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Everything posted by Bigwallmaster

  1. Not yet with skydiving. I have had this several times with regard to my climbing career. I once spent 2 months in the Valley (Yosemite) and climbed a bunch of walls, and then went to Canadian rockies after that for another weeks. By the end of that trip I swore that I wouldn't climb for at least a year. . . . . .after about a month or so of no climbing I was ready to go again. Just take some time off dude!! Spend a couple months pursuing something new or maybe a sport or hobby that you did before you got into jumping.. cheers, J.P.
  2. I could have sworn there have been numerous threads on this...but what the hell... ------------------------------------------------------ Yeah well important subjects are like viruses. . . .they never die. cheers, J.P.
  3. Pabst Blue Ribbon Schmidt Red Stripe oh yeah. . . . . .Mickey's Malt Liquor. Cheers, J.P. . . . . . .Blackened Voodoo is pretty fricken good as far micro brews go.
  4. Oh yeah! Give it to me baby!! . . . . Work? what's that?
  5. I have to agree with Nightingale here. If you decide to give up something you love for another person, then your overall happiness is going to be affected. Deep down you will not be truly satisfied with your life. That could lead to big trouble down the road. I don't know about you guys, but I wouldn't want to be in a relationship with someone who felt as if something was "missing" from their life. Someone who wants you to give up the other things you love in life, simply to focus all of your time on the relationship, is being selfish and egocentric. Period. cheers, J.P.
  6. --In Reply To-------------------------------------- Oh screw you JP! STFU or I'll tell everyone that you stood me up for a beer date and they'll think youre a complete idiot! Besides, I'm from Texas.. ------------------------------------------------------ Well they already know I'm a complete idiot!! Stood you up for a beer? How's that possible. I'm a Mormom for Christ's sake! he he.
  7. jump #33. Dumped at 2500. . . . .hung break line on a slink. Canopy turning. Canopy turning faster. Canopy turning too fast!! Trying to counter with other toggle. No go. Quite a few oh shits. chop at 2k. Reserve by 1500'. No prob.
  8. Oh whatever!! Why don't you just pipe down out there in the northern most part of the south!! In fact, you're not part of the south or the north. You're complete central!!!!!!!!! . . . .geez. J.P.
  9. Let's face it, there has not been very many "great" movies lately. In fact I have been disappointed over the past 9 months or so. One movie that doe standout as great is "Kill Bill". Can anyone else add to a list of good movies they have seen in the past year. . . . . .by the way i haven't seen "Passion of the Christ" yet, but I hear they beat the shit out of that guy! Go figure. J.P. "I like my dark side, it shows me the light."
  10. Kudos Vanilla. I must say that I would like to meet just about everyone on this damn thread!! You guys all crack me up. . . . . . .my workday would be so f'n boring without you all. cheers, J.P.
  11. What comes to mind first. . . . .? Pees sitting down. Uses a loofa sponge in the shower. Favorite movie is 'Waiting to Exhale' need I say more? J.P.
  12. HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!! Hilarious. Fucking hilarious.
  13. Actually, I never really have done much of that, but I was trying to do more in the beauty treatments area, like all the other women that I know do. ---------------------------------------------------------- No worries. I was just givin you hard time about something that seemed. . . . . . .unecessary. Well. . . . . . . . .you look pretty darn good to the rest of us DZ.commers regardless of beauty treatments, no beauty treatments, old, not old. Nevertheless, I can understand why women feel the need to do beauty treatments etc. given that the world we live in a world that places so much more emphasis on the attractiveness of woman first, and other qualities and accomplishments second. THe way I look at it, my body may be getting older, but skydiving keeps my mind youthful and free. cheers, J.P.
  14. "I gave up any kinds of beauty treatments." --------------------------------------------------------- Wow! You need beauty treatments? I'm not so sure about that. Okay. . . . .so it's a cheesy pick up line!! For me it would have to be: climbing Ju-Jitsu Triathlon oh and general boredom!! J.P
  15. The afternoon summit of a high Sierra peak, after a long winter ascent with the orange sunset giving the sky and the other mountains that purple/orange alpenglow color. When you combine this with a good endorphine high, it is a simple pleasure that can relived in my mind for many days. cheers, J.P.
