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Everything posted by gowlerk

  1. Hurricane season is on pause for a few days to honour the passing of Jimmy Buffet.
  2. Even in states where abortion is outlawed it is not prosecuted as murder. Yet.
  3. Brought to you by AB InBev makers of Bud Lite.
  4. C'mon Jakee. You know full well that if you are a soldier and sanctioned by your government then killing the enemy is not murder. It is "justified killing". I guess however you have to justify it to sit right with your conscience.
  5. There you go with more of the right wing lies promoted by some parts of Christianity. Abortion is a different thread.
  6. Sez the guy who just spouted off about baby killers. Dehumanizing people is sometimes called "basic training".
  7. I really love this about theology. Complicated explanations about simple things. Theologians and lawyers, kill them all. Kill them tonight. Unless it's my lawyer and she gets me off on a technicality.
  8. He also prevented both the second coming and the rapture from occurring. Not to mention being responsible for the complete absence of the Moon crashing into the Earth. Too much winning.
  9. Senate minority leader, with a fair chance of becoming majority leader after the next election is a prize many in these private lunches are eying. The knives will come out soon.
  10. I speak for my understanding of atheism. As I said earlier belief is a very personal thing. No two people think exactly the same about it. One of my favourite expressions of it comes from a song written by Laura Nyro at the ripe and wise old age of seventeen. "I can swear there ain't no heaven. But I pray there ain't no hell."
  11. You could look at it that way if it makes you feel better. I'm not sure why you would be surprised that an atheist doesn't think he possess all knowledge. I don't believe in a creator of any kind. Theists do and when asked about the creation of the creator simply reply that the creator always existed. Which I see as simply an effort to remove one layer of the mystery of existence. Atheists are people who don't feel the need to fool themselves that they understand. Theists are the ones who think they possess knowledge of the unknowable. In the end we know nothing.
  12. Of course not. And I don't think of you or most professed Christians as white nationalists either. But they are out there and must be guarded against. There is a lot of misunderstanding of that word. Even among people who would call themselves atheist. I am an atheist in that I believe none of the religious beliefs held by the various branches of humanity have any validity at all. They are all equally false. At the same time I feel that the very nature of my existence, and all of ours, is and shall remain an unfathomable mystery. I have learned to be fine with that because I must. You and many others have a different need. I respect that. I do not appreciate your need to change my mind and I feel no need to change yours.
  13. I will briefly summarize for you. It is an opinion piece in a Baptist oriented publication warning of the danger to America posed by a growing white nationalist movement that thinks the nation should be governed as a "Christian Nation". The infamous Lauren Bobbitt is quoted as one of its proponents.
  14. Just because you don't know them does not mean they are not out there. Have you not heard of white christian nationalism? Here is what the Baptist News thinks about it. Even they are worried. https://baptistnews.com/article/christian-nationalism-is-a-danger-to-our-nation/?gclid=Cj0KCQjw9MCnBhCYARIsAB1WQVV4BrUqIu3VYBsR_Otk5V_sG0Z5HBR-knamazomxu522kIxdcPUnmEaAgthEALw_wcB
  15. Well Jay.....I'm using sarcasm to point out that the Bible is a book of fables and that relying on its words as a reference in an argument is both pointless and a little feeble. As John said.
  16. The Bible is true. It says so right in the Bible.
  17. I was replying to the sarcasm as I see fit.
  18. On which of my words are you basing that statement? Note, words matter. I am not "allowing" you anything. I stated that I "support your right".
  19. Us in this case is specifically normiss, who I was replying to, and myself. But yes the majority here do not want to be preached to over and over. We already have heard the "good news" and are more than a little tired of it. I fully support you right to keep on keeping on. Expect condescending comments to continue since you insist on continuing the nonsensical blather. We would do the same for anyone trying to teach us the wonders of any other religion. No one is picking on you because you are Christian. It is because you spread untruths and swear they are true.
  20. I rarely watch movies or TV. I read a lot.
  21. The subject can bring up many emotions for people. Religious beliefs are very personal. Proselytizers like Jay seem to feel they are bringing enlightenment to us because they are so personally committed. I suppose they forget or don't realize that we have all heard these messages before, have given them very deep thought and have not come to our conclusions lightly. I doubt he can see just how insulting it is to be told that we are not worthy and therefore are going to be punished for eternity while he marches on to glory. It's okay for him to believe that, and in a forum like this it is not wrong for him to do it. Deep down I truly believe that behavior like this is more driven by the need to convince himself or his righteousness and worthiness. Even the saints have had to deal with their doubts one way or another. And there clearly is a world full of reasons to doubt.
  22. No. I thought the question was rhetorical. I have never been a member or been involved in a military service.
  23. I fully understand that some orders could be illegal as well as immoral. And that service members are under an obligation to know the difference. Let me re-phrase my statement to say that it is not the soldiers place to question if the "special military action" or whatever term the USA uses instead of a war declaration is justified or not.