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Everything posted by loumeinhart

  1. that reminds me of a movie but I can't place it! ahh Goldeneye http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tl0LZsyi_tA&NR=1
  2. They've been spraying a lot over Ohio lately and I'm worried about it getting on my canopy
  3. The bad form I was referring to is a musical thing, not performance. Trust me I hate attention. I play for the paycheck. I set my gear up as far back as possible so I'm not in the lights
  4. Like a guitar player arching at the hips and grimacing while arpeggiating a D triad... fake effort
  5. There are drummers that absolutely have to fill every 4 bars during someone's solo, then the 4 bars becomes 2 and the fills start earlier - before you know it the soloist is playing over a constant drum fill... other rhythm players are guilty of it too. Bad form.
  6. I have respect for drummers who can keep it in their pants (I'm one but piano=more work). Show up with a kick/scare/hats and a ride. That's all you need most of the time
  7. yep - let the front man front the band
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=piwmshfmsrc&feature=related this is my favorite clip from the movie
  9. hahahaha http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nwC2o9SCqgc&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ItZyaOlrb7E&feature=related
  10. one of my [URL http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AHb4gs1hwck] favorites [/URL]
  11. Would the same apply to income levels? I'm not sure I understand how the brackets are not relevant or at the very least relative to each other.
  12. What is my error? I'm just copying the IRS website.. Do they have something wrong on their website??
  13. I'm getting a weird redirect from Firefox to an unrecognized IP.. That may have something to do with Linux. Forbes is definately not cached either.. What do you think I should do?
  14. about what? Wrong about Kallend Dreamdancer or Amazon (sorry it's confusing Libs don't use their real names on the internet) not posting an income level that they consider 'rich'? What specific part am I wrong about?
  15. Whaat? Income is absolutely a measure of one's status, comfort level, and socio-economic position in the United States of America. What qualifies as top 1% of wealth owner? I want to look some of these guys and gals up and see what they're paying in taxes.
  16. You won't get an answer from any of them. I've asked Dreamer multiple times what percentage the top 1% should be taxed..I get nothing. Welcome to the Nannystate blame-america redistribution entitlement crowd. When you show them IRS tax rate data they say "oh but that's not capital gains!" When you illustrate a corporation's community donations they say "of course it's a tax writeoff!!" When you show dollars paid in taxes they pretty much disagree and claim that the figures are skewed. Billvon is pretty much the only lefty on here that seems fiscally moderate/slightly conservative. That's probably because he is smart and has always worked hard for his money.
  17. I agree. We shouldn't be jumping to any conclusions before having something real to compare!!
  18. Found the supplement here Interesting how Dreamdancer titled this thread. Do you realize that the R01 disparity only exists on model 5? Also note that on proposals submitted 3 or more times, the difference between Blacks/Whites was not "statistically significant" (Asians dropped 4% below Blacks). There are significant differences in research production (table S11) between Blacks/Whites especially in number of citations and first-author. This was of course adjusted in the sampling but I wonder if that promotes a general bias among the committees?
  19. It is depressing.. Hate to say this but watching her audience during a live speech is pretty telling
  20. Then we have nothing to argue over : ) It seriously bugs me when people throw around the "rich pay less" lie. So if you want to make that generalization please be specific with examples. Tax fraud also exists in the middle class. There are plenty of people who list their pets as dependents. That is breaking the law but I guess it's OK because they're not the 'super rich' Hatred for the rich is a disease I'm glad I don't have.
  21. I just proved to you a wage earner making $180k/yr pays more in taxes than a wage earner making $20k/yr. That's actually a fact. So when you said "Those who got the most paying the least percentage wise" - you we're wrong. Unless you think $180,000/yr is piss money.