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Everything posted by pope

  1. pope

    canopy selection

    don't forget your PC please!
  2. No Way! this is so disappointing Per--All this time I've been trying to grow my hair out to Jesus length (quite unsuccessfully, BTW) to emulate MY own Jesus-figure, "PerJesus." Just 'cause you cut it off doesn't mean you don't still have loyal followers PerJesus. your humble servant, pope
  3. pope

    Today in History

    Glad to know you'll be in the neighborhood. Welcome!
  4. You're absolutely right. But what does that have to do with ANYTHING? I don't recall ever "blazing" anyone in this thread...chill out already. pope
  5. No you haven't. Let's be honest here...A static line BASE jump doesn't really take any skill at all. I'd say a bag of dog food proved that pretty well. You can't possibly think that someone who has successfully deployed, flown, and landed a (any) canopy of any size 1000 times will be less prepared than someone with ZERO time under a canopy to make a S/L (or any other) BASE jump. I don't get it. What sport are you talking about here? Altimeters have no place in BASE jumping. BASE JUMPING IS A DIFFERENT SPORT THAN SKYDIVING! Anyone who DOESN'T use all their senses to navigate themselves safely through the landing EVERY time should be bowling. It helps to have previous skydiving experience before starting BASE because: 1. You begin to learn to manage the type of endorphin rush you need to do QUICKLY in BASE. 2. You gain INVALUABLE knowledge and understanding of flight characteristics of DIFFERENT canopies before throwing that caution to the wind and hooking your 280 into the talus. 3. It gives you an opportunity to take the time to learn about BASE jumping and apply/practice your skills in a practical setting. 4. It gives you a first chance to decide if BASE is really what you want without screwing things up for everybody (I define that as getting injured or going in on a BASE jump--it makes us ALL look bad). And Jesse: in relation to this post, you are being sarcastic, right? What do you see as the definition between canopy "control and canopy "accuracy?" They're two different parts of the same fucking thing man! How do you expect to land ACCURATELY in rocks if you have no idea how to setup to do that? What about in varying wind conditions? At different speeds? With a blown toggle? On rear risers? Canopy time is MUCHO IMPORTANTE no matter how you stack it up. [Jess-I know you're probably just shit-stirring, but just in case...] pope
  6. I wholeheartedly disagree. What's your reasoning behind this, exactly? cheers! pope
  7. pope

    Sick Shit

    Big ups to you for that design/execution Lee! let's see the pics of you jumping it! pope
  8. pope

    nps - question

    you have to remember that it's not "what you could get by with." The whole aerial delivery law is bunk to begin with when applied to our sport--it's merely the closest thing to a law prhibiting BASE in the parks as they have without making new laws. Those fuckers are going to bust you no matter how good of an excuse you have...and take your gear...and fine you...and take you to jail... When WE can make the rules, oh the fun I'm going to have--the rangers will be bringing me lunch in the LZ's they are keeping clear for me, they will be providing shaded packing areas in the summer, and heated ones in winter. We may even have them take turns being an accuracy pad to stomp in the LZ. Until then, it's camo and surreptitious stealth missions. PS: a big hello to all the [non-BASE friendly] rangers reading this post!
  9. I dont wingsuit base, but exit practice? i guess if there is a tailwind its bad. i saw a freind get blown around pretty good on a 40mph tailwind with a GTI from 1750'. scary. That sounds pretty scary. What a fucking IDIOT! pope
  10. pope

    Thank you TomDancs

    Now thats funny PS) Thanks Ivan ironic...isn't it?
  11. SVSF will be in Union City I beleive. Not sure when it opens though...
  12. pope

