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Everything posted by rickjump1

  1. There are lots of hard working black American citizens living in this country: Ben Carson, Allen West, etc. How come you cling to the racist ideals of the Jessie Jacksons and Al Sharptons of this world? Being a race baiter indicates you have nothing concrete to offer; like grasping for straws. Do your part for global warming: ban beans and hold all popcorn farts.
  2. http://news.yahoo.com/clinton-adds-obamas-health-care-headache-213700613.html"Washington (AFP) - Bill Clinton weighed in on the crisis over the troubled new US health care law Tuesday, handing President Barack Obama a new political headache." "I personally believe, even if it takes a change in the law, that the president should honor the commitment the federal government made to those people and let them keep what they've got," Clinton said in an interview with the OZY.com website published on Tuesday. Do your part for global warming: ban beans and hold all popcorn farts.
  3. Oh, this never happened. Do your part for global warming: ban beans and hold all popcorn farts.
  4. http://lastresistance.com/3637/chicagos-black-mobs-robbing-stores-raping-teen-girls/"Ah, Chicago, the Windy City and political home to Barack Obama. Run by Democratic mayors since 1931 (Rahm Emanuel claims to be non-partisan, but all of his bios list him as a Democrat). If the Democrats had such a great plan for the nation, one would expect to see a city like Chicago to be an exemplary model of that plan." Do your part for global warming: ban beans and hold all popcorn farts.
  5. http://freedomoutpost.com/2013/11/armed-louisiana-family-arceneaux-kills-kidnapper-scott-thomas-rescues-bethany-arceneaux/"The rescue of Bethany Arceneaux by her family is a reminder of why citizens need to keep and bear arms without restrictions. The family was free to save the life of Bethany and put an end to the criminal activity of Scott Thomas. Additionally, they spared the State of Louisiana a lot of money in the prison system and court appearances due to their heroic efforts." Do your part for global warming: ban beans and hold all popcorn farts.
  6. The gun culture is really big where I live in Montana, but I never thought I would want one of those little modern muskets, the AR-15 (Colt M4). I bought one because the response time for a 911 call can be an hour plus if our local deputy is out of pocket, and I'll admit I couldn't hand it back to the kid showing it to me. It brought back a lot of memories. My first gun was a single shot .410 (Santa) and my brothers and I had a family single shot Sears JC Higgins .22. I delivered the Independent Journal as a kid in Marin County, California, and later(still a kid) bought a 30-30 when living in Florida. I pretty much agree with everything you support (with the exception of limiting the number of firearms a person may own). I do find it hard to believe the small number of people this government has brought to justice for lying and presenting false information in background checks. It seems it's easier for them to disarm the whole public. Do your part for global warming: ban beans and hold all popcorn farts.
  7. Those kids broke a rule that may cost them their education, but the important thing is they are alive, and they may have prevented someone else from being robbed or murdered. The "I may be dead; lying in my own pool of blood, but I died with the satisfaction of knowing I never had to own a gun", is one of life's choices for some of us. Do your part for global warming: ban beans and hold all popcorn farts.
  8. Bullshit. He knew he had a cashier out front and two customers in the store, and he described the suspect after being sprayed. He no doubt had it in the back of his mind that a cashier had been murdered in that very store. "That’s when Jarriel said he saw an opening. As the suspect, described as a black male of average size and build, turned to walk out front, he pulled a gun he had in his front pants pocket. 'He was about 10 feet ahead of me, and I raised the gun and just started shooting,' Jarriel said. Everything was blurry, because I still had pepper spray in my eyes. That’s when he panicked and ran out of the store'.” Sometimes things get blurry on the "urban" battlefield, but this guy overcame it and won, but you can be happy. He got fired. Do your part for global warming: ban beans and hold all popcorn farts.
  9. He lost his, but he is alive. Do your part for global warming: ban beans and hold all popcorn farts.
  10. http://lastresistance.com/3630/another-store-clerk-fired-refusing-murder-victim/"These days, if you want to work for a franchise like a convenience store, you have to agree to their terms, which may include being someone’s murder victim. Most of these places have 'no tolerance' policies, which prevent their employees from being able to defend themselves with any kind of weapon. You’re not even allowed to try to fight off a perpetrator. You’re supposed to do whatever the criminal wants; give him all the money from the safe, let him steal your car, give him a medium dark roast coffee. Or, if the armed robber feels like it, also give him your life." Do your part for global warming: ban beans and hold all popcorn farts.
