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Everything posted by greybeard

  1. I thought adding 'naked' to the subject line would get more reads. I should have added 'NSWF' and inserted a pic of BB in freestyle flight, or rodeo wingsuit. Any of those pics are NSFW where I work, AT HOME.
  2. I wonder how many jumpers have ever done: Style + Accuracy + Formation skydiving + Forincation skydiving + Freestyle + Freefly + CReW + Winsuit + Skyboard + Freakfly + Speeddive + And whatever else can be thought of as a discipline? Should there be a rating or award for accomplishments of any given number of different diciplines? Participation is different from efficiency in each arena. And competetive expertise is different from efficiency. Some thoughts regarding the safety of an event which had participants engaged in five or six or seven different diciplines in a day or weekend, are welcome. Mark
  3. The split second you feel the end of your force on the board, not the board response, the bottom of your input, your mind's visual is the execution of the dive and entry. Zen like and very bitch'n. This topic takes me back. What a blast! Thanks. Anybody want to talk about platform, cliff, or areil dives. Lead me to skydiving.
  4. In addition to Luke's comments, bear in mind that the board will propell you. You do not use the board as much as let the spring use you. Your wieght properly placed will drive the action, for which you patiently await the equal and opposite reaction. The fun is in taking that ride for all it is worth. Feel the energy you are putting into the board. Grab the energy the board returns. Mark
  5. Did someone mention mushrooms. Ooooooohhhhh.... Like where the leg wing attatches to the toe or the arch of the foot or the heal? Intricate axial leverage. Shrooms are good, .........................................
  6. Consider the super competive folk to be in their greatest moment. Observe and admire their dedication. But watch out for all 'hell' to break loose when the preasure is off. Also interesting to see is the espre-de-corp between competetive teams and individuals. Pretty cool most times. Awesome people on many levels. Fear not, the party is 'on', amounst and amid the competitions. The charged atmoshere is thick with sweathogs and sweethearts. Sort of a mini........ *STOP*, it is not like anything else. It is the Nationals. The world is alive with skydivers. What could be better. Bring it on.
  7. jumping bare footed in the summertime. the pea gravel does sometimes shake out of my ears and other crevis' later in the day. proof of dead center, shake the gravel out of your shorts! Cheers!
  8. Also looking for a 160.
  9. are you calling me a gueezer, punk? Argon is noble and so am I. My ac and stick glue jobs were the 'cats meow' back in the day. Damn pretty to my eyes. Still patching broken hearts and stiching the crack of dawn.
  10. I've been away from it for awhile. I have only used tig with hand held rod. See how old I am. I was remembering brazing tin cans. Stick and O/A. Probably got a computer robot to do it now.
  11. Beer cans and foil containers are the best test. I've seen it done with stick!. Tig makes it easy for anybody. Patch a broken heart and stitch up the crack of dawn.
  12. What a BLAST!!!!!!! Kevin Vetter and Joe Lambert personify the crw legecy. Between them they reached thru the fog and touched each and every participant in too many ways to count. They shead myths, opened new doors, and built confidence and found new freinds and enthusiasts. What a Blast, man! I learned that when you get wrapped, it is important to quit laughing and regain composure, exitedite, ( I made that word up) and rejoin the group, then start laughing again. Each jump, I logged into the brain matter, at least one new nuance of canopy control. This weekend taught me how much I don't know, but damn it sure is fun learning. The adreaneal rush should be illegal. If the government finds out, they will surely tax it. CRW : Now this is flying! Thanks all, not just the Frayed Knot , but all you'se wise guys.
  13. Today, sitting on the back porch juicing lemmons for the upcoming season. Looking out at snow capped Catalina mountains ten miles away. Seventy degrees and dry here. Headed for the LZ saturday. Life is good. To all my brothers and sisters in other worlds, thank you! This is what it is all about. Do your thing and come home safe and sound. Sit next to me at the dz campfire, take my last beer. Cheers! Come home safe and sound, you've earned stars and stripes and beers!
  14. I was just reminded to bring my USPA ID for admission.
  15. I took exception to the book review published in last month's Skydiving Magazine. It seemed to me that the reviewer spent a lot of time, effort, and print space in reviewing the author. Now, the author is not my best freind, the short little runt, ( oh special forces, nevermind, runt ). But, if a book reviewer is to review a book, he should review a book. A separate article could be labeled "Review of Scott Campos", then we could all dwell on the shortcomings of the authors writing skills (or the editors, or whoever else) versus the superiority of the reviewers skills. Would we all love to dwell on this aspect of the reviewer's life. You bettcha, ............. I did send a note to Sue Clifford @ Skydiving magazine with my short opinion. Any bets on whether or not it will get published in response to their review. Mark Burke, Tucson, Az Edit. I would authorize this post to be published in Skydiving magazine only if my original note to Sue Cliffton is also published.
  16. I sent a letter to 'Skydiving'. This deserves a new post, ..... see ya there!
  17. Seriously, My first time attending the national meeting, what is to be expected. Mass call from the floor to the board? Lecture? Dissertation from prepared scourses? Guesses, experience, ........................ Mark
  18. Tell me about the door prizes. I guessing 100 free jumps for showing up, another 100 for best hair, 100 for shiniest shoes. Free pilot training hours would be cool. A slot on Airspeed at the Worlds? Front seat time in a L39? Don't need a t-shirt. I'm going to get "PIXI'D", for sure. All seriousness aside, tell us about the AZ dropzones who will participate. Yours truly, Troublemaker
  19. Strong and straight forward reply. Good on you. Continue please. How do address today's complex political situation with your daily life? "No bragging and no complaining". I think the thought put forward was, do you reconize the current past as having any relevence to todays currency, (tommorrow's past).
  20. I am not a whinner! I am an antagonist! I expected more from you, son. Think.
  21. What exacatly is ment by your comment to go out and do something positive. I sense that you may be a lemming following the crowd without any individual thoughts. What have you gone out and done recently. Enlisted? Voted? Protested? Protested protesters? Commenting here is doing something positive! Reflecting and discussing relevence. Dissent may sound negative to you. Much too complicated to address. It's the American way!
  22. The more things change, the more they seem to stay the same. The human condition, or more specifically the American condition, does seem to lack any skill to link historic reference or reverence to our collective thoughts. Every "new" experience is 'Knee-jerk' reacted to as if yesturday never happened. Wouldn't you wish our village, damn big'un tho it is, would be less reactive and more pensive sometimes?
  23. "Back me up here guys,............ You want to see some more women naked"! -Ron White