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Everything posted by j3zz

  1. I have a vision,, but it is atmonauti related, could not be done in a normal track due to burbles Has anyone ever flown a 4 way with a font flier/Back flier and 2 side fliers all docked to form a kind of square? It would look like a 4 way star headdown but at the angle so would last a lot longer and would look way cool I am new to atmonauti but if anyone who jumps at Hinton \ Netheravon is up for trying this let me know. I can fly the angle on my front and hold a heading so would be able to navigate? Atmonauti Baby Jezz "Now I know why the birds fly" Hinton Skydivers
  2. Thanks for the Advice I know how to flat turn and can more or less hit a target. And talking of unexpected, one time when I was landing off years ago after some bad wind flying tactics I setup for what I thought looked like a nice open field, at about 150ft I realised it was a vineyard with those nice pointy sticks all over the place fortunately there was an out which I safely landed in, its sometimes difficult to pick that sort of thing out when you are above it. So expect the unexpected and don't over react when low. I am working on canopy skills but there is only limited training in the UK, but I have learnt a lot of useful skills from various posts on dz.com Jezz "Now I know why the birds fly" Hinton Skydivers
  3. Agreed you can get hurt at any point, however if I was to get hurt now it would be more likely bad judgement rather than jumping a canopy I cannot handle. Don't get me wrong I am not where near to getting everything out of the canopy I have rather I feel I am inside a window where I can handle it safely when using good judgment, before I felt I was a bit unsafe even with my best judgment. That is to say if offered a free canopy today I would go with a 150 Spectre, where as 6 months ago an offer of a free canopy would have me getting a 170 something. Jezz "Now I know why the birds fly" Hinton Skydivers
  4. Dave The heatwave is an original design by PISA yes it is in the same performance class as the Stilleto, but it is not just a clone. There are designers else where in the world. Yes I am South African and no this is not a personal attack on Americans just worth pointing it out Jezz "Now I know why the birds fly" Hinton Skydivers
  5. I am an impatient sort of person when it comes to buying things so with my heart set on a 170 I had just retrained after a 4 year lay-off which I ended jumping a ZP170 I promptly bought a spectre 150 at +/- 1.2 it was the first system I felt I could just about get away with. Ok I had a few sketchy landings to start have done around 100 jumps on it with no injury, I had gear fear a few times in the beginning thought about upsizing but the ££ stopped me. Anyone else have storied like this that maybe did not end so well. I am now very happy with my canopy and by british standard am pretty current for a sport jumper, 120 jumps since march. Well I am bored at work so lets have some feedback Jezz "Now I know why the birds fly" Hinton Skydivers
  6. Snapping at the risers, Maybe not entirely on the topic but I seam to recall seeing someone doing a 180 snap hook with his risers and putting in a twist he was lucky that time and did not get injured. So there are 2 types of risers hooks, lets call them a Carve and a Snap, it would seam to me that there are a lot of similarities in the level of commitment in a toogle hook and a riser snap, the level of commitment in a controlled carve is less as you do not commit to the full radius of the turn and can at any time reduce the intended radius ie you could start intending to do a 180 but end doing a 120, were as from what I have seen of snaps and toggle hooks you tend to commit and if you mess up you are in trouble Comments appreciated,, FYI I am not doing high performance landings as yet but am working towards front riser carves "Now I know why the birds fly" Hinton Skydivers
  7. Do not take the below seriously but just had a thought Could you potentially ground lauch and wing suit with let say a 500ft rope a fast car then use a base rig? Might want to try launching of a old style removable undercarraige, a skate board might be a bit scetchy Let me know if that works for you Jezz "Now I know why the birds fly" Hinton Skydivers
  8. A baggy freefly suit for now don't want to be adding to many new things all at once, wings bring in another element of danger, I will get a camera suit when I am more confident I am not looking at a fast track to stardom but want to make sure that what I am doing is building good foundations for the future. As an aside I am not expecting nor aiming to get paid to do any type of camera work anytime soon, but in a few hundred jumps time then sure I might like to make something out of it, but for now its to have fun be safe and learn skills for the future Jezz "Now I know why the birds fly" Hinton Skydivers
  9. Thanks Phree I take it then that you are 8 ft above and off to the side what sort of offset allows you to still get judgable video? Thanks Jezz "Now I know why the birds fly" Hinton Skydivers
