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Everything posted by dorbie

  1. Start with the Open Water Diver course, it's actually pretty easy if you find the study material interesting. You can buy a package of study material that includes training & equipment excluding a few basic items like fins mask & snorkel. You may find better deals, have fun.
  2. So the reserve PC not launching when the AAD fires isn't defective? Didn't incorrect packing play a role according to the bulletin?
  3. The same genius who set a BIOS password and forgot it? Yea listen to him. What is he worried about? That he'll lose time of day settings or his disk configs? There is often a reset switch on the motherboard so you don't have to disconnect the battery to do this. Usually it's a jumper you close somewhere. You will not be able to flash it without the password, disconnecting the battery will not erase the bios which is stored in eeprom so if that's his concern he needn't worry, it may reset the settings to default (like clock & other options) but it won't damage the BIOS. You may have to tweak them before the system will boot though. Worst case the BIOS is deliberately held on a removable chip that can be replaced (it won't come to that).
  4. No, no, can't you follow simple illogic? It means there's no theory on bombs, there's only a hypothesis on bombs and even that's pretty flimsy. Good post btw. There is a scientific principal that's not been touched on before or at least it has been misunderstood w.r.t. prediction. The ability to test a theory does not exclusively hinge on how it predicts the future but how it predicts the outcome of future observations and experiments. For example the theory of evolution predicted that when we were able to sequence genes that there would be evidence of genetic inheritance and lineage across species, moreover that this could indicate in part a progression w.r.t. the family tree of evolved species. This does in fact correlate with findings. The theory predicted that we would find repressed genes in existing species and we do, chickens have the genes to grow teeth for example and these can be activated. There are many predictions we can make about the outcome of observations that test evolutionary theory and the observations confirm these predictions and therefore support the theory.
  5. This actually happened with Ed, but it was a dead secretary, not a whore.
  6. You sound like you're in Britain. Return it, if they don't take the return threaten trading standards. In future use your CC fior purchases.
  7. [reply -Before you bitch about Sabres to someone make sure the person you're bitching to isn't John LeBlanc. LOL
  8. That was a pretty generous poll considering you left off the Chappaquiddick option..... oh, call the lifeguard..... yep that's my pick.
  9. Yes, so how can we trust a god who would try and fool us about what really happened, by planting false evidence? Why would he want to distract us from his own creationism, if that's what he did? Begging the question again. I didn't say he did it in 7 days and your statement assumes he did, you should address that question to someone who thinks he did.
  10. To an extent, but AFAIK it is, it's taught the same way as newtonian physics are in highschool. We don't teach hard science and give kids a bunch of caveats, the caveats w.r.t. scientific theory are a given. It's the context of all theories and discussion. Your concern seems to be that the fact this is a theory diminishes it scientifically in some way w.r.t. other knowledge, it doesn't.
  11. Fair enough, however, begging the question is making a clear implicit accusation. My question to you is a variation on the classic example. "Why did you stop beating your wife?" is a question, not an accusation but it is similar to your question in many respects. While begging the question it also frames it in such a way that a simplistic denial as an indictment, "I've never stopped beating my wife!", "Aha so you admit you beat your wife.". Many people not only have a flexible belief in God, they have a complex and ambiguous one.
  12. It's a theory with masses of supporting evidence. It is in fact the only reasonable working theory when viewed objectively so for now it's as close to fact as we can get scientifically. It's a theory the way Newton's law gravitation is a theory, it explains at some level what we've observed about how things work. Moreover we actually understand the mechanisms of evolution in far more detail than Newton ever understood gravity for example. You don't disprove the theory of universal gravitation by quoting the bible, you improve it by coming up with a model that better fits the evidence, like Einstein's theory of general relativity. If God created the Earth in 7 days then he put a lot of effort into creating evidence of evolution in the rocks an creatures he made (just as examples).
  13. Just because you continually post accusations that beg the question doesn't mean I'm avoiding answers when I point this out, in pointing it out I'm getting to the heart of the issue. Never mind the sheer incongruity of railing against God and seeking solace in Speaker's Corner.
  14. Infinitely, if a non existent being can be assumed to have an IQ of 0. Yes. Great, isn't it
  15. Please clarify, are you arguing that we should all go live in tepees and hunt buffalo with a bow and arrow?
  16. Fox's marketing slogan has nothing to do with this.
  17. Are you sure you want to compare god's actions to those of a wife-beater? Surely you understand my point without explanation.
  18. Thank you for that brilliant explanation of god's role in this tragedy. Puny mortal. I'll explain God's role in this tragedy when you explain why you stopped beating your wife.
  19. Instead of bashing why don't you ask how many lives have been saved by U.S. aid, whether it be food, training & education, medicine and other resources? You will find that the real record and its ongoing legacy is incredibly positive. Does anyone measure you by ALL the stuff you don't do, or the extra stuff you could have done? There's a virtually infinite number of things you could do, you only do a few things, most of which involve getting on with your life.
  20. CBS deserves bashing for this and I don't care who does it. The only major organization outside Fox that even came close to honesty (at least in one or two broadcasts) on the issue was ABC. Looking at the memo evidence and Rather's careful responses where he chose to ignore key evidence that was already in the public domain it was clear at the time he was whitewashing the stonewall. The report confirms this but it's even worse in parts, for example clear evidence of trying to manipulate the reluctant document examiners into giving the team what they wanted and misrepresenting their views repeatedly. Even now Dan has the audacity to carefully assert the story is true and Mapes ludicrously says the memos are authentic. CBS deserves bashing for this, not even principally for the story but for their complete lack of real analysis and selection of facts in the aftermath. They sought to deceive in a true case of CYA, calling a Democratic party operative sending faxes an "unimpeachable source" while shielding his identity! It's hardly worth watching any of the coverage on this now, this was all clear the first time around this merry-go-round when Dan pretended to address the detractors and in fact deliberately misrepresented the case against the memos so he could shoot down his pajamahideen. There's nothing like sitting watching a newsman defend himself to his audience when you've got the actual facts at your disposal and can see the transparent deception.
  21. Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to get you.
  22. P.S. if you believe there is a purpose to life, then ask yourself why are we here? Just to have fun and jump out of planes etc? Considering the absolute certainty that we all die and that on any given day a great number of us die in a never ending process, railing a gainst an omnipotent being for a lot of people dying at once is vaguely ridiculous.
  23. Well, if god is all-powerful as he is claimed to be, then he should step-in and prevent these major tragedies, as well as all the little ones that take loved ones away from their families. And if he's not all-powerful, and doesn't really have any control over anything, then what is the point in worshiping him? If he's intentionally taking all these lives, then he's a mean sum-beech - there should be enough souls in heaven already to take care of whatever business he has for them. He shouldn't yank souls away from their earthly families, where people need them. And why should anyone worship a man who causes, or does nothing to prevent, so much mayhem, despair and grief? Ah, wiser than God now are we?