  11. .......to the "code of silence and fear of retaliation"? Things haven't changed that much since Al Capone left. Do your part for global warming: ban beans and hold all popcorn farts.
  12. I believe you are safer in Afghanistan than Chicago."December 12, 2012 (CHICAGO) (WLS) -- Solving homicides in the city. You might be surprised to find out how many people are getting away with murder. ABC7's Ben Bradley has an exclusive look at some surprising information about murder in Chicago. Police stats show just 34 percent of murders get solved within the calendar year they occur. Give detectives two years, and the solve rate barely reaches 50 percent. That means, if you kill somebody in the city, you've got at least a 50/50 shot of getting away with murder. Scroll through a list of Chicago's unsolved murders, and you'll find the name and photo of Darius Farley. The 20-year-old was in his car in the Grand Crossing neighborhood when someone shot him, sending his vehicle careening into a CTA bus. The search for his killer or killers has grown cold. Detectives, his mom says, have moved on. "When I give them information that I hear on the street, no one is following up," said mother Coree Parks. "Or they're not even calling to let me know this is what we're doing." On average, across the country, 64 percent of murders get solved. New York City's murder clearance rate is 60 percent. Why is Chicago's so much lower? That's where victims' advocates and police agree: It's a mix of manpower, but also a code of silence that extends from witnesses to, in some cases, even relatives of the deceased. "They're scared of retaliation," said Dawn Valenti, who works for the United for a Cause organization. "If we get the information out there from the community, not only will the clearance rate be higher but, more importantly, we're going to take a killer off the street," said Chicago Police Chief of Detectives Tom Byrne. "We have more difficult homicides today, difficult to solve, because they're stranger on stranger as opposed to domestic violence or a situation where there is a relationship between the victim and the offender," said Loyola Criminologist Robert Lombardo. It's little comfort to a mom still mourning. "The people that took his life, I don't wish any ill fate on them. I just want justice for my son," said Coree Parks. Chicago homicide detectives work in squads of six. They juggle about 20 active case at any one time. It's not ideal, but police brass insist lack of cooperation from witnesses, not manpower, is the main obstacle to solving more murders. " (Copyright ©2013 WLS-TV/DT. All Rights Reserved.) Did you practice like the White Queen?http://rt.com/usa/chicago-afghanistan-city-us-108/and I QUOTE:The homicide rate for the city of Chicago is so far up 50 percent from one year earlier. That isn’t to say, of course, that the recent surge is the start of an all new trend. Since the War in Afghanistan began in late 2001, around 2,000 US soldiers have lost their lives while fighting for Uncle Sam; during that same span of time, homicides in Chicago have exceeded 5,000. “If you look at past decades, you see, as in the rest of the country, a significant decrease in shootings and homicides,” McCarthy adds to The Daily. “But we have haven’t moved as far down as cities like L.A. and New York.” US President Barack Obama and his family were in Chicago this weekend to attend the wedding of a family friend, an event which prompted the Chicago Police Department to dispatch between 100 and 200 cops to patrol the area, reports The Chicago Sun-Times’. Although it’s not unusual for law enforcement presence for be that extreme for an event featuring such high caliber guests, some officer say that the city might have better things to do with its police force. More willful ignorance on your part. The death RATE (per 100,000) of US soldiers in Afghanistan is 19 times higher than the murder rate in Chicago. And again, for the willfully ignorant, Chicago isn't even in the top 10 US cities for murder rate. The White Queen would be proud of you.Your Disney World view of Chicago does not take into account the unsolved murder rate. Chicago has one of the highest rates in the country. Careful Professor, you could become a statistic in that shit hole you live in. http://abclocal.go.com/wls/story?id=8918235
  13. I believe you are safer in Afghanistan than Chicago. Did you practice like the White Queen?http://rt.com/usa/chicago-afghanistan-city-us-108/and I QUOTE:The homicide rate for the city of Chicago is so far up 50 percent from one year earlier. That isn’t to say, of course, that the recent surge is the start of an all new trend. Since the War in Afghanistan began in late 2001, around 2,000 US soldiers have lost their lives while fighting for Uncle Sam; during that same span of time, homicides in Chicago have exceeded 5,000. “If you look at past decades, you see, as in the rest of the country, a significant decrease in shootings and homicides,” McCarthy adds to The Daily. “But we have haven’t moved as far down as cities like L.A. and New York.” US President Barack Obama and his family were in Chicago this weekend to attend the wedding of a family friend, an event which prompted the Chicago Police Department to dispatch between 100 and 200 cops to patrol the area, reports The Chicago Sun-Times’. Although it’s not unusual for law enforcement presence for be that extreme for an event featuring such high caliber guests, some officer say that the city might have better things to do with its police force. Do your part for global warming: ban beans and hold all popcorn farts.