  16. bill, thanks for the info; it's a big help. I am feeling a little better, as it seems most people who have had these problems have made near full recoveries. thanks to everyone who replied. J.P.
  17. Ate shit skiing this weekend and tore my ACL and PCL. I am very concerned at this point, as I have never been injured to this extent. I am most concerned about the recovery. Will I make a full recovery? How long will it take? If anyone out there has had a similar injury I would like to hear their experience. thanks, J.P.
  18. No way. I have homeowners insurance for a reason. i don't need to shoot and kill some asshole, only to run the risk of going to prison for the rest of my life. Of course then again I do live in California!!!
  19. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In Reply To -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4+ days per week I am in the gym doing the hours of cardio and strength training demanded by these sports if one is to do them safely. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I NEVER worked out when I used to rockclimb. I just climbed somewhat regularly, but I pushed myself HARD every time that I climbed and progressed very quickly. It sort-of annoyed people that I have this natural ability to be freakishly good at climbing without even climbing too frequently. (Anyway, due to my health, I cannot push myself the way that I would like.) I have to admit that I have never ice-climbed or back-country skied either, but I think that the fact that someone is willing to push themselves mentally and their bodies to the limit physically is what I respect/admire most...far more than just their physical accomplishments. ----------------------------------------------------- Vanilla, . . . . .geez sorry to hear about your health, that truly is a bummer. I wish you the best. And I understand what you are saying about having a natural ability to be good at climbing!! In fact I'm jealous; I have been climbing for over 10 years now and I really sucked when I first started. I hate people like you! he he. just kidding. . .I don't hate anyone. But to be honest with you ones ability to climb well is only a small part of staying safe in the mountains or on Yosemite style walls, especially when you are on the go for more than 12 hours without stopping. Fatigue can really screw your overall ability. Not to mention that sometimes you must move fast to avoid danger or exposure to the elements. This is why it is absolutely necessary to train hard. It is this commitment to training that makes it hard to date someone that is not understanding of my interest in these sports. I agree with you about having respect for those who push themselves to the limit phyiscally, I think that's great. But it's hard to date a girl that is upset when I spend a few hours at the gym after work, rather than going straight to her house etc. And no, I'm not saying that every girl I date has to be "Rambo in a skirt". Nor am I saying that the girl I date must be "accomplished" in her pursuits. I understand that there needs to be compromise. I guess its just that some of my closest friends from college have girlfriends that kick ass and climb hard and all that, and it just seems that they have less waves in their relationships because they share these common interests. And ultimately that's what I'm starting to look for in the girls I date. Since moving back to California from Seattle, I have not met many girls that are interested in fitness, short of the local "Newport Beach" chick that tells me "Oh yeah I workout!! I do Pilates for 30 minutes a day!" Arrgh. Pleeeaase!! Okay, maybe I'm not looking for "Rambo in a skirt" more like GI Jane!!!
  20. I have to agree with Nightingale here. I could not date a girl who is not serious about physical fitness. Period. For myself this is very important because I am a very active backcountry skier, rock climber,ice climber, etc. all of which require a great deal of physical training. It has been my experience thus far, that my committment to physical fitness can put alot of strain on my relationships. Most of my girlfriends of the past haven't liked it too much when I have spent alot time training for a big climb etc. Go figure! 4+ days per week I am in the gym doing the hours of cardio and strength training demanded by these sports if one is to do them safely. It is this lifestyle that is pushing me to just simply rule out the girls who are "non-hackers!" And dammit I hate to say it, but there are alot of "non hackers" out there!! Ha ha. Okay maybe i'm being a little too harsh, but it would be nice to meet a girl that I could share these common interests with. J.P.
  21. LMAO!! That's just fucking great!1
  22. Doh! he he. I feel your pain Paige. godspeed.