    WV is hot-hot-hot

    no doubt. Packing in the hallways is great when you're at/near a legal site like Moab, TF, LB, etc... but becomes uncool when you're talking about illegal objects such as the one mentioned above, IMHO. NEED TO KNOW BASIS ONLY! If you need to score cool points tell them you're a fighter pilot or something. pope
  13. Don't kid yourself. There is always a risk of hitting the tether. Believe me you don't want to hit it. pope
  14. I was truly amazed at the way you lived Benni-- so much so I'm amazed that you have moved on. You lived life with the volume up to 11. I'm glad to have met you. eat the worm. pope
  15. This is what I just don't get. If a turbine stopped "immediately," then it would blow itself apart. It HAS to spin down gradually. I'm no physics guru, but the "lights out, hit the net" theory makes absolutely no sense to me. But hey, I guess that's my problem, right? pope
  16. So in the interest of safety, maybe we could just get a feel for who's presenting the most accurate information in the previous Novel-post with a similar title. I know there are other points of view included in the post, but I've just taken a couple of the main ones. I can't vote in the poll apparently, but I tend to side with the manufacturer on this issue myself. cheers! pope
  17. pope

    The Morning Report

    Maybe I misinterpreted your sarcasm but if not it begs the question: Have you ever BEEN to Moab? It sure doesn't sound like it. just curios, pope
  18. JP: could you maybe start another thread explaining what this "Colorado skydiving ego" is, and how it's different from the [your state here] skydiving ego? cheers, pope
  19. If the water's deep enough, you don't need a parachute for 100'. if you must, a 22" PC would do the trick. I'd suggest connecting it from the tops of your shoulders though. Back in the day, we'd regularly do 85-110'. Now that I'm a BASE jumper, I think that would flip my shit out too much though.
  20. (Actually, she's more like 265 with her Xmas CFM's on--so you can change your logbook accordingly) Dude, you are seriously challenging Skin for his title--that shit is fucking hilarious. cheers! And Ray, I hope for that 50 Ringitt you got a better looking clam than that lumberjack of a woman in that picture! But I agree with MH--that was just wrong. pope
  21. I just thought it would be a really great thread if everyone announced here where and when they'd be jumping, and a description of their vehicle(s)! Please include your name, SSN and DOB as well as your home address just for clarification! Also post pics of the object you're going to jump, with your planned descent and escape routes just to prove it!
  22. pope

    The Morning Report

    Great fucking idea Lee. If DZ.COM won't do it then Triax will. Send your pics to us with as much ifo as you can. cheers, pope
  23. pope

    The Best BASE gear.

    This shit should be moved to a new thread.... Get over it. You were inconvenienced, you don't like BPR. Lesson learned then. But don't get all up in Kevin's shit about taking personal responsibility for his employees and then make a statement like: Don't be a hypocrite. This is BASE jumping. At the end of the day, only YOU are responsible for what happens to you when you jump. If you had hooked up those risers and jumped them, had a gnarly 180 and bashed you against the wall all the way down to the talus would THAT be Kevin's fault? Of course not, because YOU would have been the idiot that didn't COMPLETELY check ALL your gear out before you jumped it. Is there anyone here that trusts their BASE/Skydive gear manufaturer so implicitly that you'd hook it up and jump brand new gear straight out of the box without a complete inspection (excluding of course the folks that build their own rigs...)? I'd just like to say for the record that IMHO, if you do, you're an idiot. There is a point soon after your gear arrives, that the manufacturer's "responsibility" ends. CUSTOMER SERVICE is a different issue altogether, and that is up to the individual business owner, but don't confuse Customer service with responsibility. In other words, you're wrong. Every time you jump a parachute you're taking your life into your own hands...PERIOD. The manufacturers responsibility is through as soon as you step off. Whatever happened between you and BPR is over and done with. Move on and go make a jump! respectfully, pope
  24. AFAIK, "F-111" type nylon is designed to be pourous, and it's just a guess, but I'm fairly certain that having vents w/o valves would allow air contained in the cells to escape that much easier than without. I must have missed your buddies' weight since w/l didn't pop out at me, but everyone elde seems to think it's too small a canopy, so at least reevaluate the size. With that number of jumps on it, I'd be more concerned with how well it's been maintained, sun exposure, oil, repairs, and water landings, if any. Also, on a canopy that size, I'd want to know how big the person was who had been jumping it before and what type of jumps they did primarily. If they're a big dude that was taking three seconds slider off for 125 jumps, I'd look it over even more carefully.
  25. What if the Ground winds are below zero?