  14. I believe you are safer in Afghanistan than Chicago. Do your part for global warming: ban beans and hold all popcorn farts.
  15. Their pass is in proportion to the amount of money they extorted from the membership to elect President Barack Hussein Obama. He loves the SEIU and Acorn. http://www.renewamerica.com/columns/gaynor/100420"President Obama owes his presidency to Rathke's ACORN and its Project Vote affiliate and Stern's SEIU and Rathke is rightly concerned with the next presidential election, because voters have been discovering what the Obama/ACORN/SEIU agenda really involves." I was hoping Freethefly would answer, but if no one disputes this answer we can pretty much call it correct, can't we? Been in the swamp all day hunting alligators to shoot (with my camera.) Down here in Sulphur, LA. I do not believe that union members should be treated any different. All people should be treated equally. After all, is it not what is written in the DOI that it is so? We need to stop giving free passes to one group while ignoring another, if were all ever to be on an even field. I would not call it completely correct but, give it a partial as unions do play a major roll in elections. That said, it is the final vote that counts. Union members are free to vote whichever way they wish when in the booth. If an election swings in the favor of the unions then the membership did as they vowed to do. They stood together. Can you blame them for looking out for their interest? You left out the part about the union members who disapprove of the candidate their union is using "their dues to support". They have no say in the matter, and you left out the part about union bosses raiding their pension plans for political candidates, nor the government bailouts. Do your part for global warming: ban beans and hold all popcorn farts.
  16. Their pass is in proportion to the amount of money they extorted from the membership to elect President Barack Hussein Obama. He loves the SEIU and Acorn. http://www.renewamerica.com/columns/gaynor/100420"President Obama owes his presidency to Rathke's ACORN and its Project Vote affiliate and Stern's SEIU and Rathke is rightly concerned with the next presidential election, because voters have been discovering what the Obama/ACORN/SEIU agenda really involves." Do your part for global warming: ban beans and hold all popcorn farts.
  17. rickjump1


    When you wake up with a terrible hangover and need to puke, this could be the magic pill. Do your part for global warming: ban beans and hold all popcorn farts.
  18. http://news.yahoo.com/russians-olympic-torch-historic-spacewalk-023508203--oly.html "Moscow (AFP) - Two cosmonauts took the Olympic torch -- unlit -- for a spacewalk Saturday in a historic showcasing of Russia's Sochi Winter Olympic Games in three months' time." This is cool. Do your part for global warming: ban beans and hold all popcorn farts.
  19. You can tell him his story is spreading like a wildfire, and he has no lack of friends in the veteran community or outside. Thanks. Do your part for global warming: ban beans and hold all popcorn farts.
  20. Thank you for the good info. Do your part for global warming: ban beans and hold all popcorn farts.
  21. with Firestone 500 tires if I remember correctly. Do your part for global warming: ban beans and hold all popcorn farts.
  22. Yeah. I agree. Do your part for global warming: ban beans and hold all popcorn farts.
  23. This kid has balls of steel, and I would bet he would even laugh at that. Do your part for global warming: ban beans and hold all popcorn farts.
  24. I find it hard to believe the VA has blown off a triple amputee, and with this kind of PR, where are the people who are supposed to stand up for this fallen warrior? Like the man said, maybe they are waiting "for his good arm". This is the "nobody gets fired" generation. Do your part for global warming: ban beans and hold all popcorn farts.
  25. "He will likely get less help from people because of bullshit headlines like that." I can see where you're coming from. You don't particularly like the idea of the military getting free healthcare; correct? Additionally you don't value "free speech" (especially from a wounded veteran). Right? He's telling his story, and he did mention it's not a money thing anymore. He wants the public to know that if you say something against this administration, they will investigate you, and attempt to withhold what you earned while in the service of this country. Add the Obama part? I did it for you. Do your part for global warming: ban beans and hold all popcorn farts.