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Everything posted by katzurki

  1. How did it happen? I'd think it would take quite a force to peel off the cordura cap/
  2. I see... Helx and I, we are about to get ahold of a cheap, small canopy that we'd like to fly but not land (personally I want to feel what flying a canopy at 2.1 feels like without having to hone my skills for 1000+ jumps to land it). And I feel like copying that guy, too.
  3. Trae, Why do all the setups mentioned here seem to imply that after an intentional cutaway you have to use the actual reserve? That means unnecessary wear, risk of freebag loss, repack costs. I would think that a far more economical setup would be to cutaway your intentional canopy and deploy your usual canopy; in case of a malfunction, cutaway and go to your last canopy out of the three (aka reserve).
  4. Nah, don't worry about it. Or I can send you a spare Neptune armor I have if you PM me your address. Ruggedized does not imply the regular Neptune is fragile -- heck I've serviced a Neptune that went through a 2-hour washing machine cycle and it worked fine except that the alarms sounded wobbly -- and it's currently only available for the military. I want one for the looks, not the sturdiness. It's just plain cool! D'awr!
  5. Dave, I've dutifully skimmed all the way back to December. I don't think I saw the thread you mentioned.
  6. I used to load a Hornet 170 at close to 1.4 since, um, jump #32 because I didn't know any better. At present jump number I got a Vision 168, and simultaneously shed a fair lot of weight, so I will be loading it at exactly 1.2. Have not jumped it yet. With these conditions in mind, what will change in the way the canopy handles? Obviously the greatest change will be the significantly longer recovery arc. What about wind penetration? Glide? The way it flares? What in your opinion is more dangerous, a Hornet 170 @ 1.4 or a Vision 168 @ 1.2?
  7. If you've read Glen Cook, it'll click: Soldiers live. And wonder why.
  8. I am in no hurry whatsoever!
  9. Other than USAPR, are there any other complete senior rigger training courses in the US that operate either in January, or the summer (which USAPR does not)?
  10. katzurki

    Of felines.

    Word! Slobbering slave to independent purrer.
  11. As cool as Alti-2 is, they did the recalibration free for me. Even paid shipping back. Overseas.
  12. Your bigger problem is recalibrating the altimeter, simply because 4000m does not equal 12000 ft. The unit will have to be sent to Alti-2. On the plus side, you can get a glow face, or a custom faceplate... :)
  13. Our dedicated BASE photographer Xomato, whose behavior on some sketchy exits downright scares me as he aims for the Best Shot caring little about the bloodthirsty abyss around him (he doesn't have a parachute; his one hand is occupied by a camera and the other fiddles with the lens; how the hell can he move so nonchalantly around old rusty none-too-reliable-looking shit? they sure perceive the world differently in their viewfinders, do the photographers) has produced some excellent pictures again. I'll post some with his permission.
  14. Yeah, but soon I'll heal up...
  15. A lot of words in our lexicon contain the -icon particle: emoticon, catholicon, iconoclast, and many others. How ever will DZ.commers go on freely discussing the wonders of biconvex and biconcave lenses? How, I ask you, shall anyone ever refer to a biconditional from now on? What about multiconductors? Brace yourselves, for even such an iconically sacred concept as silicon boobies also gets horribly twisted. This blows my mind into a state of semiconsciousness. This unintentionally anticonsumer policy must be brought to an end, for it hurts Aerodyne and their Icon. Shall we all rise iconoclastically and suggest that perhaps a semiconservative advertising approach is in order?
  16. Yes, but mine links to PD site :)
  17. Icon. Icon, Icon, Icon. Aerodyne, Aerodyne, Icon, Pilot, Aerodyne. Pilot, Pilot, Icon, Aerodyne, Aerodyne, Aerodyne, Pilot, Pilot. See? Nothing. I think you ARE a turncoat, twardo...sorry
  18. That's coz you can bribe your way out there. :P
  19. Tough luck, Element is no longer in production. So long as TSO is not a problem, you may want to consider Spirit by Paraavis, Quest by Atmosphere Gear, and Status by ParaZone, all three priced sub-$1000. My preference would be the Quest.
  20. Give me enough sushi, and I'll happily eat a football size chunk :)
  21. Cool! I was once invited to make a real quick spur-of-the-moment antenna jump. No time to go home and change clothes, and I was dressed very formally in a suit and a tie. That was a classy jump