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Everything posted by linny

  1. is this a trick question?
  2. fell out of the sky, leaving skid marks on the side of....
  3. he called over some locals and started to take pictures of the strange little buggers who had butt lock, only to find the locals particularly enjoyed.........
  4. Bad Spot Tim on his way to get some jumpers who landed on the other side of the freeway. As he pulled out of the parking lot, Bad Spot Tim saw the strangest......................
  5. thanks col. i needed that piece of you. your words shot to a place in me that i've been too consumed to confront lately. i miss you right now. see you sunday. rain or shine ok
  6. again... that's just your OPINION! ever thought it to be okay that people view life in a different manner and live by a different creed than you do? well, it happens, and that's what makes life beautiful. if everyone lived according to Tonto's views (or anyone else for that matter) then life would be fucking BORING!!! Live your life and stop judging others I was thinking just that. Your negative attitude bugs dude.
  7. Where's the "FUCK RELATIONSHIPS, PERIOD!" option? actually, if he was everything i've ever wanted, i'd possibly do just about anything...... tll then, fuck relationships. what a time waster
  8. do Ofoto Steve. It's easy, free and the prints are cheap supreme!
  9. I'm not saying that I'll be jumping a 97 whatever without a cypres in 45 mph winds with gusts and swooping my landing. But if I feel that the weather is within my capabilities, and I'm feeling healthy, awake and desiring to jump.... I would jump. If you told me that I would get Hepatitis C from doing a c-section... and it was something that was indicated, I was the only doctor, I used all the precautions that I typically do.... I would cut. If you said that a whale would suddenly materialize and fall out of the sky to land on me if I turned right instead of left and I needed to go right to get to the park.... not being difficult, but I would do what I needed to do in life to make mine meaningful. I just refuse to hide in the basement with padded corners to escape from the inevitable. I have lived a KICK ASS 34 years and hope for just as many.... but I don't want those to be at the cost of truly living. but anyway... just my opinion...... But, enough about me - anyone else wanna either back me up or tell their reasons on why "yes" or "no"? Karen Karen, if I understand you correctly, you're trying to say that when it's your time to go, it's your time to go....whether or not you died tomorrow on your next jump or lying in bed from a brain hemorrage? If you're supposed to die at 4:46PM on Friday then you're gonna die at 4:45 on Friday regardless of what you're doing.??? If this is what you're getting at, then I COMPLETELY understand that. I actually believe that very idea. .... however.... I'm not sure if I could bring myself to jump if I KNEW for CERTAIN that I wouldn't make it back. Definitely something to think about. BTW, I said yes to the original question. Still thinking about the second one though. BTW#2 I applaud you karen for standing up. Thanks for the thought provoking question as well Chelle peace
  10. Interesting point of view - even though we know it's incorrect. Funny how since the advent of modern medicine, we all die later than we used to. Do you think that if GWB fired the secret service - everyone who shot at him would suddenly miss? If everyone stopped using airbags, seatbelts, helmets, AAD's that the road and skydiving death tolls would not climb? If troops were poorly trained or not trained at all the same number would die in combat against a trained enemy? The "when it's your time, it's your time" theory is foolishly comforting. It means we never have to change our lifestyle. In truth, we should be aware of what we eat and how much we exercise - or we risk cardiac arrest. We should have protected sex or stick with one HIV neg monogamous partner, we should practice our reserve drills, be ready for aircraft emergencies and fly disiplined traffic paterns. But sadly, many of us don't because "that's how we're SUPPOSED to die. There are no accidents" The only fate is the fate we make for ourselves. If destiny then hands us a curve ball - well, that's life. Everything else is Darwin. t ********** You actually just proved my point. Thanks. We die when we die because of our actions and choices..... old, young, protected, unprotected, ready or not. It is what it is. We make the choices we make and that ultimately leads us to a demise in one way or other... good or bad. safe or unsafe. it's all a matter of concepts. Nothing is good or bad. It's all perfect. Jump now. You never know when you'll die.
  11. This is a trick question right? We die when we die... and that's how we're SUPPOSED to die. There are no accidents as far as I'm concerned. I make the choices that feel right to me in my life whether I can die from them or not..... cause that's all the plan of life. If I KNEW for certain I'd die skydiving then I'd definitely keep jumping......... if skydiving doesn't kill me, eventually something will. It's inevitable. Why dodge it? oh and BTW..... CanuckinUSA...... I love your answer. Right on dude
  12. Middle of the night. I like to be woken up from a dead sleep.... and still have time to go back to sleep after.
  13. Someone who's always looking for a new playtoy and has no intentions of anything more than a one time thing. To me, the term "player" also denotes someone who flirts in such a fashion as to stimulate feelings from the other person in order to get laid easier and more quickly. Not always a specification, but generally true. A "Player" is NOT, however, defined by the way a person dresses........ same goes for a "slut"..........
  14. This is fun. I'd like to see more pics though. Here's a few of mine. I wear the septum from time to time still. Miss the Monroe sometimes, but it sure got old having to see it everyday. Now I only have 7 that I wear everyday
  15. linny

    How old are you?

    Skydivers are weird man. Ordinary people like em bigger and badder. We want them smaller and faster!
  16. oh my god you can't stop the story there!!
  17. linny

    see 4 yourself

    Good eye dude. It's kinda like the weird phenomenon of being able to hold an entire conversation whilst only using the word "dude", dude. Just gotta flow with it.
  18. linny

    Dating sucks!

    Leykis 101 That's what you need