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Everything posted by DaVinci

  1. Oh the irony after you wrote this: "You know why? Because other civilized nations have all sat down and decided allowing people like RUSHMC, Regulator, Turtlespeed, and Gravitymaster to own a means to kill lots of people is not the wisest choice of action" So I ask you... You sure feel the need to attack the person opining much more than the opinion itself. Is that because you were raised improperly?
  2. Recent reports show that guns are used as much or MORE to save lives than take them.
  3. Which allows it to continue and makes it bigger.... Wow, you will make excuses for anything Obama does and try to always blame it on Bush. Bush did something stupid, Obama made it worse. Yet you make excuses for Obama.... WOW
  4. And your fear of an object is not enough to remove my right to own one. Point and match. See the govt is ignoring the 4th. You want the govt to also ignore the 2nd.... What is next? Clearly you have never been to Yemen.
  5. I don't think anyone has said that.... Most of us what you to have the RIGHT to have them if you WANT. However, the flip side does want to remove the right of people to have them.
  6. Clearly showing the double standard.... Make fun of Bush = No issue Make fun of Obama using the same basic tactics = All hell to pay. Just like: Use a legally owned gun to defend yourself = You are a racist Three black kids jump and beat a white kid on a bus = Nothing to see here, move along.
  7. Yes, the Patriot act was signed by Bush. Recoding the meta data from private citizens was under Obama. So recording the private data from private citizens is Obama's fault. Was done before 2006. Warrantless wiretaps precede Obama too. I'd like to hear how you are going to blame Bush for this: "The reforms President Obama announced today to a key section of the PATRIOT Act will still allow the government to collect telephone metadata on millions of Americans." http://www.salon.com/2013/08/09/obama_nsa_reforms_still_allow_metadata_collection/
  8. You are a quick learner! Ah. More playing the ball, not the player. Regrettably, you do not seem to support that concept considering you want honest citizens to jump through hoops to be able to exercise only one Constitutional right.
  9. Ah, you seem to have just supported racism. And then you post a pic of the NRA supporting disarming blacks.
  10. You and the prosecution were both unable to prove he started a fight. But since that trial is over, the point still remains that this painting does not in any way/shape/form represent anything close to reality. You mean the neighborhood watch guy that was following the Presidents security teams advice about 'see something, say something'? And then there are those loony liberals that don't understand that SYG was not used in the Zimmerman case.
  11. And yet, no civilization on Earth has obtained that even with strict gun control laws. Me? I'd see a govt much like the one in the book 1984. Where the rich control everything without even the hint that things are fair and everyone has a chance. The average 'citizen' would be a serf to the politically powerful and they would be hiding behind armed security.... Kind of like how I envision the movie 'Elysium' is like.
  12. And yet the DOJ said that *less than 3%* of crimes are committed with semi auto rifles. While handguns actually are used a lot more.
  13. These women disagree: http://www.thewellarmedwoman.com/Womens-Stories-Of-Self-Defense-With-A-Gun The govt seems to disagree: http://www.nap.edu/catalog.php?record_id=18319 “Defensive use of guns by crime victims is a common occurrence [...]. Almost all national survey estimates indicate that defensive gun uses by victims are at least as common as offensive uses by criminals, with estimates of annual uses ranging from about 500,000 to more than 3 million per year, in the context of about 300,000 violent crimes involving firearms in 2008.” "A different issue is whether defensive use of guns, however numerous or rare they may be, are effective in preventing injury to the gun wielding crime victim. Studies that directly assessed the effect of actual defensive uses of guns (i.e., incidents in which a gun was “used” by the crime victim in the sense of attacking or threatening an offender) have found consistently lower injury rates among gun-using crime victims compared with victims who used other self protective strategies." So simply put, the data shows you are wrong.
  14. Yes, the Patriot act was signed by Bush. Recoding the meta data from private citizens was under Obama. So recording the private data from private citizens is Obama's fault.
  15. Whatever floats your boat. Personally I'm OK with non felons and non loonies possessing whatever they want. Including guns and potassium nitrate. I leave such definitions to the appropriately qualified medical professionals, just like I leave defining "felons" to appropriately constituted law courts. Great, just as I am fine with citizens not being considered criminals till they are proven to be criminals. Which means they are not treated like criminals or insane till they are PROVEN to be criminals or insane. By the same justice system and medical system you think is the only people qualified to make that judgment. So basically, you are innocent till PROVEN guilty.
  16. Good grief...... Why are there no paintings of Zimmerman's bloodied face?
  17. It was a dumb process. The 4th should of crushed it flat. Bloomberg should be impeached for supporting it. I regret that it even needed to be supported by claiming racism.... It should have been tossed out purely on 4th amendment grounds.
  18. Who needs the right to free speech? Who needs the right to be free from illegal search? Who needs the right to be tried by a jury? Who needs the right to be protected from cruel and unusual punishment? Who needs the right to a speedy trial? Answer these and you have your answer.
  19. Sorry, the way it was quoted looked strange. How often do I have to qualify for a CHL? That depends on the State. The State I currently live in I have to qualify every 5 years for a CHL and every 7 years for my DL. One State I lived in it was 7 for both. One State I lived in didn't allow CHL at all..... So it varies by State. But to really compare them is foolish..... Mainly because people don't want to compare the same parts. To drive on the street would be equal to being able to carry a gun in public. But to just OWN one would be like being a car collector where no registration or insurance is required.
  20. I don't know why anyone objects to studying it to see if it could be useful in treatments. Makes zero sense.
  21. "he tossed what police believe may be some type of explosive device into the home" We should make those illegal..... Maybe anything that could be used to make explosives should be illegal as well. Like sugar, ammonium perchlorate, aluminum powder, and potassium nitrate. Or at the VERY least, require an extensive background check for anything that could be used to make an explosive.
  22. Well, they didn't actually "reverse themselves." The policy was put in place by a private management company. When the actual owners (the county) found out that the managers were putting this policy in place without consulting with the owners, the county told the management company "You can't do that." Given that it is public housing, county owned and (partially) federally funded, it stops being a "private property" issue. The Constitution and the rights it ensures most definitely apply here. They wouldn't if it was privately owned. Ah, public housing - That changes things.
  23. I don't know why you replied to me.... Can you clarify? It seems like we are arguing the same side here.
  24. It is going to be a great day when people support the 2nd like they do the 1st, 4th...etc. I tend to support ALL the rights in the BoR's.... For that, some call me an extremist.