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Everything posted by plowdirt

  1. hey you get me a beer. Now it may be you owe beer. Don't rush, there is alot of that in the beginning. Remember you will spend alot of money on those rigs, and I say those cause you will down size alot in the first couple years. stay at a 1to1 for a while learn it live it love it, and if you do get gear soon get something maxed for the 1 to 1, so you'll be able to put something a little smaller in it later. you will be beating up you gear for a bit, hold off on the new stuff. I see a mirage in your future $$$$ and thats all I'm willing to release. Remember learn it live it love it the size of canopy you choose to fly will make you, or break you. literally. have fun and don't forget to smile
  2. plowdirt


    I'm a landscaper and could go on and on. But if you ever get to see a bat plant thats pretty interesting, there are three colors white black and green, very rare, but attainable. Oh and there is this great plant you can get your boss, or farmer Mcnasty. The voodoo Lilly, or amorphophallus. MAKE SURE YOU DON'T LIVE NEARBY. THE FLOWER IS VERY FRAGRANT.
  3. Here! I totally blanked till it was time to pull thaen the prcp and all the other procedures came to me.. Ha I laughed about it and went back up and did it again. No biggie. Later on it's second nature. have fun and don't forget to smile.
  4. I remember those hikups, Till I started to over look the endcells. they eventually inflate, and deflate depending on the winds. The halfway slider, well I never had the slider stuck for long, but I will tugg the risers, push pull yank toggles till it comes down. a few derogatory words and some altitude awarness is a big pluss. TALK TO YOUR RIGGER, COACH, ETC. OH it happens because your canopy likes the oh shit look on your face. Enjoy the ride, your in for somemore fun.
  5. I take it that your are not one. left yourself wide open for that one buddy. see you Saturday?
  6. Just last night I was reminded of just how bad things have gotten and just how sick I had become. I broke out one of my old tapes and played it for my wife a couple of weeks ago, she was like what the hell are you listening too, ooh one of my daughters future favorite bands. waht do I have to do! looking for the cd now. thnx Kris, i will torture my wife all weekend again
  7. Hey you forgot about me. a lil further down in the barrel. and george. Damn you get around
  8. Dude Your prolly looking at 70+miles north and 70miles south. oohh and here today want tomorrow, good luck. Air adventures 800-533-6151 ask for Lee 1.5 hrs from your door.
  9. Wendy Wendy Wendy, I am not as lucky to have a skydiving wife as our friend Earl, and so many others. And she hates hanging around while I have fun all day, get the thought out of your head she won't do it. Yes she likes riding the bull, all the time
  10. And your recovery period is how long????
  11. Lucky basterd, my wife was like no Nope NOOOO! I'm like baby we're gonna have a great time. NO
  12. i was wondering when you were going to get to this. Thats the way I had invisioned a PC deployment, hard,stern, and with a statement!!!! I also do pay attention to the videos I watch here and the ones in my collection. i did notice that a video that I seen on here, (ikesenlow) not sure but something like that, this guy pitches every time hard , But as he does so his left hand ,arm, reach up to the back of his helmet, kinda like a pose,sure doesn't look like that shoulder could possibly drop. And quit packing your self line twist and off heading openings. Couldn't believe I was reading that, I would suppose practice, yea but. NO. be safe man, i like reading your posts.
  13. SLEDGEHAMMER YEA!!! I'll book a flight, Today I'm ready to tear some walls down. Have at it, and have fuuuuunnn. i love demolition
  14. OOOh Boy you got Earl to do an RW with you, hahahahahaha, He's a great guy. I still remember an RW he did with me and a few others on my 100. Yea sebastian rocks. How about this "Hi my name is Ed, how are you Ed I'm Wench Excuse me I didn't understand you. Wench, you know WENCH.O.K.pleasure to meet you Wench, here have a beer. That is a classic DZ. Ed in South Fl.
  15. I didn't need to take the test to know, 40% asshole hits it right on the head. Sometimes not all the time
  17. Vibes for lil Andy, I'll hook him up with a buddy in a couple a years. Heck more then likely this summer. keep your chin up brother. E
  18. Drugs lots and lots of drugs, and having to much time on your hands helps to. Hint Hint feeeling better.
  19. I did that for any and all any time who need an ear. But thanks for the thought GG
  20. Wrong way to look at it. Your people love you, relize you have a problem. Can't understand why you keep going around in the same circle. ONLY YOU can help yourself, WE are here for support. TODAY IS THE FIRST DAY OF THE REST OF OUR LIVES. Work hard today to make your tomorrows better. Send a PM any anytime Eddie You have it use man. Good night all
  21. Get in a program. It helps. First lesson is walk away,gather yourself. 2) ask yourself why did I get into the situation, and what can i do to correct it in the future. Thats all for now. send a PM if you like. I'm sure I been there, almost positive. E
  22. O.K. what about switching if it's the same munufacturer bigger smaller, smaller bigger, I'v heard somthing along these lines before. I am thinking along the same lines slider is made for that canopy, why would you switch. Yes quicker openings, slower openings. Surly mix and match would bring a problem. how could that be considered.
  23. See: Olav Zipser, i think it's school of human flight. He's in Italy, might still be in Deland, till he goes back. check out his sight. Not easy to learn, starts with sit flying. Or shall I say starts with corking. Have fun Sully
  24. When in doubt PLF. Get all the other crap out of your head, focus on nowrelax and don't forget to SMILE.