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Everything posted by ccowden

  1. The man did produce one fine looking daughter, so you might have a shot there at getting one as cute as mine!
  2. Tell me about it! I want one too!
  3. That's awesome! and thanks bro!
  4. Yeah man, it's a good thing she isn't on here! You might be painting a baby room sooner than you think!
  5. ........of pictures of my boy, Brennan.
  6. This sucks! I have tried from my work computer and now home, and I can't get onto the site at all!
  7. Social Distortion Love, Sex and Rock & Roll Sublime Sublime
  8. I don't know, but she sure is alot of fun to play with!
  9. Oh heck yeah! You can see EVERY Fingerlake from altitude AND Lake Ontario. Check it out!
  10. Good ol' Ft. Benning! I was stationed there. Try this: Awesome dz! They have directions posted on that page I linked from Benning.
  11. Well cool! It makes me much happier to know you are getting the recognition you deserve! Keep up the good work.
  12. Hey, just look at it as doing a public service. You should be commended!
  13. And yet another very good example of why others should not!
  14. Personally, I would do 2 or 3 hop and pops at altitude to play with it up high and get the feel of it. Then just plan on opening a bit higher than normal for awhile and taking things slow and cautiously with landings.
  15. I think you should change your avatar to this. Much more of a true representation!
  16. Are you kidding?! I was actually a bit frightened watching you swing that paddle. You got this weird look on your face, had some weird evil laugh going, and I think I even saw some drool. It was weird.
  17. Were the guy and girl who were in the landing area with the tripod part of the dvd making crew?