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Everything posted by homer

  1. Jess will be there and she falls like a rock as well. I just hope the weather holds out the forecast says chances of rain the entire weekend. DAMB Krisanne is bringing that shit Seattle weather with her. Don't those Seattle people know it doesn't rain here on the east side of the mountains. CSA #699 Muff #3804
  2. Sorry, I'm at work and distracted. I flunked 3rd grade spelling and never advanced much past that. Thank god for spell check now if they only had a grammar check as well. CSA #699 Muff #3804
  3. I was just enjoying my bacon cheeseburger from DQ and got to thinking who is a vegetarian and just how strict are you. I'm interested are you an occasional steak or is it only fish and anything else that comes from the water. I understand a lot of vegetarians will use dairy products as it doesn't involve the killing a defenseless animal. Then there are those that will not consume anything that has come from an animal. If you are a Vegetarian why have you or what made you become one. CSA #699 Muff #3804
  4. SSSSHHHHHHHHHH how can I scare someone if they wont let me get close to there canopy. What fun you are and to think I said I would think about being your friend. CSA #699 Muff #3804
  5. I listen to mostly country so my song knowledge is very limited. I would think Ozzie would have a song that could work "crazy train" is the only song of his I know. CSA #699 Muff #3804
  6. The LP video was finished last night and will be going in the mail this week. If you don't get it by Thanksgiving start asking where where is it. CSA #699 Muff #3804
  7. I will vouch the LP video was GREAT as I was in it at least 10 times. As for the Halloween party it was good as well. Jess your drunk go to bed and use the spell check next time. See you in the morning. CSA #699 Muff #3804
  8. Not opening for me either. CSA #699 Muff #3804
  9. Post whore J you going to Spokane for the party this weekend? Dave and I will be there not sure who else is going. If you don't make it I'll see you the 29th for our Boogie. CSA #699 Muff #3804
  10. I'm Catholic HA HA HA not funny Our video guy usually says while videoing "have any last words to say to your family before loading the plane" I usually like to say "Now, remember DON'T LOOK DOWN" it usually makes them smile or chuckle a bit. CSA #699 Muff #3804
  11. Here is an email sent to me. To all of you road warriors out there. Take a look at this. MOOSE STORY The following pictures are of a moose that went through a car's windshield this month near South River, Ontario. The VERY lucky woman driver ended up with just a broken wrist and needing a good bath. When you view the pictures you will wonder how the woman managed to survive. CSA #699 Muff #3804
  12. Go for the flock dive it shows your skills as a wingsuit flyer and looks pretty cool at the same time. CSA #699 Muff #3804
  13. Join me for a CRW jump sometime and you will learn
  14. Dave thanks for putting me on the list. For those that like the darker side of the sport there will be some CRW as well. CSA #699 Muff #3804
  15. It's all good ladies. I'm the greene of this thread so have another . azur- you are lucky I'm in a better mood than this morning because I would have been even more defensive than I was. Call using a recoil pad what you like it's all about personal comfort. Much like packing a canopy I roll the nose 180 but I also psycho pack it. Blue Skies CSA #699 Muff #3804
  16. I never did measure the spurs but it I had to guess they were around a half inch. I would have taken a pic of them along with the beard but there at home in the freezer. CSA #699 Muff #3804
  17. Hay, It was my first hunt ever and I was alone when I took the bird. I'm happy YES, so what if I sound like a little kid Turkeys rely on there sight and can see 300 degrees. Ask anyone who has hunted Turkey before and they will tell you there a challenging bird to shoot. Aside from this bird there were 9 other birds with eyes on me as well. And your right it isn't a prize bird but to me it is because it symbolizes the hardest promise I have ever fofilled. As for the recoil pad so what. I was shooting a 12 gauge with #5 magnum Turkey load in a 2 3/4 inch shell. They have a nice little kick to them. Its a nice item when the barrel is made of a carbon fiberglass mix making recoil more noticeably felt due to lack of weight. A heaver barrel like steel used on most shotguns helps to absorb some of the shock lessening the felt recoil. CSA #699 Muff #3804
  18. It was a nice change from my previous year (Iraq) where I was the Turkey. It would make things more exciting if they could shoot back now wouldn't it. CSA #699 Muff #3804
  19. No, just luck and a little prayers or two didn't hurt either. Skill will be next year when I do take one with my Bow. CSA #699 Muff #3804
  20. I had made a promise to my mother before I left for Iraq I would put the next Thanksgiving Turkey on the table with my bow (ended up using a shotgun) when I got home. Well it is by far the most expensive promise I have ever had to make but worth every penny. It was my First hunt and my First Turkey
  21. Thanks Liz I hope to get the chance to jump the canopy again soon so I can find the right setting. I'm looking get some CRW jumps in here in the next couple weeks. Already planning for a camp next summer in the Carolinas. CSA #699 Muff #3804
  22. The canopy has large toggles as well and when front risers are used with hands looped through the extension it does pull down on the brakes. If it helps any the canopy I have was Paul Bliss'. CSA #699 Muff #3804
  23. I can't remember what kind of line trim it has I should ask the the person I bought it from again. I don't believe it is set up for Sequential the last owner was more of a big way person. CSA #699 Muff #3804
  24. It's kinda like Cutaway and Terminal Velocity you know its all BS and everything is wrong with the entire movie but it's about SKYDIVING so it's ok to watch on those days you can't jump. I'm not afraid to admit I own DZ and Cutaway and watch each at least once a month. CSA #699 Muff #3804
  25. Just how must brake line slack should I have on my Lightning. With the brakes set at the manufaturer setting unstowed and all the way up there is almost no line slack. If anything it looks to me to still be pulling the back of the canopy down. The canopy will stall at just over half brakes. CSA #699 Muff #3804