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Everything posted by LisaM

  1. It's not that parents cannot control their children; it's that they won't. If they make their children behave and teach them to respect others and be aware of their surroundings, then they won't be their friend. And we all know it's more important to be our children's friend rather than their parent. *slow deep breaths* ~ Lisa ~ Do you Rigminder?
  2. LisaM


    Thanks! Feeling semi-human today! I felt like this Tuesday and then Wednesday was much worse... so I'll wait until tomorrow til I get excited. ~ Lisa ~ Do you Rigminder?
  3. LisaM


    SW. It cooled down today... only 90. RLS sucks and usually I can control it on my own. I have no clue why it's been this bad. Something to do with my virus. Bah. I feel like I have aged 40 years in the past week. ~ Lisa ~ Do you Rigminder?
  4. LisaM


    Eek. That would be bad. In addition to all this, it's been warm here and my Restless Leg Syndrome was going NUTS so I need the sleep. Can't wait for bedtime tonight! ~ Lisa ~ Do you Rigminder?
  5. Honey's are the best. Hang in there! ~ Lisa ~ Do you Rigminder?
  6. LisaM


    An hour snooze and hmm... I do feel a bit better. Sweeet..... ~ Lisa ~ Do you Rigminder?
  7. LisaM


    Lightweight, eh? Thanks, I hope I get better soon too. This is miserable. ~ Lisa ~ Do you Rigminder?
  8. LisaM


    I don't feel buzzed either. Bah. ~ Lisa ~ Do you Rigminder?
  9. LisaM


    It's not making me nauseous either. Nor dor I feel much better. ~ Lisa ~ Do you Rigminder?
  10. LisaM


    Nothing huge. I have some virus that has me achy and in lots of pain. Or so the urgent care & the doc say. 8 days after it started and I'm still in tons of pain. ~ Lisa ~ Do you Rigminder?
  11. LisaM


    I think it's what I took when a had minor surgery 5 years ago. I think it made me sick. Or maybe that was the surgery. I can't really remember. It was all a blur. ~ Lisa ~ Do you Rigminder?
  12. LisaM


    Any chance I'll sleep through it? Is this really better than the symptoms..... ~ Lisa ~ Do you Rigminder?
  13. LisaM


    Alright... I took one weth some anti-nausea medicine. How long til I'm sick?? (Yes, I'm scared of the stuff) ~ Lisa ~ Do you Rigminder?
  14. And you gotta rub the final popcorn pieces in it.....mmmm..... ~ Lisa ~ Do you Rigminder?
  15. The seriously buttered kind. Then more melted in a pan and poured on top. YUM You got that right!!! ~ Lisa ~ Do you Rigminder?
  16. LisaM


    *shudder* ~ Lisa ~ Do you Rigminder?
  17. LisaM


    I avoid that place like the plague. The place looks like it was created by someone vomiting HTML. Not only vomiting HTML, but the color wheel. ~ Lisa ~ Do you Rigminder?
  18. Think of all the money you will save. I use mine mostly when I have a cold before bed it helps clear me up so I can breathe a bit. I think I have warded off a couple of sinuses infections that way. ~ Lisa ~ Do you Rigminder?
  19. LisaM


    ~ Lisa ~ Do you Rigminder?
  20. I have used one for a while but could not get it to clear my allergies this last season. I take clariton for my kitties and then allergy season hit and it wasn't working. I tried my neti and it did not help much. It's amazing you have not taken any pills. I think I would die of kitty allergies if I stopped, How often do you do the neti? ~ Lisa ~ Do you Rigminder?
  21. LisaM


    Hang a picture over it! Chuck Then how could I watch it??? I'm putting up an auction website at work... it's entertaining enough to have kept me busy for a bit. 4 hours!!!! ~ Lisa ~ Do you Rigminder?
  22. LisaM


    I got family there. Sometimes you have to visit family. ~ Lisa ~ Do you Rigminder?
  23. LisaM


    Yeah but the EAA convention was worth it. Packing with sweat dripping off you... my husband is gonna shoot me! ~ Lisa ~ Do you Rigminder?
  24. LisaM


    I hope the corn isn't that tall yet. On my last radio jump as a student they put me in the corn. It was late August. I said "no more radio!" ~ Lisa ~ Do you Rigminder?
  25. LisaM


    Of course. It reminds me why I left. It's gonna be HUMID! I'll miss my dry heat! ~ Lisa ~ Do you Rigminder?