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Everything posted by Tenshi

  1. Thanks for the links. Seriously. Now then...don't you think this is a bit meager. I mean...there's probably like a thousand cameras there. How is it that all I can find are these commercial movies and advertisements? ( 50 bux for a movie? I don't think so)
  2. Any movies online? I can't seem to find any... WHERE? PLZ!
  3. Maybe. However...nets as they are today kill sharks as well as dolphins and turtles. You'd think someone would be able to make a non-leathal net. (Also... there's a small chance of a shark getting trapped inside the net...finding no food other than me splashing around)
  4. Great topic. First of all let me make clear that I don't hate sharks...I don't want to see them killed or anything. Now then. I for one have shark phobia. I wouldn't even stick my big toe in the water in places such as Hawaii, California, Florida, Australia, South Africa and so on. If there was a forest where you knew there were several hungry lions lurking, would you go for a hike with the wife and kids? Shark attacks may be rare...but they do happen. Now I wouldn't mind being bitten but when there's great whites, tigers or Zambezis in the neighbourhood there's no way I'm going for a swim. It's not about the actual attacks either...but the possibility and probability of a killer being below you, and you not even being able to see it makes it unpleasant for me to be in the water anyway. And another thing. Why is it...that in these discussions there's always someone who says you have a bigger chance of being killed when driving your car or being hit by lightning? I DON'T CARE ABOUT CAR ACCIDENTS NOR DO I GIVE A STUFF ABOUT MY CHANCES IN A THUNDERSTORM. It's about being eaten alive by a shark here...and that is far more gruesome than crashing my motorcycle.
  5. Tenshi


    Mine's a '94 so it's the older model. I fucking dropped it though so now I need a new right mirror and I can't seem to find them.
  6. Tenshi


    As for the noise discussion... Frankly I never knew my bike had a sports exhaust. It's my first bike and I was pretty clueless when I bought it. I don't know if loud pipes save lives. But I do know a cyclist will think twice before crossing the street without looking if he hears my pipes (and they are far from antisocial...) I'm pretty envious of you Americans. You have the black version of the 2005 R1. That's some serious pornography with those red rims.
  7. Tenshi


    That's the one. Heavy as a motherfucker. Sv650 definitely. But it's a bit over budget as for now. Lots of bikers here ey? Thought so My bike is currently held together by ducktape (the glass is...I dropped it whilest practicing for my exam ) I have a sports exhaust system and it gets me some looks. But when they see the tape they stop looking Had a good ride today. Always keep in mind that you're vulnerable on a bike though. Stay safe!
  8. Tenshi


    Sooooo...any bikers out here? No need for colors...I'm just talking about people who ride a motorcycle of some sort. I myself own a GSX600F (sporty touring-bike) All things considered it's not my cup of tea so I'm probably gonna trade it in for a Gs500 (lighter, easier to manoeuver and naked)
  9. Maybe max out means the maximum delay time... Still...how do you know if the BASEjumper is gonna jump the bridge or the towers? To give a hint as to question 1. To answer question 2. 'Cuz EYE wanna Xperience life to tha MAX. (or something else they'd like to hear) As for my question: What manufacturer. I promise I wont buy any...
  10. Mais is Dutch for corn. So a maisfield is a cornfield. Just so you know what happened
  11. Tenshi

    BridgeDay Reg

    I've never been there...so I didn't know there was gonna be funnel cake. Not having been there...one would think this means 1 or 2 jumps. Let's stop debating the 75$ now.
  12. Tenshi

    BridgeDay Reg

    75$ for one or two jumps is on the expensive side... (No need to start summing up the costs to organize this type of event. I'm sure it's a whole lot of money.)
  13. Spiders over here don't bite...so I'm not arachnophobic. I'm sharkophobic.
  14. Why would an awesome chick be dating a fucking cop though?
  15. Mine's about "The role of Darwin and Darwinism in Victorian literature" My dissertation (next year) will be titled "The influence of Darwin's 'Origin of species' on H.G. Wells's 'The Time Machine' and 'The Island of Doctor Moreau'." I fucking hate papers
  16. Tenshi

    Legal or illegal?

    That's cute but my virusscanner went apeshit when I clicked on the bottom link.
  17. That's what I thought at first. But really...that person is probably still going to be there when you get to the top. So when you hear him...he'll hear you.
  18. Tenshi

    Legal or illegal?

    I see. Well now that I think about it...it could be possible. I also visit a forum for fellow bikers (motor-forum.nl) and they had some incidents with journalists actually quoting the forum Obviously on a biker forum some people talk about their speeding adventures above 150 Mph and bending their plates so it didn't look good for the bikers in general. So yeah... Anyway...I live in Belgium (the Dutch speaking part) Currently working up to my AFF license. First I need to graduate though...plus it's expensive as you all know. Base is something for the future...When I'm an old man (25) Like I said...a curious newb. I'll update my profile though.
  19. You should try smoking. Smoking is cool...
  20. Tenshi

    Legal or illegal?

    Oh yes...one more thing. The Boogyman asked if you would be so kind as to post your home adress so he can occupy your bedroom closet and/or the space under your bed (to be decided after mutual agreement) If your state of awareness was so perfect you would have searched my name and come to the conclusion that I am just a newbie with the curiosity of a small child.
  21. Tenshi

    Legal or illegal?

    -My name is Vincent. -I asked because I am curious. I was pondering about it myself and it seems to me that checking out a site, sneaking up, jumping and then getting away is also part of the thrill. Then again maybe you can enjoy the actual jump more when a jump is legal. -I am currently trying to get my master degree in Dutch/English Language and literature. -I don't really care about the stats as much as I am interested in the (well-founded) opinions. They will not be used for anything by myself so I'd rather have you posting than just voting. Anything else you'd like to know?
  22. Tenshi

    Legal or illegal?

    What do you like most? Legal jumps or so called illegal jumps? Also please explain as to why... Before you all pick legal, cause I know that's what everyone wants...for BASE to be legal, think about what gives you the most satisfaction at the end of the ride.
  23. I don't get it. But no worries