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Everything posted by Bodyflight.Net

  1. My first friend that I didnt' already know was Paige!
  2. Hi Paiger! That's just GREAT!!! Where is the article and what does it say?
  3. Check these out from the Nashua Telegraph: and and a video here
  4. Let me be the FIRST TO SAY.. (online anyway) CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'd like to propose a toast to Laurie and her crew for all of their tireless efforts and amazing choices and for bringing this fine facility to life for everyone to enjoy! CHEERS!
  5. It's Wednesday.... are you good to go? We're all dyin to know... Our thoughts are with you!!!
  6. The one in El Paso is operational.. just not open to the public nor operating... it was purchased for a gentlemens children as a play toy... now they are over it. Houston portables.. one actually IN houston.. being rebuilt right now, and another just south near Orange, broken down. Houston stationary units... one actually partially paid for but NOT under construction, and the other I don't think they've even signed purchase contracts yet.. but both are still "planned" as far as I know. OH.. and OK City.. well... said it would be INTERESTING.. not necessarily that profitable.. but OK city could totally sustain a semi-permanent portable
  7. My philosophy is this.. There are plenty of things you have to do for the very first time on your first skydive.. flying your body DOES NOT have to be one of them. Go to ANY tunnel.. practice the skills you will need to accomplish AFF.. like skymonkey said... circle of awareness.. turns, heading control, practice pulls.. then do your AFF... save yourself some stress on your first jumps.. so you can focus on piloting your canopy & learning about skydiving.. no need to add learning to fly your body too!
  8. Hey Bowen, I'll send you my # via pm or just pm me to make arrangements. Flyaway, we just called, will open up at 9:45 am so that is the time to be there. We can go directly to L1 and be there by say 11 or 11:30 at the latest.. how much time are you looking to fly in PF.. I'm guessing just a novelty flight of a few minutes.. so both are do-able in the a.m. Anyway.. just let me know if that works for you.. John can relay the message & adjust your reservation on Monday for you.. he's thinking about skipping out on work that a.m. anyway to join us both.. is that cool?
  9. Heck yes one could! No problem. They DO come & go alot, and that is most unfortunate. It takes alot of resources to make any tunnel profitable.. and only a couple of portable units so far have been of any decent quality and been able to stay operational over time. alot of portables were just cheaply & carelessly thrown together, after all it looks fairly simple doesn't it? and obviously those were destined for failure from the start without enough budget or information/education to sustain them. but hey... you've got a portable sitting in your back yard! Some independents from Indy bought the little portable at auction.. they said they wanted to use it for Oktoberfest or something like that.. perhaps you can find them
  10. Texas is where wind tunnel projects go to die In fact... right now.. there is one in El Paso, 2 in the Houston area, 2 more PLANNED but never built for the Houston area, and there WAS one operating in the College Station area, also gone. And I'm from Chicago... it's not as bad as you say! But alas.. still pricey. And not just a good tourist draw and local pop but also a couple of large student focused dzs as well within an hour. I would've went for Denver before Chicago too but I suspect that had little to do with it. The first time I met Bill Kitchen before SVO was even complete he wished he could've put the first one in the Denver area which he called home but Orlando was the best location for profitability. I wasn't suprised at all that the Denver project happened so quickly. However it's not always about the most profitable location, sometimes they ARE built just to be nearby the owners... take AAC for instance... almost no tourism, small population, no dz's... not to mention that there was already a tunnel in this area for 20+ years... Now Oklahoma City might be an interesting location... (Say Hi to Rebecca for me!)
  11. My dog LOVES watermelon & green apples.. NOT RED
  12. Hi guys and gals, I need help BIG time... I hired a friend to create some software for me, and it worked great for 9 months... then BOOM. Now I've been living in nightmare land for over a month trying to keep up with the problems & fix it. I'm SURE my software has some sort of bug... I know only 3 real programmers, 1 I used for this purpose and now he's too busy, 2 are way too busy all the time... anyone have time & interest? I'd rather "keep it in the family" ya know? I'm running sql on an apache server with phpMyAdmin....
  13. Chicago is the best viability... but you gotta get downtown.. near Navy Pier would be my first preference... but the land is just not available at a reasonable price.. hell even an unreasonable price
  14. I couldn't agree more! This tunnel, although operating is not yet complete.. they haven't even finished with all the part of the airflow at this point!! It works but hey.. I can't wait to see what it can REALLY do! When that day comes around.. I'll be throwing a party!!! A tunnel in Ohio would be mostly viable near Cedar Point or Kings Island... but generally.. the midwest is a rough area for business... climate aside with an indoor tunnel.. the numbers of people just aren't there... Investor Tip..... Now... if you took that down to say a 10 foot tunnel.. good enough for 2 way freeflying or individual belly work PLUS tourists... it gets MUCH cheaper to operate and you could do a smaller location without as big of a risk.
