Cary Q?
  13. Bottom line to this whole conversation is, Chuck Owen, the DZ manager at the Waverly, TN DZ is the one who put out these stickers. Chuck, along with 2 other males were caught on numerous business cameras during early morning hrs posting these stickers. They even had the nerve to go into a very high dollared neighborhood and place these stickers on the houses! Now that is just plain out rude, disrespectful, and there needs to be justice! There is no rest for the weary huh Cary Q?
  14. Your welcome! I just can't hold this stuff in any longer, I am literally busting at the seams with information that needs to be told simply because of how they operate. There are too many decent DZ's out there. ASC is the one giving all the skydiving/drop zones bad names and reps! There is no rest for the weary huh Cary Q?
  15. QuoteIt looked like you were criticizing Stratostar for "supporting" ASC. From the quote, it looked like Stratostar was defending the right of a skydiving operation's (generic) access to an airport. The skydiving operation happened to be run by Skyride. Ergo my post. Wendy P. I am sorry, didn't mean it that way but unless you have worked there, been a victim of the business, etc, you will never understand that ASC is not your normal/regular DZ...it's far different. There is no rest for the weary huh Cary Q?