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Everything posted by Jeth

  1. Ok, but wouldn't the captain announce and plan for an emergency landing if he did run out of gas? And, there have been planes that crashed before, so even if it can glide on its wings, it doesn't always happen that way. My Dad's plane crashed when he was flying because the wings iced up and then the engine stalled. He was trying to glide it in and land on a freeway, but instead he couldn't clear the mountain, clipped a bunch of trees and sheared the wings off. That was a very bad landing. I definitely would've rather jumped out of that than been in there with him. "At 13,000 feet nothing else matters." PFRX!!!!! Team Funnel #174, Sunshine kisspass #109 My Jump Site
  2. Ok, found it. A living will is a type of advanced directive. But apparently it only applies if you are terminally ill. There are other advanced directives like Power of Attorney and DNR. I did both a living will and a Power of Attorney. When I did it, the living will seemed to cover any scenario when I am incapacited and not expected to recover enough to speak for myself. (Not neccessarily just a terminal illness.) "At 13,000 feet nothing else matters." PFRX!!!!! Team Funnel #174, Sunshine kisspass #109 My Jump Site
  3. You can spell it all out in your living will. I used Quicken Family Lawyer software to do mine. It is really easy to use, you just answer questions. And you can state exactly what your instructions are. Mine is very specific. I had heard about an advanced directive, too. Anyone know whats the difference? I think I'll look it up. "At 13,000 feet nothing else matters." PFRX!!!!! Team Funnel #174, Sunshine kisspass #109 My Jump Site
  4. Ok, you guys just spoiled the fantasy I had goin on there. But I do see your point about the pressure. But a plane could just fall out of the sky if it ran out of gas. But I think I'll just sit back and hope that I don't have to test the pressure theory. "At 13,000 feet nothing else matters." PFRX!!!!! Team Funnel #174, Sunshine kisspass #109 My Jump Site
  5. I have one. "At 13,000 feet nothing else matters." PFRX!!!!! Team Funnel #174, Sunshine kisspass #109 My Jump Site
  6. skymama, So sorry to hear about your injury! I took up snowboarding my junior year in high school. It was me and 3 friends. ALL 3 of those friends ending up breaking their arms or wrists from falling!! I managed to avoid that, but I tore my MCL instead. Snowboarding definitely seems hazardous! (It is fun, though. ) Glad you made it back okay. Heal quick!!
  7. I think if i was going down in an airliner, I would rather take my chances with my rig than sit there. (But I would look at it before I put it on. Ok, maybe not... if we're going down and I have like 1 second to get out the door, I probably wouldn't. Just have to take my chances, I guess.) "At 13,000 feet nothing else matters." PFRX!!!!! Team Funnel #174, Sunshine kisspass #109 My Jump Site
  8. Ok, why can't I get out the door? Is it cuz I'd be sucked into the jet? What about the emergency exit over the wing?? "At 13,000 feet nothing else matters." PFRX!!!!! Team Funnel #174, Sunshine kisspass #109 My Jump Site
  9. Ok, so lets say you're in a commercial airliner. Its going down. The captain has told everyone to assume crash positions. You have your rig with you in the cabin. The plane is at about 15,000 ft. Do you grab your gear and head for the door? Yes, yes, I know that they probably wouldn't open the door for you. But lets just say they might. I mean, the plane is about to crash, I'd be like "get the hell outta my way!!" Would you try to argue with the flight attendants or pilot to let you out?? Of course, the other passengers might not appreciate the loss of cabin pressure, but thats their problem. "At 13,000 feet nothing else matters." PFRX!!!!! Team Funnel #174, Sunshine kisspass #109 My Jump Site
  10. Well it wasn't just the weather. I hurt my knee pretty bad on my last jump, so that took me out a few months, then the winter set in. So thats why I gotta avoid injuries in the future! "At 13,000 feet nothing else matters." PFRX!!!!! Team Funnel #174, Sunshine kisspass #109 My Jump Site
  11. Today is 6 months since my last jump. I can't believe it. It sure feels like a long time ago. And to rub salt into the wound, the DZ actually opens for the season tomorrow... but the weather is crap!! So it will end up being more than 6 months by the time I actually jump. Bummer. I hope this will be the last time I have to go 6 months between jumps. *knocks on wood* This season = NO INJURIES and LOTSA JUMPS!!!
  12. I can't answer that cuz it matters a great deal WHEN I die. I got a lot of things I want to do in this life, so it'd really suck if I died tomorrow. But if I do die suddenly, I'd rather it be from skydiving than a car crash, struck by lightening, etc. Oh, but only if it was an accident, not something I could've prevented. That would really suck. "At 13,000 feet nothing else matters." PFRX!!!!! Team Funnel #174, Sunshine kisspass #109 My Jump Site
  13. Chelle, I am just wondering how it went for you this weekend. I hope you got back up there and had an awesome skydive in Michele's memory.
  14. Congrats! I'm sure it feel great!
  15. I'm sorry you had such a bad experience. But this is definitely NOT the norm! When I first went to the DZ, I was very pleasantly surrpised to discover that it was totally NOT an elitist attitude there! Everyone was so friendly and nice. Throughout my training, the instructors and other jumpers have been very supportive and helpful. I never felt put down or cut down as you describe. For most people in this sport it is truely a passion and they want to share the love with newbies. I really hope you talk to the manager or DZO, especially if the whole class was upset. I'm sure that is not the normal way their classes go. Talk to some other AFF students, I bet they are having the time of their life.
  16. Jeth