  15. When you buy your time your time that day you will be manifested for the next available flight times, just like always. You will be flying in between the blocks flown by BOOgie participants. Since you only fly a few minutes at a time right now, it'll work out great for you... you can fly 3 or 5 minutes for each hour you are there, and then rest while the large group flys.
  16. That is really the process by which you are scheduled to fly... when you come to aac, the girl puts you on the 'manifest' for the next available class... so you've already done it and didn't even know it! But in terms of the BOOgie, we usually have NO format... just show up and fly and work it out on the spot, which with this many people is just too difficult to do. So basically we'll set up a flight schedule and participants will come up and let us know when they want to fly, we'll put them down for a scheduled start time until we fill all the times that are blocked off for participants. This will also help us keep the day moving and from folks not being ready or knowing when they should be flying!! This also allows everyone to prearrange a group flight... because alot of folks will want to double up on their time by sharing with a friend or friends. For instance, if Paige & Ari SHARE their tunnel time, it only costs them $300 each to fly for 1 hour. If they share that with Brad too... then the three of them can fly 1.5 hours for $300... and so on...
  17. Hey WOW... a picture where we all look good! No funny faces!! Awesome! Awesome Weekend, awesome tunnel, awesome flying, awesome friends, and AWESOME JELLO SHOTS!
  18. Awesome!!! Although I HIGHLY recommed doing PF first, and I mean first class of the day... otherwise it really does get uncomfortably HOT in there, last time I thought my flex-z's were going to melt... it's only an hour from one to the other tunnel... there is still plenty of time & availability on Monday to 'adjust' your time slot if you needed to. Can't wait to see you again! We can meet at 1 tunnel and you can follow me to the next! It'll be nice & I will be honored to accompany you
  19. For those of you who missed out on last year's very cool Halloween Tunnel BOOgie (pics: and the chance to fly in a costume, mark your calendars because the details are being announced! For those who WERE there, please take note as some things have changed. Appalachian Amusement Center in W. North Carolina October 28, 2006 10am - 8pm'ish Event details will be posted at ::Participant Info:: 8 slots this year with no age limit ::Costume Contest:: Same deal as last year basically! Costumes must be airworthy & not on fire in any way (andy.. this means you) The contest is for costumed participants ONLY and includes 1 minute of flight time. Prizes are awarded to the most CREATIVE COSTUME. This is NOT a flying skills competition!!! A bit about what has changed: We are pre-booking the time this year, so pre-payment is required. 8 participant slots are being set aside, in addition to ourselves, and only 1 slot per person can be purchased for this day. In addition to that, all particpants must be able to fly unassisted, these are NOT student slots. Rotations will be 3 minutes per person in groups of NO MORE than 7 people, you WILL be required to manifest, so please be prepared. We will be flying 30-45 minutes of every hour, allowing for 15-30 minutes of downtime each hour to take care of walk-ups and student flyers throughout the day. Lunch time & contest times have not yet been set but will occur around halfway through the days events. Get in touch with me if you need accommodations worked out for you. Because we had a some trouble at last years event, I'm saying this ahead of time.... If you can't work with the flow of the day and play nice with others, you will be asked to leave with no refund. Now.... I hope to see many of you there... any good costume ideas? I have NO idea what I'm going to do this year!!! I was a clown last year, and while very photogenic it surely wasn't too creative! Last year the Crash Test Dummy won the contest, it was extremely creative with packaging tape everywhere, we also had an ape, superman & an air hog (he didn't really NEED a mask for that one ) I know that so far Paige & Ari are coming, Jenn & Jake are on the "we hope to go" list along with Brad Hess from Flyaway Las Vegas.... who will also be cermoniously welcomed into the official Tunnelrat family while he's here!!! YAY BRAD! Rox, myself, John, Lexi & Chris will all be there of course with Greg & possibly, hopefully Shaner & Bryan can come down from inner space long enough to join us... StevenB will be stopping by for some walk-up flight time.... So what about you? Are YOU going to stop by? Reserve a slot?? or just read about it after the event???
  20. Hey Bowen, Have you called AAC about Monday? They are usually closed on Monday and Tuesday, but often make exceptions for traveling tunnel junkies. Love to go with to PF and see you at AAC when your here too... give me a call... Paige has my number or pm me! See you soon!
  21. Uh... I'm sorry but you two are FIRST on my list of attendees! How can you be last minute if your first on the list??!!! You can always back out, but there's always room for Jake n Jenn