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Everything posted by rickjump1

  1. Yeah, that's not what the article said. And you wonder why people call you a racist.Hey Bozo, "A blight on society", is straight from the newspaper. Do your part for global warming: ban beans and hold all popcorn farts.
  2. "I think race is relevant to that story. Would be surprised if it wasn't mentioned, considering it is about an immigration hearing and ties to a Macau based Triad." Yes, but the title of the story has racial overtones. "‘A blight on society’: Asian gangs responsible for kidnappings, drug smuggling in Canada, immigration hearing told" Now that's relevant. A certain race is "A blight on society". So how do you intend to get rid of this "blight on society"? Throw the "blighters" out of the country. That seems unfair. Do your part for global warming: ban beans and hold all popcorn farts.
  3. Blimey Rick, I honestly didn't realise you had such a good sense of humour! Check this out:http://www.jihadwatch.org/2013/11/russia-negotiates-its-biggest-arms-deal-with-egypt-since-cold-war-after-obama-cuts-aid.html "Russia negotiates its biggest arms deal with Egypt since Cold War after Obama cuts aid." The devil made me do it. So... You're blaming Obama for 'interfering' and causing the Arab spring (would love a bit more detail on that by the way) and now you're blaming him for not getting involved and leaving the door open for the Russians to interfere? Tell me, under what circumstances can Obama win with you? Would he need to Bring about the second coming of Jesus? Come on now....you don't see the hand BHO and the US State Department played in the Arab Spring which quickly turned to Arab Winter? The Egyptians were so mad at the United States for interfering in their internal affairs and attaching political strings (installing the Muslim Brotherhood) to any aid, they told us to stick our foreign and military aid up our asses. BHO himself opened the door for the Russians. The only way the US wins is when BHO is gone. Bill Cosby could take his place today if he were to step down. Don't feel sad. I used to like Nixon. Do your part for global warming: ban beans and hold all popcorn farts.
  4. But acquitted. Only one had to resign in disgrace. Didn't Jimmy Carter give a presidential pardon to Bill Clinton, the draft dodger? I believe he was the first Federal Felon to be elected President of the United States. No. No, he didn't and no he wasn't. You have got to sort out this gullibility thing dude. Clinton received an induction notice once but did not go. I beleive he was in England at the time. Was going into the guard or reserves and then the lottery started. He had a high number and would not be drafted. He then told the guard/reserve to KMA. He was never an official draft dodger. Carter did pardon all official draft dodgers.Never an "official" draft dodger. Ok, but Clinton did everything he could to avoid the draft including getting political help from Arkansas Senator Fulbright and pretending to enroll in ROTC at the University of Arkansas.http://www.1stcavmedic.com/bill-clinton-draft.htm The chronological order of Clinton's determination to avoid the draft are listed here. No....it's not CBS or NBC. Do your part for global warming: ban beans and hold all popcorn farts.
  5. I see the opposite. I see a demand for race description when a crime is committed by some one who isn't white. It appears some of the news coming out of Canada is, thankfully, not exactly politically correct. http://news.nationalpost.com/2013/02/28/lai-tong-sang/ Is there anything to this? "‘A blight on society’: Asian gangs responsible for kidnappings, drug smuggling in Canada, immigration hearing told" Does this mean they side step YOU, or maybe they have a long way to go to be politically correct like us. Which is it? Do your part for global warming: ban beans and hold all popcorn farts.
  6. Now I know I have to get back to chin ups. Do your part for global warming: ban beans and hold all popcorn farts.
  7. But sometimes it takes too long: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/missouri-attorney-won-re-try-overturned-murder-conviction-editor-death-article-1.1514356 JerryBaumchen Ferguson is still a young man, but sitting there for 10 years, and knowing you are innocent? I hope he is able to live a normal life after that. Think of the ones that never get justice. I guess justice is metered out to the lucky and the ones who have the friends with the cash to keep the flame of freedom alive for them. Hopefully, new advances in science, like dna, will help free more. Do your part for global warming: ban beans and hold all popcorn farts.
  8. One of my friends had an offshore oil worker hop out of his helicopter on the way in. He slid one of the rear doors back (BO-105) and went. Selfish man stole a lifejacket. Do your part for global warming: ban beans and hold all popcorn farts.
  9. http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-204_162-57611574/price-of-riding-the-moscow-subway-30-squats/ 30 squats? Is that before or after, "It's five o'clock somewhere"? Do your part for global warming: ban beans and hold all popcorn farts.
  10. I see you live close to Chicago and you're an attorney. Hard to imagine you being upset with this. It's nothing more than exposing political correctness whether it involves whites or blacks who prey on the innocent. Like the man said, this is not just confined to Chicago. Stupid, Anti-White Bigotry manages to conceal the truth, and yes, it could be Stupid, Anti-Black Bigotry doing the same thing, but thugs should be exposed for what they are when it is on such a large scale of hurting the public. Do your part for global warming: ban beans and hold all popcorn farts.
  11. But acquitted. Only one had to resign in disgrace. Didn't Jimmy Carter give a presidential pardon to Bill Clinton, the draft dodger? I believe he was the first Federal Felon to be elected President of the United States. His home state of Arkansas disbarred him from practicing law. You have to admit the Rhodes Scholar has a bit of sleeze factor attached to his hide. Do your part for global warming: ban beans and hold all popcorn farts.
  12. Blimey Rick, I honestly didn't realise you had such a good sense of humour! Check this out:http://www.jihadwatch.org/2013/11/russia-negotiates-its-biggest-arms-deal-with-egypt-since-cold-war-after-obama-cuts-aid.html "Russia negotiates its biggest arms deal with Egypt since Cold War after Obama cuts aid." The devil made me do it. Do your part for global warming: ban beans and hold all popcorn farts.
