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Everything posted by Tenshi

  1. State that it is a dangerous activity by nature, but that new technology as well as rules and regulations make it safe in practice. You can describe the different materials such as AAD and audible altimeter. Then I'd state that it is always possible for materials to fail. That is why you have a number of precaustions (safety regulations) that prevent this. Then finally I'd round up with th reserve parachute. Say that it is designed specifically not to fail. Finally go to the incident and fatality part of this board and check how many of the fatalities are due to a double malfunction. Personally I wouldn't go and compare it with other (more) dangerous activities unless you need filler. Most of these comparisons are kinda lame. Stick to the subject!
  2. It fascinates me how people can take the shooting of a little girl and turn it into a pro-gun statement. Only in America... Priceless.
  3. What did I say about Hiroshima that was wrong? Almost every Jap killed by those bombs was civilian. It was a disgusting warcrime and it has been proven that it was really unnecessary. As for the Korea thing...I was being ironic. Next time I'll add a and a
  4. If it was my neighbour: 3 In the case of Iran: 2
  5. Yes. You're absolutely right. Still...a precedent has been set in Afghanistan/Iraq. So it's really not a matter of choice. Korea is next...I can't remember if it was the North or the South so I think it best to invade both.
  6. If a person believes in Religion A, then it is the only true path to "salvation" (or other applicable term). Any teaching that diverges from that truth is leading the person to eternal damnation and probable torment. So, any religious followers other than Religion A are some flavor of Satans minions. Unless he's not anal about religion. For instance he might just believe in a god. Period. If he is serious...yes...then you are right with the minions and the damnation The religious right in the US regards Hollywood as a pit of evil, much as the religious figures in the Middle East. Obviously they have something in common yes Patriotism is not a comparable topic, because, for a true believer, religion is a far more serious issue than that. And for a true patriot, patriotism is a far more serious issue than that. Wtf
  7. SCORE! What was my point again? Oh yes...something about bombing for virginity.
  8. All that made no sense at all. definition of hypocrite According to the dictionary, that is Exactly the definition of a hypocrite. So I'm a hypocrit because I'm an atheist who marries in front of the church. Luckily for me there is no God and I don't give a fuck about all the extremists who think I'm a hypocrite for marrying in front of the church without being a believer. In the words of little Alex: "More, let me slooshy more"
  9. Ok let me try again. Why are people called "religious extremists"? If you really believe in a religion, shouldn't it be the most serious thing in the world to you? No. It shouldn't. They are called extremist because for them it is the most important thing in the world. This shouldn't be the case though. The Jeh Witnesses go door-to-door on Saturdays. They are pretty aggressive about spreading the word. Indeed they are. Point? The religious right in the US may gripe about Hollywood and movie content, but essentially it seems to be noise and posturing. Like politicians gathering a making for the sake of revenue enhancement. "As long as you send us money, you've done your part." So you're saying the should take action? What more should they do then, to stop being posers? Bash some homo's who went to see BB mountain? once again I fail to see the point. Or are you saying they are abusing religion? Yes this might be the case... If I was crossing the street in front of a bicycle, everyone would be yelling to prevent that sprained wrist and ripped pants. Facing eternal fire, pain, brimstone, etc ? Nada. This I can't comment to because I don't know wtf you're talking about. Seriously...mea culpa. If the other religion are essentially Satan-worshippers, then why do religions accept them so easily ? Ah now we're getting somewhere. Good point. I never did understannd how people can be dead certain their religion is the only one, when there's hundreds of other religions, all claiming something different and just as easy/hard to believe. Still...what is your point? In fact...many religions do NOT accept other religions. I say - quit your jobs, sell your house, and start preaching out of the back of a van - or don't claim to believe. True believer or poser, no middle ground. Hmmm...I think I know what you mean now. It took me a while. My bad. You're saying people shouldn't bitch or be hypocrits without actually making an effort. Sure thing...I agree. Only thing is...I think it's a good think all them posers, stay posers. Wouldn't want them to actually try something. I'd move to Afghanistan if I did
  10. Horseshit. It is perfectly possible to believe in God but not to the extent that he is important enough to bomb jews or even go to church. Religion is personal so the middle ground is just as valuable as the "extremes". Example: I'm an atheist. But I'm not that much of an atheist that I wouldn't have my kid baptised. I'd even marry in front of the church...just for the hell of it. If you think I'm being a hypocrit, I'm not. Because to me there is no God so there's nothing to be hypocritical about.
  11. Oh ok. Well we'll just wait for them to use it then. Hopefully they'll bomb the USA or Israel and not Brussels. On second thought...better make it the US. Israel is a bit too close and I wouldn't want the salad in my garden to go radioactive.
  12. I'm sorry to say but you are babbling off topic. Iran is not my son. I never said the USA is responsible. The bombing of Japan is the most inhumane act of war (make that TERRORISM) in the history of man kind. That includes the Holocaust. But it has nothing to do with Iran now has it?
  13. Seems reasonable. Have you not seen Independence Day? Seriously though...I must disagree with all the discipline. Sure it's a great value but is it worth getting shot over in the desert? furthermore there's bett...I mean OTHER ways to get some discipline.
  14. How the hell are you going to prepare for a nuclear attack? Duck and cover??? http://www.archive.org/details/DuckandC1951
  15. Yes. I totally agree. My message to young Americans: if you wanna do something for your country, there's other ways to do it than to join the military. And should the occasion arise that a war which threatens our liberty breaks out, you can still sign up.
  16. Yesterday I saw a documentary about the war in Iraq. The basic message was that the war in Iraq was a total catastrophe and many soldiers get killed and severely wounded every day. The parents of the soldiers supported the troops, but not the war. The goal of the documentary was to make the viewer feel sorry for the soldiers. They showed a couple of kids who joined the military or the reserve to pay for college or because they wanted to protect the free world. I must say that I have some mixed feelings about this. If you join the military, there's the chance you're going to be in combat. Basically, you sign a contract which says you are willing to give your life for your country/freedom. And let's face it, if you are living in a country like the US of A, you should know there's a significant chance you're actually going to be drafted (if you're with the reserve) and sent to a warzone. Don't get me wrong, I felt bad for some of the soldiers. But they did join (as opposed to being drafted like it was during the Vietnam war) the military of a nation that frequently goes to war. So why am I always hearing that Bush is responsible for the death of the 2000+ American soldiers that got killed in Iraq?
  17. WTF They are making a nuke so the US of A should invade before they get a chance to destroy the free world.
  18. Hm...I forgot to take into account that a significant amount of population can't vote (children). But if I get this straight, 20% of the population voted Democrat. Edit. Thx btw
  19. I think by the time I start Base (if) the numbers will have increased significantly. From what I can tell (and I do realise I don't know shit) the situation in my little country is far more relaxed than in (dare I call it) the Anglosaxon world... I hope it won't be overcrouded over here but I'm afraid it will, with all the known (possible) consequences: - Police will give a fuck (now they couldn't care less) - Objects will get hot and eventually burned. - The community will grow and won't be as tight. - People will become paranoid and drama will become a major issue...
  20. I want to know how many American citizens voted for the democrats last election. If possible I'd also like the figures for the elections before that. Mind...I am looking for the percentage of American citizens (population) that voted for the Democrats. Not the percentage of voters. I did try google but I didn't find what I was looking for and I'd figure you guys know.
  21. I'm anxiously awaiting the war against Iran.
  22. Wtf guys. I'm 24 now and it'll be a while till I start skydiving let alone basejumping.
  23. What does HIDGAF mean? I'm not a polyglot you see... Yes I must do something about that.