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Everything posted by SkySlut

  1. One thing that I forgot to mention...trail your left leg, so you can open up your hips and chest into the RW. What I do when I am instructing for hop n pops for license requirements. I tell them how to get into position (same thing that I have told you), but one of the requirements for "passing" the hop and pop is that they have to be able to tell me what handsignal I am giving them after they have exited. I have yet to have a student not be able to tell me what signal I gave them. They are so focused on looking at me that their body position is fine, nice & stable.
  2. No worries, let me know how it goes!!!
  3. SkySlut


    I got a tent from here...good price & brand name. I dont really think that it makes too much of a differnce which one you get...its not like you are going to be camping in the artic or anything out of the ordinary...
  4. Coupla things on exits...this will hold true from AFF thru your entire career of skydiving... Start thinking of relative wind...not where the ground is. A lot of students seem to have a preconcieved notion that they must get belly to earth when they should be thinking in terms of getting belly to Relative Wind. Where is the RW coming from on exit??? The front of the plane & general prop direction right??? What is the most stable position in freefall??? Arched position right??? So what is the difference between an arched position on exit that has your feet more or less pointed towards the ground and your belly exposed to the general direction of the prop as to a terminal position of belly to earth 15 seconds after exit??? Nothing really. The only major difference is about a RW speed difference of 30 MPH (give or take depending on what type of plane that you are exiting from). I suggest trying to think of it that way and yes keeping your head up and watching the plane fly away is a great way of keeping you stable on exit. Another tip is, depending on what type of exit you are doing...cheat and get your body as much as you can into the relative wind before you leave the plane. For example, on a floater exit....stand up nice and tall so you arent de-arched and close to the plane so you dont get hit with a ton of prop blast. Then turn your hips and chest towards the prop blast so you are already presented into the relative wind. Then let go, nice & lazy...arched to keep you stable and head up looking towards the plane...not down to look at the ground. You should understand this concept and trust in the arch and RW. It will sort itself out. Its much better explained with visuals, but that is my best attempt. Oh, for floater exits keep your arms wide on the bar (if you are jumping an otter/ caravan), it will give you better stability against the prop blast. If your hands are close together, you will get pushed all over the place. Having good knowledge of the RW on exits will work with diving exits (keeping your line of flight perpendicular to the plane), works on more advanced Relative Work chunk exits, as well as freeflying (head down & sit). Hope that helps.
  5. Anyone remember the superfriends??? There was cookoo man, diaper man, rope man, tornado man. that was a great cartoon. I believe it came on before or after the monkees every afternoon after school. sleeestacks....hisssssss!!!! great show with amazing effects.
  6. I love having 2 full hours of the Simpsons monday through friday...heaven.
  7. What have they beed doing to you??? Some heavy breathing perhaps???
  8. That sucks, you think with all the 12 oz curls he has been doing with his time off it should be stronger than ever. Thats cool that you got to do some jumps with the Norgies though.
  9. When is Dag going to back jumping??? I heard that he may be able to on friday???
  10. Yeah, they got to get the porter exits for the world meet. Cant let the french get the upper hand.
  11. did you get your departure time from priceline or something. I dindnt even know that they flew planes that early. You should change that to a later flight even if you dont head over to Sebastian. Damn, that is early. You could always stay up all night. Sunday nights around here are usually pretty happening.
  12. I ended up taping that had the 300 way on there too...pretty entertaining.
  13. I will be at Sebastian...every day, unless its raining.
  14. Is that Captain Stubing??? Where is Isaac with the double gun salute and the cocktails???
  15. My first canopy was a Falcon 175, its fine for a starter canopy. Its F111, so you arent going to get the performance out of it, but its great to learn how to pack on. Which is really nice. I think that I ended up putting 70 or so jumps on it before I moved to a ZP canopy. You will find, as you keep jumping more, that you will want to get a smaller better performing canopy. When I started, I just wanted to get to the ground safely and thats it. That thinking went away soon enough. 1200 jumps, 2 1/2 years and 8 canopies later....
  16. Nice work...beers on you...I will collect tomorrow night!!!
  17. Quade wasnt referring to the silly antics when he was commenting on facts about skydiving.
  18. SkySlut

    back... DAMN

    You certainly never said anything evil. But I think we should encourage newer or non-jumpers, for that matter, to get more into the sport, rather than call them "funny" and make them feel awkward about taking the chance to get into skydiving. Skydiving has enough trouble keeping active jumpers and getting new people into the doesnt need its more "experienced" participants, especially instructors, to scare off more people. Thats all I am saying. No big deal.
  19. SkySlut

    back... DAMN

    No offense, but you are being a pain in the ass over nothing. Zeemax posted to be proud of what he did, not to get slammed for no reason. I have more jumps than posts. Let him have his moment in the spotlight. I dont understand what the big issue is. Wether its at the bonfire or on, for the most part, if someone is talking out of their comes across and people can figure out that they are full of shit. He certainly isnt giving bad information on safety or who does it hurt??? Congratulations safe and have fun!!!
  20. I was at that meet and standing about 50-75 feet away. I was on the front risers the whole time. You could actually see the imprints of his elbows in the sand. Target fixation mixed with being too low. I thought he was dead. I was amazed when he got right up, ordered a Mt. Dew and a grilled cheese from the the restaruant and jumped the next day. That is one tough motherfucker!!!
  21. It must have been made a while ago...I am guessing because the reserve flap doesnt have the tuck in part like the newer Javs do. Pretty funky.
  22. SkySlut

    back... DAMN

    Keep in mind that, just because a person may have a ton of jumps doesnt make them right or that anyone should take what they say as gospel. I listen to everyone, low jump numbers to tens of thousands of jumps...then formulate my own opinion. A fresh outlook on something can be very informative if you can manage to open yourself up to listening. There are some really smart jumpers that havent been in the sport for too long and there are some real dumbasses out there that have been around forever. The minute you think that you have learned everything in the sport is when you get bit in the ass.
  23. I would be interested to see what you come up with. Please keep us posted on what you find.
  24. try this...
  25. SkySlut

    back... DAMN

    bundle up!!! last time i was there it was 20 degrees on the ground and minus 22 at altitude!!!