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Everything posted by outlawhottie

  1. don't know how close I was, but on my last deployment we had a storm blowing in over us. lightning was within about 1 mile by the time someone decided to say "close the flightline." it was a beautiful storm. i was just waiting for lightning to strike one of us or one the planes.
  2. don't know all of y'all, but here's mine http://www.myspace.com/thumper9
  3. hey girl! you're not the only one who likes watching rosanne. most people can't see why i like it either. how ya been? email me sometime or i'll email you. hope everything is great!
  4. howdy! wish i could jump with you. i only have 2 tandems under my belt. thanks for the invite, but i don't know if i'll be able to make it. it'd be cool to atleast say hi and hang out. but thank you anyway. new dz.com "friends" are great
  5. i'll definitely come down then. thanks dave
  6. i'm there. i have 3 weeks of leave. what days do y'all jump? cause i don't think i'll be able to make it on a weekend.
  7. just wanted to say hi. don't kow if many of y'al remember me, but i just got home from over seas and wanted to say hi. so HI!!!!!!!!!!! ya'll have a good one.
  8. congrats dave. that's great. can't wit to get home and make down there to jump again. take care and tell everyone hi
  9. since I'm over here in the desert i guess it should be easy to lose, but my goal is 20 ibs. atleast get started here and finish at home.
  10. Glad to hear you're safe and having fun so far. I'm over here north of Afgahnistan. Pretty boring here. But that's good. Take care there
  11. Hey everybdy! I made safely to my dreaded destination. Just thought ya'll like to know it sucks so badly here. Oh well. Ya'll take care and I'll keep in touch.
  12. Just wanted to say howdy to everyone! I'm in Portugal right now getting ready to get back on the plane and head to the desert. hope ya'll are having a great day! Can't complain too much here. Blue skies Sherri
  13. But jumping out of them is even better.
  14. Procrastination and my low self-esteem
  15. I'll come home safe for sure. And Dave I plan on taking you up on that offer for sure when i get back. sorry i didn't get to make it down there before i leave.
  16. It's off to war again for me in a little over a week. I know that's still plenty of time, but I just wanted to tell everyone on dz.com thank you.
  17. 1.) sometimes I do. when i get that lonely feeling is when i don't like it much. 2.) definitely.
  18. Why do you have so many damn girl scout cookies? You can keep 'em though. I don't need them. Hope you enjoy them. Are they made of real girl scouts?
  19. i hope your lottery ticket is a winner. glad i could make someone smile today. I didn't get any lovin' this morning. i just woke up and said today was gonna be great, and it was. it turned out to be a great day. got to get may hands dirty changing a prop on one of my planes. tomorrow i get to tow 3 of them across base practically. because we have an air show at my base. the blue angels are gonna be there. air shows are great.
  20. Just wanted to tell everyone good morning!!!!! What a great day to be alive. Hope y'all all have a great day!
  21. It's definitely the ones without a star that are special. but we all know we're all special in some weird way.
  22. My self-esteem sucks. I bet it's lower than anyone else that posts on dz.com. not that many people on here know me anyway, but those few (1 or 2). know by now that mine sucks. oh well
  23. Sorry you lost your job. You can have mine if you want it. but that means you'd have to go over seas every so often. I have some good news. I'll finally get to start school in the spring. And I'm moving home.