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Everything posted by DaVinci

  1. "The evidence will also show that I was on the wrong side. I then switched sides." "We mujahedeen are trying to establish the perfect religion." That makes is sound like he switched sides.... Ya know, since he said it and all While also taking benefits away from those he attacked and killed.
  2. Or the personal attacks from people who are unable to contribute with civility. Tell ya what, why don't you answer the questions that have been asked to you about firearms. For example: http://www.dropzone.com/cgi-bin/forum/gforum.cgi?post=4293787#4293787 You have a LONG history of not answering a question that someone asks you. So finding humor in you demanding an answer is off the chart ironic. No answers from here either: http://www.dropzone.com/cgi-bin/forum/gforum.cgi?post=2705694#2705694 So you asking others to answer your questions when you don't answer others questions to you.... Off the irony chart.
  3. That's because you don't have a background check run on you to buy a car.... That's because you don't need to show you know how to operate one.... I could drive at 10 years old on the farm all day long. You don't need to show you are financially responsible in most States. And even then, the insurance actually exists. Guess what? To get a CHL/CWP you DO have to have a background check, and you DO have to take a test. That would be like driving a car on the street.
  4. You seemed to have missed a few parts in your bias: 1. "found on his property" - Trespass 2. "who had picked up a pair of rocks" - Rocks hurt when you get hit by them. 3. "He went to the guy's arm" - Sounds like an attack. So if they guy was not 1 trespassing, 2 an armed accomplice, 3 tried to grab him..... This might have never happened. Fact is that you do not know the whole story, but are already passing judgement.
  5. TM broke the law by punching then jumping on and slamming someones head into the ground. Once again, you claim the courts decide everything... They decided Zimmerman was not guilty.
  6. Nope still talking to you about your hypocritical stance on demanding answers. For example: http://www.dropzone.com/cgi-bin/forum/gforum.cgi?post=4293787#4293787 You have a LONG history of not answering a question that someone asks you. So finding humor in you demanding an answer is off the chart ironic. I didn't see an answer to any of THESE either: http://www.dropzone.com/cgi-bin/forum/gforum.cgi?post=2705694#2705694 So you ever going to answer them?
  7. Oh the irony.... I bet TK does not get what he just wrote.
  8. The Unions want out. The Congresspeople and staff want out. Anyone that didn't see this coming...... Deserves it.
  9. He was far from the best. He was the one that made it through the primaries. That just means that he appealed to more people overall, than was "the best". Plus the GOP didn't pick him, voters did. Honestly, the process has been picking some real idiots.... And when the GOP let the Dems make Romney's ability to run large organizations as a bad thing... The GOP proved to be idiots. That being said, for a Country that is in financial hardship.... A guy that has actually turned around large organizations should have been a plus and the ONLY reason I voted for him. Romney was a looser on every other issue.
  10. Did you watch the video.... You know where he says it?
  11. I have several firearms.... Most are 'securely locked in a safe'. What that does not tell you is that I have my carry weapon normally on a table near me or on my nightstand at night... So does my wife. When I am not at home, I have the gun with me.... So does my wife. So my guns are 'securely locked in a safe'. Or that while I have a safe, some of those weapons in the safe are loaded and I can enter the combination faster that most people can break in. Or a person can buy a quick action safe and still have guns 'securely locked in a safe' and that are easy to get.... It should take less than 3 seconds to open this safe. http://www.thefirestore.com/store/product.aspx/productId/11182/GunVault-1000-Series-Mini-Vault-Digital-Safe/?gclid=CImenJ6p7LgCFbDm7AoddVAAMw
  12. Because the Constitution was written to protect citizens from the Federal *Government*. Most of the Bill of Rights has been incorporated to the States, meaning the State *Governments* can't pass laws against them. The Bill of Rights are restrictions on the *Government*, not on private people or organizations. So legally, an HOA or apartment complex could outlaw firearms... the 2nd would have nothing to do with it. The Federal Govt could not, the State govt could not, even a City govt could not.... But I could flat out ban you from having a firearm in my home, or on my property. That being said... The rule is stupid and short sighted. Criminals are going to own guns anyway and they are only preventing this man from owning them.... And only because he opened his mouth. I lived in a Condo and one day coming back from the range on the elevator a guy saw my rifle bag and got upset that I was allowed to own a firearm in the building. He tried to pass some rule saying no firearms allowed. They laughed at him.
  13. Please show me how to get my money back that I have been forced to invest, and I will gladly opt out of those programs.
  14. Huh, you always claim the the court decides things.... Well the court decided he was not a vigilante. End of story. He is innocent, and you are wrong to keep acting like he was guilty.
  15. And if you think a drug should remove a citizens right to own a firearm.... Wild you also use that same reason to remove their right to drive or skydive? Or pilot an airliner? Care to answer the question I asked?
  16. Did you not click the link I provided with him SAYING it? You can get your info from snopes, I got mine right from Gores mouth.
  17. Oh the irony of you demanding an answer from someone.....
  18. 50 seconds into the interview http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BnFJ8cHAlco Facts hurt. You may not like it.... But he did say it. You will now claim that inventing and creating are not the same thing.... Semantics. He claimed he created the Internet.
  19. And if someone made a film showing the assassination of Obama.... You think for one second that liberals would not use that to justify Bills position that Conservatives want to see Obama dead?
  20. Better ban matches: 'Fire rescue crews were first called to the scene, where Vargas had lit his apartment on fire'
  21. And if you think a drug should remove a citizens right to own a firearm.... Wild you also use that same reason to remove their right to drive or skydive?
  22. You are not cute when you practice your nasty PM's out of the blue. So is your hobby to lash out at random times at people with nasty PM's? At any point, I am done with you and blocked your tirades. Congratulations, you are the first person I have ever blocked on any website! I just see no point in dealing with someone so filled with hate that they have to try to bash people. I tried to send you the 'please stop, you are looking silly' via PM... But this had to do since you only like to SEND PM's and not receive them.
  23. Most people are more honorable than sending nasty PM's to people and then blocking them...... FYI
  24. English 101 stuff: "No wonder you are conservatives." It shows you are talking about the PEOPLE, not a topic. And you are using conservative in a negative light. Very simply it is a personal attack, and I can't help but wonder why you seem to be allowed to use them over and over with nothing ever done? (I know the answer). Here is another example of you talking to another poster: "So your reading comprehension sucks" That is clearly a personal attack.... Yet you get away with it again. Since the mods do not jump on you, you are given free rein and use it anytime a person shows you where you are wrong. Again, the insults are basic english 101 stuff.
  25. I thought personal attacks were not allowed?