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Everything posted by Adrock

  1. Wow, according to this(unscientific) poll, more than 50% of jumpers have their first reserve rides at sub-100 jumps! Perhaps those who have not had a reserve ride are voting in the category for the jump number they currently have, and therefore skewing the numbers? i.e., I have between 100-200 jumps now, with no reserve rides, so I should cast my vote in the 100-200 category? I don't think that's the intent of the poll, so I didn't vote. Addie
  2. There were many days, here in Kansas, that I as a student was not able to jump. However, those days were the days that I sat around, watched, and listened to the more experienced jumpers. Yes, it was frustrating at the time to not be able to jump, but there were benefits as well. As a result of that, I think I both learned more and was more "accepted" as part of the skydiving family than those who would call up, ask what the winds were doing, and then not show up. Addie
  3. Ya know, back before he got sick, he had told all of his friends to look for him on the 20th anniversary of his death. I heard a neat NPR interview with one of his best friends, who as of last week was still thinking Andy might come back on said anniversary. It would just line up with all of the other "performance art" stunts that he's done in the past.
  4. Adrock

    My new Icon

    Thanks a lot for checking this out! Such good customer service, and not even requested. When I ordered, the delivery time was predicted as 10-12 weeks, so it's not that late. Can't wait to see it show up on my doorstep! Addie
  5. Adrock

    My new Icon

    Man, I'm so jealous of your new rig. Thirteen weeks and counting since I ordered my Icon, Pilot, and Smart. So much for hoping that it would be here before the jumping season started. Maybe next week... Addie
  6. broke a finger? Sorry about that... Addie(the jumper who gave the count)
  7. Don't know if I got screwed or what, but I ordered mine a month ago through Square 2 and they told me it would be a 10-12 week delivery time. Maybe it will be here sooner??? Guess I can hope.
  8. Elfanie- Good job on the emergency procedures. I often have hard pulls, but have been able to get it out on the second try always. Now, when I pack I hammer on the (spandex) BOC a few times with my hand to help spread the pilot chute out and take up more of the space. I've had several people ask me why I'm doing it, but it does seem to help reduce the pull force necessary. To all- There's a lot of discussion about pilot chute in tow, but it sounds to me like elfanie didn't have this, because her pilot chute was securely in the bag. My (70-jump wonder) understanding was that if you know you haven't even pulled the pilot chute out of the BOC, that is not a pilot chute in tow and therefore there is no reason to cutaway. I understand that there is some debate on what to do if you have pulled something out. Comments? Addie
  9. Hahahaha Even though I have my A-license, and am (mostly) over the paralyzing fear, I still get a twinge of fear when I hear an instructor say to a new student "Get your feet out and stop." Guess I'm remembering my static-line jumps! Addie
  10. Ummmm...guess Chris F. and I don't count in "all of us" knew we wanted to jump... As a result, my weekend numbers: 0:0:0 and next weekend's taken up with Christmas obligations grrrrr
  11. You can't call beer on every borrowed main that I jump at the DZ, can you? Or my new altimeter that I jumped on Saturday? Anyone...? I can't afford THAT much beer. Addie
  12. Unless you feel you can afford it and you really think you need it, I'd wait on getting any gear. Your AFF course is going to cost you enough. Plus, you'll start paying attention to others' gear and forming a better idea of what you want. I don't know about where you jump, but my coach didn't want me jumping my new full-face helmet until I had my A license--he said that he wanted to be able to read my facial expressions better. Addie
  13. Beer dues all paid up...I jump at two dropzones, so I had to pay even more beer...I'm sure there will be more beer owed at the boogie, since I'm still having "firsts" every time I turn around! Addie
  14. Hey everybody- Just wanted to say hi, as I've been on here reading posts for several months, and finally thought I should start posting. Gotta get to know you all, as I just bought my tickets to Eloy for the holiday boogie, and don't want to be a stranger when I show up! Thanks everyone for these forums, they've been so helpful to read other people's experiences and compare them to my own while working through my progression and getting my A license. Addie