  10. Thank you for the response, I understand that 200 jumps is not a lot and that adding a camera brings a lot of new possiblities, I will point out at present I am using a 2K FFX which you put the camera in from the inside so essentially apart from being a bit wider than a protec has no more snag points, If I put on my wide angle that will stick out the front a bit which I think can only be a snag if I pull unstable. I have not got a ring site but am considering one. I was told that the correct way to shoot good 4 way is to fly directly above the formation and not to follow it arround if they are not falling in the tube they need to sort out their skills. Ideal world senario So that is the goal I am shooting at and do not expect to achieve over night. The point that I was trying to make is that although I felt like I was flying close enough( I could see them big as you like) at times the picture was to small so I am really asking if you are going to fly above the formation\which if it turns out is not the best way I will not do how far do you need to be to avoid the burble and how do you setup the camera to get the best results. If not one is shooting using this style please let me know how you are doing it and with what setup so I can learn the right stuff. Another thing is the formation I was videoing are not exactly pros it was hardly a 4 way for any of the dive anyway, just a bunch of guys having fun on the weekend. With my current setup I cannot see how it is a bad thing to just go out there and try of course bearing in mind to always remain safe. it can only increase my skills Thanks and comments appreciated. I feel happy with the desicions I have made but as always really want as much info as possible to make the right decisions Jezz "Now I know why the birds fly" Hinton Skydivers
  11. HI all I did my pre second camera jump on the weekend filming a social 4-way. I use a sony PC 107E For this jump I used no lens and had it zoomed right out. I was attempting to fly directly over the formation, apart from some sighting and flying issues I felt at times I was a bit close IE started to feel the burble the problem is in all the video it looked like I was miles away. So my question is this was is the optimal distance to be above a 4 way when filming it and what would be the ideal lens setup for my camera. I have a feeling if I had had it zoomed in a bit I would have got better footage of the stuff I took But I hear people are using WIDE anlges to film 4 way Also are ring sights a realistic snagg point as they are on the front of the camera?? Thanks all Jezz "Now I know why the birds fly" Hinton Skydivers
  12. I got to do about 30 jumps with Marco and Gi and had an absolute ball. One thing I have to say if you are tracking like Marco\Gi do atmonauti then you have no idea what tracking is. But like others have said go to www.atmonauti.com read it see if you still think its tracking if you do. Go out try it find the angle and have fun. It all in the angle and man is it the bomb giggy, 30 ways out of 2 planes, docking with M and G in my first week of Atmonauti It just awesome, oh and last out of a LET on a rodeo atmonauti was wicked had to head done for 90% of the jump just to catch Marco with a passenger on his back. Awesoe visuals Go out and find the angle then come back and we will is you still call it tracking That all Jezz "Now I know why the birds fly" Hinton Skydivers
  13. SUrely there is some trade off between surface area\lift and drag?? I am not a swooper but am interested to know what is the perfect combination of size\wingloading for maximum results "Now I know why the birds fly" Hinton Skydivers
  14. I am planning to do my pre second camera jump tomorrow, First with no additional lens then with the wide angle I will let you know how I get on. Thats the plan but it might change. I have a soft opening spectre so should not have a problem but occasionally if I dump in a track it can open a bit brisk, will have to watch for that., Jezz "Now I know why the birds fly" Hinton Skydivers
  15. I take it then that you in fact are using a plastic step ring If so have you lost any lenses and how many jumps have you done using one, Also what lenses are you using, Thanks Jezz "Now I know why the birds fly" Hinton Skydivers
  16. I have just bought a sony PC 107 with a 25mm filter thread. I also bought a kenko X0.43 wide angle with a 37mm thread. I got a raynox step up ring, my concern is the lens is quite bulky and the ring is only make of hard plastic, Do people use these sort of step rings or is there a danger of the lens falling off on a firm opening? Thoughts please preferably from exprience If a plastic ring is not suitable any idea where I can get a metal ring in the UK Thanks Jezz "Now I know why the birds fly" Hinton Skydivers
  17. Clive Hinton is a good choice open all week except Mondays, Jump plane a turbo let to 12000 Best of all a really good crowd of people, Come on by and see how you like it Jezz "Now I know why the birds fly" Hinton Skydivers
