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Everything posted by brenthutch

  1. This is delicious to watch from a safe distance. When America spits, Canada swims.
  2. They should look up the term "pyrrhic victory". I looked it up and here is the definition A Pyrrhic victory is a victory that inflicts such a devastating toll on the victor that it is tantamount to defeat. Someone who wins a Pyrrhic victory has been victorious in some way. However, the heavy toll negates any sense of achievement or profit. In other words, the Obama presidency. The Dems win the "first black presidency" and loose the White House, House of Representatives , the Senate, double digit losses in governors mansions, 900+ losses in state legislatures. With ten Democratic senators up for reelection in red states in 2018, Republicans are looking at a filibuster proof senate, not to mention a Supreme Court packed with conservatives. It doesn't get more pyrrhic than that.
  3. They should look up the term "pyrrhic victory". I looked it up and here is the definition
  4. Different thread, I must have missed it.
  5. No. He didn't. He won by one of the SMALLEST Electoral College margins in the history of US Presidential elections. But don't let facts get in the way. "At this point, what difference does it make?" HRC
  6. I don't see Trump involving himself in policy, he will leave that to McConnell, Ryan and his cabinet. He will buzz about playing up the good, playing down the bad and reminding everyone how awesome he is. I don't see him getting into the weeds on anything.
  7. You mean like this.
  8. We are not attacking you, we are laughing at you.
  9. You're funny. Clinton won California without trying. Of course she knew it didn't matter how much she won by, and that the popular vote didn't matter. That's why she didn't campaign in California Or Wisconsin
  10. All very true, now let us get back to saving the snowflakes.
  11. Agreed, they are really going to miss Obama "Not only has he been unable to pass federal gun legislation – effectively leaving it to the states to take the helm for the most part – but his presidency has seen gun sales hit record highs. Getting exact gun sale data is tricky: Rather than track sales specifically, the FBI keeps a tally of the number of background checks for gun-related purchases that are processed in the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS). The National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF), a firearms industry trade association, adjusts that data, for instance by removing checks that don’t result in sales, because it feels that is the best proxy for sales. According to the adjusted NSSF data, there were 847,808 guns purchased during the month that Obama was sworn in for his first term in 2009, compared with 655,143 guns sold that month the previous year. Fast-forward four years to January 2013, and gun purchases for the month were recorded at 1,790,154."
  12. On the flip side, there appears to be more gun purchases amongst liberals. That is a good thing, liberals and conservatives, slinging lead together at the range.
  13. It is more than a "pigeon-hole". The oceans as a whole can either be out gassing our up taking, they can not be doing both.
  14. Those were corrected by processes inherent in a free and unbiased media. Tell that to Richard Jewell and Darren Wilson.
  15. With all of the feigned outrage over fake news, it is worth noting that traditional media sources are filled with demonstrably false narratives. Think Duke lacrosse, and UVA fraternity rape cases
  16. For the first time in years I could buy unlimited.22LR at Walmart. Happy days are here again. As much as I hate Trump, it looks as if he will usher in a period of reduced paranoia
  17. Sorry my bad, I clicked on a link with a Minnesota elector being replaced because he voted for Bernie. Sorry for my confusion.
  18. That was a Democratic elector Bill. It is understandable that she looked as if she was about to throw up, she was being compelled to vote for HRC.
  19. What are you talking about? There can be nothing more magnanimous that creating a nonprofit to support those who were emotionally scarred by this past election! Did you even watch the video?
  21. Interesting read. Kind of throws a monkey wrench in the whole AGW theory.
  22. You may now add "looser" to your count.
  23. What is going on in North Carolina is both democratic and constitutional, unsavory perhaps, but by definition, constitutional and democratic.
  24. Of Depends undergarments sold on the west coast and northeast. I'm just saying...
  25. News flash! Russia is no longer communist!