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Everything posted by dorbie

  1. dorbie

    Fuck Best Buy!

    How does this affect you? Dispute it over the phone and you'll be sorted before you get your new cards in the mail, and Best Buy will probably end up getting fucked exactly as you say. Now, I'm off to enjoy my new PS3 in HD
  2. I keep telling people not to make the move yet. Microsoft has really screwed the pooch with Vista. It's pretty sad, maybe they'll fix the mess at some point but it could be a while. Remember "Windows me (Millenium Edition)"? Nobody else does either, they followed that up with Windows XP which was pretty darned good, hopefully they'll follow Vista up with an overhaul that gets back to a functional OS.... hopefully. XP was based on 2000 not "me" so they basically completely canned "me" as a bad idea. My favorite Apple ad so far: All about charging you more for less shit...... with more bugs.
  3. And you wonder why Serbia wanted them out of their country. This little pizza plan is nothing compared to the ethnic cleansing by their brothers in arms that we've supported in Kosovo.
  4. A few incidents involving Atta could be interpreted as him being a bit of a boob himself, at one point launching into a rant & making thinly veiled threats in a government office. It didn't stop him killing 3k people. These guys were undone from the moment they handed a video in to get it burnt to a DVD, probably thinking it was automated, it could very well have gone differently. It doesn't seem like the dumbest blunder someone could have made.
  5. "I put on my robe and wizard hat" I'm probably one of the two people who'll get that joke hahahahahah
  6. I think you are probably right. That plane is level so I'd say it's cruising. What do they cruise at...35k feet maybe? Even if the plane was at the right altitude for that to work would skydivers be anywhere near that area? I'm thinking the same cruising alti for a commercial jet which we don't jump at..furthermore, where is the camera man? obviously not the head down jumper who's leg was caught in the pic..or he'd be bent in half....NOT! I doubt you could tell the diff between a snapshot of a jet cruising and one not, even on final they're pretty level and it's the airspeed/trim more than anything that determines angle, and that can be the opposite of what you expect. There's not even a pronounced horizon in the shot, and what there is suggests the camera isn't level as you'd expect. It could be real IMHO.
  7. Now we've gone from cage brawling to boxing to sprinting, look, take the cage / ring away and the fastest runner wins. Can we cover them in gravy and throw in a bear or something too?
  8. It is irrelevant, it's 2 years out of date and useless for anything but a VERY loose correlation. If 1981 is anything to go by we may have been getting utterly reamed by refinery markup for 20 years but this period may show the amortization of expenses as prices go up and margins can be increased (not as a percentage). something that didn't kick in nearly as effectively in the 2004-2005 period. The refinery markup is through the roof right now and that is not shown on the charts.
  9. Those ultimate fighters would get spanked in a boxing ring. They're different 'sports' with different rules and techniques. It's unfair to say this is cowardice, both show physical courage but either would be an idiot to take a champion on in a different sport. If you think this self-promoting bullshit exposes cowardice you should probably lay off the red meat for a week or two.
  10. This proves God exists, everyone knows tornados don't have a sense of humor.
  12. You're still out of touch, I think you filter all information when it challenges your predisposition even when it is in the link. Canada has just been added to the State Department's dirty dozen shit list of pirate countries thanks to the MPAA. As you know Valenti headed the MPAA at one point. Ironic that you link to the lies that the article devastates to suppost a self sustaining myth. Here's another outrageous abuse of the DMCA:
  13. You're still out of touch, I think you filter all information when it challenges your predisposition even when it is in the link. Canada has just been added to the State Department's dirty dozen shit list of pirate countries thanks to the MPAA. As you know Valenti headed the MPAA at one point. Here's another outrageous abuse of the DMCA:]
  15. If a cop has a gun then every struggle with a suspect involves a firearm. That may also mean having to change tactics regarding hands on policing and apprehensions which the UK police are well trained in. On top of this the character of policing in many situations might change. In the long term you may also attract a different type of police officer and that has far reaching ramifications for British society. It may surprise you John, but most UK police don't want firearms. In the UK we have a high standard for those who carry firearms, all Police in the UK are screened for temperament before being recruited, when you get into the realms of carrying firearms the screening and training gets intense. Everyone likes it that way and I'm not convinced giving every police officer a gun would do anything to reduce police deaths, never mind civilian citizen deaths (those lives count too).
  16. I noticed a link in that video to a full auto shotgun: In which states are these legal in the USA?
  17. I disagree, I think you were merely swayed by the cat's impressive skill but it didn't even flush. Since you appreciate talented animals, broaden your mind with this fine piece of art:
  18. Reminds me of ATHF, or at least Charlie reminds me of Carl in the show. I did fast forward a bit though, a bit too slow for me, it coulda been 1/3 the length. Good stuff.
  20. It's called an anecdote, it has no value w.r.t. drawing general conclusions and Bill knows it, so don't bite.
  22. For the rare occasions they are needed. If you think a gun ban would mean they would no longer be required then you are simply wrong. Ah, you answered before I edited for clarity... to wit: Y'all say that gun crime is lower...why the armed teams now (or *increase in the number of armed teams, perhaps*), when the bobbies were sufficient before? Or am I entirely off base? I think there have been some high profile incidents, that raised public & political awareness but it's not a clear transition AFAIK. I remember controversial police shooting incidents a couple of decades ago and armed robbery is not a new phenomenon, there's a hackneyed tradition of the old sawn-off shotgun down the local post office in Britain. It is considered a very serious crime. SOME police have had guns for a long time, even if they were lock & key down the station (and I don't know they were), but weapons, tactics, training, organization and professionalism have morphed like every place else. But really I have no clear knowledge of the history, best ask someone with closer ties.