    Are you a faker?

    Oh ya... no problem knowing when I'm there, I think the whole neighborhood knows! Really, I don't know how some people can stay quiet. Makes me think theirs just aren't much good... I mean, how can U be in total ectasy and not let out some sort of groan or scream?? I don't get it. I have never faked. But I probably would under certain circumstances. Like if its just a one night stand, I don't need to educate this guy on how to do it right if we're just in for a quickie. But if it was my regular partner, theres no freakin way I'd fake it! If he gets off, so do I!!
  17. That does make harder to handle, it really shows us that it can happen to any of us. Yes, that's my whole point. We think that we would never make that mistake of not pulling. We think that we would do everything that we could humanly do to save our lives, pull every handle, fight to the finish before going in. I'm sure that Michele thought the very same thing when she was alive. I had this exact same thought process when I heard about this death. I am so sorry to those of you who knew her. At first I thought I knew her and it really freaked me. But even tho I didn't, it is still much harder to handle this fatality because of the no-pull (and also because she was a rookie). I, too, felt like "OMG, could that happen to me? Could I freeze up and not pull anything?" I hope that if I am in that situation, I fight with all my heart and soul, and it keeps me alive. But I guess I won't know if I can do that until it actually happens. Thats a scary thought. Again, my condolences to all. I hope you can find a way to get back in the air. I know it would be very hard for me. But as many have said, I'm sure thats what Michele would want. Michele, rest in peace and blue skies forever... "At 13,000 feet nothing else matters." PFRX!!!!! Team Funnel #174, Sunshine kisspass #109 My Jump Site
  18. Yep, level 4 is great, isn't it? I had a total blast on mine. Especially cuz it took 3 tries to get it right! But when I was finally out there flying stable by myself, man, I never wanted that moment to end. "At 13,000 feet nothing else matters." PFRX!!!!! Team Funnel #174, Sunshine kisspass #109 My Jump Site
  19. I was so sad to hear about this. My deepest condolences to those of you who knew her. It sounds like she was a wonderful person. Blue skies forever... "At 13,000 feet nothing else matters." PFRX!!!!! Team Funnel #174, Sunshine kisspass #109 My Jump Site
  20. ... "At 13,000 feet nothing else matters." PFRX!!!!! Team Funnel #174, Sunshine kisspass #109 My Jump Site
  21. Dude, don't worry so much about it. It seems like a lot now cuz in your first jump you just sit there. But you will find that you have enough time. Also, it doesn't have to be perfect. On my level 5 my turns were pretty lame and I still passed. With each level you are just building on what you did on the previous one. You have to completely screw the pooch to fail a level. (I failed lvl 4 cuz I couldn't get stable on the release and then I forgot to pull. ) And even if you fail, its not a total waste. Its just another skydive!
  22. LMAO! Ok, this just made me bust a gut, thanks.