  13. Oh I should have been clear. I mean president of a country that matters.It probably matters to the farmers who hung on for all those years. Wonder how many remain. Do your part for global warming: ban beans and hold all popcorn farts.
  14. Blimey Rick, I honestly didn't realise you had such a good sense of humour! Sorry for the emotional outburst, but I just realized we have worn out our welcome in that part of the world. Now, they don't even want our money or things that go bang. Do your part for global warming: ban beans and hold all popcorn farts.
  15. There is justice after all. Do your part for global warming: ban beans and hold all popcorn farts.
  16. He's not gone yet. Better hang on to your seat (and wallet). I would like to add Egypt, Libya, and Syria: stable countries with stable leadership until BHO interfered. Of course the liberals will argue BHO just wanted to give them American style democracy to include Kentucky Fried Chicken, Coors Lite (under sharia law)... Do your part for global warming: ban beans and hold all popcorn farts.
  17. " I do want to lessen the arsenal that some people have." Sorry for the miscommunication. I guess you don't approve of surplus little Davy Crockett tactical nuclear devices being in the hands of civilians. Am I getting warm? I can go with that. Do your part for global warming: ban beans and hold all popcorn farts.
  18. I couldn't get away with releasing grey water where I live now, but it's ok to have horse or cow poop making its way into the ecosystem. Do your part for global warming: ban beans and hold all popcorn farts.
  19. I would have spent the whole dive worrying about being the evening meal for some hungry predator. You are a brave young lady. Do your part for global warming: ban beans and hold all popcorn farts.
  20. Thanks. Do your part for global warming: ban beans and hold all popcorn farts.
  21. There is an "epidemic of black-mob violence". Expose it for what it is without political correctness. If this were an "epidemic of white-mob violence", expose it for what it is without political correctness. It's pretty simple. When a crime is racially motivated tell all. Do your part for global warming: ban beans and hold all popcorn farts.
  22. Hard to get a source when the major news outlets are afraid to tell the truth. http://unamusementpark.com/2011/06/one-week-in-chicago/ This one's simple, and all you have to do is click the "green" SOURCE. Do your part for global warming: ban beans and hold all popcorn farts.
  23. I hope that's not a metaphor. ...kidding... ...kidding... Back to your original post though. While I have no problem reading things into how news events are covered by the media, I'm curious as to what you feel the media are trying to do, why you disagree with that, and what you hope to accomplish with any suggested changes to the way crime/violence is reported. I have tags for wolf, bear, deer, and elk so I use white camo. I'm sticking to my original post. It's plain to see that the Chicago Tribune "ignores reporting black mob violence". Liberal bigots seem to get uncomfortable with the mere mention of bad black behavior.... Once again: "One of the problems with Chicago black mob violence is that the city’s largest media outlet, the Chicago Tribune, generally ignores reporting black mob violence or if they do, they leave out the word ‘black.’ As Colin Flaherty wrote for WND:" “As graphic as the Tribune’s coverage of the violence was, it was tame compared to the details in other Chicago area blogs: Crime in Chicago did not shy away from presenting a fuller picture of the violence.” “The Tribune does not usually identify suspects by race. Even if the crime is part of a pattern. Even if the race of the suspects will help identify them. Even if the paper reports every day on other race-related stories about black caucuses, black churches, black colleges, black TV, black radio and on and on.” “Everything except black-mob violence.” “Tribune editors and columnists spend more time explaining why they do not report on racial violence in Chicago then actually reporting it. And for readers who wonder why the Trib is so heavily invested in ignoring and denying the epidemic of black-mob violence in Chicago, the Trib’s Steve Chapman has an answer: You are a racist for even asking.” Do your part for global warming: ban beans and hold all popcorn farts.
  24. like grasping for straws. Is that like grasping for white hoods? Let me guess, you even have a black friend? As a matter of fact, I keep up with my old XO from Ft Hood and a friend in Houston who flew OH-6As in Vietnam. He got the Distinguished Service Cross for taking out a North Vietnamese tank. Of course it cost him the full use of his left arm, but he can still pull up on the collective control of a helicopter. Both these guys are retired Army and happen to be black. .....and of course I lost my platoon sergeant 1st tour up in I Corps. He was a black E-7, and the best. He died of a sucking chest wound in June of 1968. Not many days I don't think of him. White hoods? I wear white when I hunt in the snow. Do your part for global warming: ban beans and hold all popcorn farts.
  25. "One of the problems with Chicago black mob violence is that the city’s largest media outlet, the Chicago Tribune, generally ignores reporting black mob violence or if they do, they leave out the word ‘black.’ As Colin Flaherty wrote for WND:" “As graphic as the Tribune’s coverage of the violence was, it was tame compared to the details in other Chicago area blogs: Crime in Chicago did not shy away from presenting a fuller picture of the violence.” “The Tribune does not usually identify suspects by race. Even if the crime is part of a pattern. Even if the race of the suspects will help identify them. Even if the paper reports every day on other race-related stories about black caucuses, black churches, black colleges, black TV, black radio and on and on.” “Everything except black-mob violence.” “Tribune editors and columnists spend more time explaining why they do not report on racial violence in Chicago then actually reporting it. And for readers who wonder why the Trib is so heavily invested in ignoring and denying the epidemic of black-mob violence in Chicago, the Trib’s Steve Chapman has an answer: You are a racist for even asking.” How come you and the other classroom "teacher" squawk when anyone mentions the criminal behavior of someone with color? Did you ever get out of the classroom besides going for a pee? Do your part for global warming: ban beans and hold all popcorn farts.