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Everything posted by Bodyflight.Net

  1. dreams are not objective reality yet we experience them and they are real to us they can feel real, seem real and you can retain memories from dreams... but they are fake and NOT reality. There IS NO arguement here... and doing so will lead this right to the SC. I'm sure there are plenty of threads over there with plenty of argueing. No one knows what a ghost IS, so we cannot say for sure wether they ARE an outside physical force or an interpretation of energy that we read in our minds. Therefore, I know, that neither YOU or I can say what or wether they are real. The question was do you "believe" in ghosts?... NOT are "ghosts" real? No room for argueing what someone believes or doesn't... that is joyfully for their ownselves to contend with one way or another. "...the goal is not to BEND the spoon. The goal is to only realize the truth, that the spoon does not exist"
  2. to what end though? the glass is half full or half empty you and i experience the exact same lunch, I thought it was fantastic, you thought it was horrible the glass has a certain number of oz. this cannot be argued the lunch was comprised of certain ingredients this cannot be argued but how you or I feel about those experiences can be VASTLY different
  3. I would only add that this is only the case if someone is trying to CONVINCE you of something that goes against your own better judgement.. and not just because they happen to believe something different than you do. But honestly, no one has to prove anything to anyone. This life is YOUR journey.. do with it what you want, seek out the answers you like, evolve or don't. The only one in life we have to prove anything to is ourselves.
  4. perhaps this is way off, but in my short time on this planet, I have witenessed many situations where two parties experience the exact same thing, yet believe something different from eachother. Belief itself is perception, so how can there be a wrong or a right answer to this question???
  5. I think ghosts is just a word that's been used to refer to spirits, or perhaps more specifically the visual perception of them. to me they are spirits which I also interchange frequently with the word energy
  6. I think it's great that you would be open to the possibility. We often find it difficult to prove things we don't understand or can't see, but so far, we have a good track record of developing technology that will enable us to do just that. I site references such as microscopic bacteria & viruses all the way to galaxies & black holes and I expect aliens someday. Where there is a will, there seems to always be a way, given enough time (and often $$$)
  7. there will ALWAYS be non-believers, and we have to respect their views if we ever hope to have them respect ours, no matter the topic.
  8. Watching a Ghost Hunters Marathon which inspired the question. I certainly do! As in the living-on-the-same-plane-spiritual-energy-some-people-can-see-them-and-talk-to-them kinda ghosts.. the ones who haven't yet moved on to the "next" plane of existence..
  9. I'm sure you can find the glaze yourself, just ask them to point you in the right direction. It's very common material. You will also have good luck at a major hobby/craft store like Michaels or Hobby Lobby.
  10. You are looking for a clear glaze, and it should be safe for the grout.. ask at your local home improvement store in the paint dept.
  11. DOPAMINE... That's the fix but seriously ...the only way I know of to get rid of the ache is to FLY AGAIN. I may not be able to move when I start... but after a minute in the air, I'm fine again. even more seriously... I'm an advil user as well, thank goodness for Liquicaps! :)
  12. Jedi Master John Suiter... of course (Brett Adams is the full name of the Brett ???? in Allballs post. His sister is also quite the graceful flyer.)
  13. I'm not an instructor and never have been, however, I HAVE been the lucky beneficiary of a GREAT deal of free or greatly discounted tunnel time.
  14. I SO miss the trick or treating.. I tell my daughter the stories since she's never going to get the real experience... who would've thought a normal rite of passage like trick or treating would eventually die off and become a legend so to speak!
  15. You were expected to grocery shop for yourself?? I was one of the few that was NEVER left alone...
  16. I hate the twisty bulbs too.. they give off an awful light... perhaps I've been getting the wrong ones, but I prefer my GE Reveal anyday. Plus in the winter, they help warm the rooms of our house so we leave a couple of small lamps on... in Chicago, we used lightbulbs all the time to keep our cars warm overnight... you can't do that with a twisty bulb
  17. Thanks for your input! Im hoping to get at least 100 votes on this one!
  18. Well.. no matter your age, you put out the fire, so that's a good sign you were old enough to cope!! I don't think there IS a "magic" age per se, I think each kid is different naturally, but people do seem to be obsessed with the number in regards to this topic, so I thought I would poll the waters.
  19. How old were you when your parents left you home alone overnight or late into the night while they went to a party? or a conference? etc?