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Everything posted by LisaM

  1. My co-worker clipped her nails. I could not seem to get my music quite loud enough to block out the strangely high-pitched noise. ~ Lisa ~ Do you Rigminder?
  2. LisaM


    From what I understand, she is. ~ Lisa ~ Do you Rigminder?
  3. LisaM


    Here's mine. They were sleeping but I disturbed them. ~ Lisa ~ Do you Rigminder?
  4. Perfect! Thanks! ~ Lisa ~ Do you Rigminder?
  5. Sometimes. ~ Lisa ~ Do you Rigminder?
  6. Ah, that will probably work. Unless there is a backup account or credit card to the account. ~ Lisa ~ Do you Rigminder?
  7. Is there money in the account or is the account active? I would just use their help to contact them and ask them. ~ Lisa ~ Do you Rigminder?
  8. You put 3 quarters in a triangle on the table. You shove your finger against one to send the other two flying. Then you have to aim the one left between the two you just shot. What is the goal? To just get it between? Do you have to do it in X number of tries? Do you have to get to a goal? Off the table? ~ Lisa ~ Do you Rigminder?
  9. Some cool ones we have here are 6 Appeal Bump This! Cheap Shots Diggin Divas Ever Ready Got Serve? Gravediggers Hit & Run Team Ibuprofen Now & Zen Scared Hitless Team Flail To Dive For ~ Lisa ~ Do you Rigminder?
  10. It has gone away and it's the first time she's ever done that. She's only just over a year old. I'll keep an eye on her though. Thanks! ~ Lisa ~ Do you Rigminder?
  11. LisaM


    I'll pay attention to Costco. As long as they are nice, I would not mind intermixing some silk with some real. I never really thought about that for lower places. Thanks! ~ Lisa ~ Do you Rigminder?
  12. LisaM


    Are ruellas indoor too? ~ Lisa ~ Do you Rigminder?
  13. LisaM


    What is a plant that grows as hearty as a philodendron but is not poisonous to kitties? Our potential new house (praying we sell our current one) has a nice add on front room that would be great for plants. So what else might be some good big potted plants that won't hurt the kitties either? Easy to care for is a must! ~ Lisa ~ Do you Rigminder?
  14. Cripes, Grossman sucks! How long are the Bears going to tolerate this! ~ Lisa ~ Do you Rigminder?
  15. I found no kitty-puke this morning. She was chowing her food so I removed her for a while. I gave her strict instructions not to puke anywhere obvious if she did need to puke at all. I got a "meow" in return. ~ Lisa ~ Do you Rigminder?
  16. She's acting normal. Running around chasing the other kitty, wrestling with the twist ties. Climbing the closet (right now). ~ Lisa ~ Do you Rigminder?
  17. Thanks.... Oh that and we're trying to sell our house and that's just what we need! People coming to look at the house to find kitty-puke! ~ Lisa ~ Do you Rigminder?
  18. I have seen Lucy do that. But Maya never eats too fast. And she threw up like 4 hours ago and then just a bit ago. Still normal? ~ Lisa ~ Do you Rigminder?
  19. What would make my kitty throw up 3 times in a day... or 1/2 a day. She's still playing and stuff, but throwing up some yellow liquid like. I'm worried. ~ Lisa ~ Do you Rigminder?
  20. Depends on the stress. When I'm overwhelmed with the stress, I cry. I hope to use wine and the hot tub in our new house if we can sell this one.
  21. I read "my CAR just got beat up BY a pitbull" ~ Lisa ~ Do you Rigminder?
  22. My son's room is painted green with 2 silver stripes. I told him we'd have to paint his room pale blue and yellow. He's freaking out. ~ Lisa ~ Do you Rigminder?
  23. WHY are their jerseys that horrible horrible colors?????? ~ Lisa ~ Do you Rigminder?
  24. HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!! ~ Lisa ~ Do you Rigminder?
  25. Well my ex took all the money. PM me and I'll give you his last known address and you can go collect. ~ Lisa ~ Do you Rigminder?