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Everything posted by SBCmac

  1. Now that's an awesome picture!!! And a hillarious respone, thanks for the laugh ... Cheers brother
  2. It's one thing to call yourself something... It's anoter to be what you call youself... SBCmac P.S. If you hurry bro, I'm sure Wonderwoman is still available on your site...
  3. I think with the pucker factor that we as BASE jumpers experience on some of our jumps makes us all super heroes in some shape or form. At least I feel like one when my feet hit the ground after a BASE jump … Not to mention, especially the level of pucker factor that you experience on a jump like the one we did last weekend. Those kinds of jumps always make me feel superhuman when I walk away unscaved … So again, thanks for coming out last weekend; that was just an awesome jump!!! Well I hope you and KMonster are having fun in Moab!!! :)… SBCmac
  4. Awesome... Thanks for posting the colors
  5. Does anyone know what colors are available? SBCmac
  6. My Bad Skinflicka... That wasn't me in that pic... Here's a picture of me sporting my new V1 suit. ... SBCmac
  7. Just a funny story of how I came up with my V1 design
  8. I've been selling blood at the blood bank for months now to get mine ... Once I run out of blood, time to move on to the sperm bank ... Wait ... Can't I sell one of my kidneys??? Now that's an idea ... Seriously though... I'm definitely excited to purchase the V1
  9. SBCmac

    SL question

    Why would I flame you, you're providing awesome input!!! So again, thanks for your input ...
  10. SBCmac

    SL question

    base704, Thanks for the pic… I have a question that is very similar to the question that pBASEtobe asked me… First, my own thoughts on your setup… I like your setup for high profile objects because all you leave behind is the static line, and you’re probably only going to use the static line once. And I also larks-head my static line to the anchor point, at exit point. But let’s say for objects that you jump continuously, does having the break cord directly on the static line weaken the static line? Or, do you just monitor its wear and tear like you do the rest of your equipment? And as far as the break cord goes, does having the static line directly on the break cord increase the risk of premature release? I ask the above questions because here is the reasoning behind my setup… I use two connector links for two reasons… The first being, I like the idea of having the surfaces on both sides of the break cord consistent, round and smooth surface. The second reason being, when doing jumps back to back on a low profile object, all I need to do to hook up my second rig is to keep pre-tied break cord around. So it's as simple as inserting the pre-tied break cord between the two connector links at exit point, instead of having to tie the break cord to the static line that is already at exit point from the previous jump. base704 - Again thanks for your input and the picture you posted…
  11. SBCmac

    SL question

    In addition to what I posted... The PC is only attached for back up reasons anyway. That's another reason why the small 250lb connector link shouldn't be a problem... Just thought I'd throw that out there too
  12. SBCmac

    SL question

    This was a question that I was asked via PM... I'm not putting the name until the person gives me the permission to... Awesome question though
  13. SBCmac

    SL question

    Zoter, Ok... Again I don't know how to draw so I hope you can understand the attached diagram
  14. SBCmac

    SL question

    Zoter, There are several ways to do it; this may be why people are hesitant to answer... Not to mention, if done incorrectly (and even when done correctly) SL jumps can fail/release prematurely. So again this may be why people are hesitant to provide an answer. An example of how difficult of an answer in what you’re asking is like asking people how they fold their PC’s… Theirs the general concept, but everyone does their own thing that they think makes it open better… So please do plenty of homework prior to coming to a conclusion in how you go about doing SL jumps… I was hoping that BR still had their diagram on their site but they don't. I also went to CR's site and couldn't find anything on their site either. I'll post the way I do it but again realize that just like everything, everyone has their way of doing things. So I'm simply going to provide the way I do it, which is more or less the general concept... I'm at work so it's going to take me a little bit to draw up a raw diagram...
  15. SBCmac

    SL question

    Awesome!!! Thanks
  16. SBCmac

    SL question

    vid666, The other reason you don’t want to cut the break cord is because of dynamic force. I was taught about dynamic force and static line jumps when I took BR’s FJC a few years back. I don’t know the best explanation for dynamic force, but it is basically what “bps” stated in his post. You may be able to determine the weight needed to open the container and extract the parachute in perfect conditions, but there are too many variables that can change the pull force needed. The example that BR gave in their cours was to tie a 5lb weight to 80lb break cord and drop the weight from the height of a table, the 80lb break cord will break… The cord breaks because of dynamic force that is created from the acceleration of the 5lb weight. So it may only be 5 lbs but with acceleration it excerpts more pull force than 80lbs. Same thing when you are doing a static line jump. In a perfects scenario it may only take 20-30lbs to extract the parachute, but how much pull force are you really putting on that 80lb break cord on every jump??? Speaking of break cord... And I apologize for going off topic... But, I'm running out of my supply of break cord and I was wondering if anyone know where you can get break cord, other than a BASE manufacture/Rigger? I’m hoping to find somewhere easy like a hardware store
  17. SBCmac


    That's so awesome to hear!!! I'm sending good vibes to your buds way in hopes for a quick recovery... If you and your bud are ever in the NW, PM me and we'll go huck off a rock or two... Peace bro
  18. SBCmac


    ZegeunerLeben & evilivan, Happy thoughts guys.... Happy thoughts... The bad times suck, no doubt!!! And they are definitely memorable, in a bad way... But let's all keep our heads up and remember the good times with our brothers and sisters that have passed... I guess all I'm saying is... This has been an awesome thread. Very possitive and very uplifting... And I may be totally wrong in saying what I'm saying, and I'm sorry if I am. But I hope we can just keep this thread positive and if we want to mention our past BASE bros and sisters, lets mention their smiles and how they made us feel and not their end. I have no right to tell anyone what to do, and I'm not trying to... I'm only asking as a favor if we can keep this thread uplifting... Love you all
  19. You Rock Tom... Thanks!!!
  20. Just thought it relates to the forum as well...;#1345299 Tom... I don't know if I'm not supposed to do this... Sorry if I'm not suppposed to...
  21. nicknitro71, Speaking of it happening in BASE... This happened to me on my last WS BASE jump… I had a clean exit and was about 5 to 6 seconds into my jump… And out of no where I felt turbulence, I was being thrown around and I couldn’t do anything about it. Then all of a sudden, I was thrown on my back. Let me tell you, pretty damn scary when you are over a buttress that you haven’t cleared yet … Anyway, so instead of fighting it, I just went with it and continued the barrel roll and inflated my wings once I completed the rotation. Even after the barrel role, for about a second+ longer, I still had issues with turbulence. Once I passed the buttress I went into clean air and was able to pull a sweet 36 second delay out of my ass … So once on the ground, we witnessed fog go straight up the wall from the buttress… So our conclusion is that there must have been thermals coming off of the buttress and I got caught up in them. The jumper before me felt the same funky air but wasn’t affected as much. Looking back, I think I was affected by the turbulence because I was maxed out and was still sub terminal. Looking back I had two options… Once I felt turbulence, I should have arched and flew in a dirty body position to prevent the turbulence from having such a great effect on me. The problem with this solution though is that I still have to pass the buttress, so flying dirty may have not been enough to get me over the buttress. Second solution, once I finished the barrel role, I should have deployed my parachute. With this solution, even if I had to fly my canopy in dirty air, it’s better than colliding with the buttress in my wing suit… All in all, experience with flying my wing suit is what saved my ass. I truly believe that when you decided to BASE your wing suit, you better fly it like it’s an extension of you… Again that’s the only thing that saved my ass …
  22. Wow, just awesome... I cannot wait until we can order them!!! I take that back... I can't wait until I'm screaming through the air in one ...