  18. Can anyone tell me how to get that shot where you show an altimeter then fade it as you bring in another scene say out the door? I want the alti to fade as the other picture becomes brighter until the alti is gone? It's a typical trick so I am sure it must be fairly straight forward. I am just new to cameras I am interested in how to get that fade effect. I am using a sony PC 107, similar to a 109 but with lets features Don't worry I am not jumping it yet just got all the gear so I can after I get another 12 jumps. Thanks Jeremy "Now I know why the birds fly" Hinton Skydivers
  19. 186 and counting but since I normally pack for myself I am not planning on having one ever, but time will tell "Now I know why the birds fly" Hinton Skydivers
  20. Thanks for that. Our dive plans are pretty clear, there are no clearly assigned slots but we break off in groups based on were you are in the group, so by the end there are only about 5/6 people breaking into the front 100 degrees, this happens at 4500 so there is plenty of time for people to get maximum seperation, the guy above me had seen me so the plan had worked, when I saw him there was enough time for both of us to do something and still pull on time. The vertical seperatoin was quite a big so I doubt he would have seen a pull signal but that is worth knowing for the future. I did speak to the guy and he was quite happy that we had both acted correctly and as he was the high man agreed I should hold course and allow the high man to take avoiding action. If it happens again I will do exactly the same thing, Clear airspace if not clear ensure I can see where the other person is and esure they are clear before attempting a pull. Jeremy "Now I know why the birds fly" Hinton Skydivers
  21. Although that would be a great table I think it is a bit to conservative to be feasible. Lets face it most people buy thier first rig within 100 jumps and probably intend to use if for maybe a 200 jumps or more, I was jumping a 170 loaded at 0.95 from about 50 jumps, and never had a problem even with some major canopy errors. So yes if we all could change canopies irrespective of cost I think it is a good table but in reality people are going to looking at something with a bit more milage. Also the modem semi-eliptcal canopies are probably fine for a first canopy, eg, sabre2,pilot,hornet,spectre I have seen the dutch system and it seams pretty good. I think as mentioned before wing loading is not everything plan form has a lot to do with the choice. Also I think that 500 in not enough to make your own choice entirely do you really want A 500 jump wonder jumping a 2.4 loaded cross-braced rocket ship. I think as a rough guide this table has some merit but as a whole I think it is a little limited. Just my .02c Jeremy "Now I know why the birds fly" Hinton Skydivers
  22. 0:4:0 I also want to post weekday numbers I also jump during the week Maybe it should be changed to week numbers concluding on Sunday night I would be 0:7:0 "Now I know why the birds fly" Hinton Skydivers
  23. Well thanks for all the advice did a practice dive on friday just traking and barrel rolling. Sat on a 17 way I broke off in the last group I was right with the rabbit. As I barrel rolled I could see someone directly above me he saw me and took avoiding action I checked over my shoulder before deploying and saw he was to my right far enough so deployed, I will never do another tracking dive without barrel rolling. Only question I have is if you are the low man and you see someone above you what should you do? In this instance I thought it best to keep going straight and just check before dumping, I figured if I moved he might have the idea to move the same way. So next time I see someone above me what should I do?? This dive was prefectly save, but the guy above me was very experienced so I am thinking one day when someone with less experience is above me they may not be as aware. "Now I know why the birds fly" Hinton Skydivers
  24. I agree in a short read of the doc I saw at least 3 backloops to OH I thought I pulled the drogue senarios, This is crazy, I know at the DZ in SA I jumped at a TI was required to touch evey handle while in freefall(read drogue fall) and if there was camera on it you better believe they were doing it. I only hope they were when not being filmed If this had been the procedure it would have prevented 3 cypres fires which need never occured but thank goodness they did under those conditions. After reading this article I think a bit different about cypresses and am glad I have one. "Now I know why the birds fly" Hinton Skydivers
  25. 16 did first jump course s/l injury force 13 month lay off followed by Aff Took a break from 1999 - 2004 due to changing countries and not have wheels\money. Had to been done but am glad to be back and working towards 200. Back into it and jumping more than ever have a proper job so can jump without having to pack to pay for it. "Now I know why the birds fly" Hinton Skydivers