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Everything posted by ccowden

  1. Ah man, this is the biggest loser of a thread ever! At the very least, I figured someone would hijack it!
  2. And me. And McDuck. And McDuck's better half, Cora. Did I mention Skymama? This will be her second boogie in less than two months!! April 29-30, Skydive Crosskeys. It ain't Dublin, but then again, what is? I added "naked boobies" to the subject to try to get more attention.
  3. Ya know what? The more I think about this, the more I realize I shouldn't be so overly critical. Heck, on jump 999 I put two 55 gallon drums out in the landing area about five feet apart and tried to swoop downwind between them. I turned too low and crashed into the ground, resulting in not jumping for a month. I guess it was all part of the learning experience and made me the more safe swooper I am today. It is easy to watch similar mistakes being made now that I have almost 3,000 jumps and be overly critical about the same choices I made myself at times. I am glad it didn't turn out worse, Jeff. Heal fast! I apolgize if my posts came across as attacks towards you. They were certainly not meant that way. It's a fine line between trying to be helpful and remembering where I once was. Can I have a hug Ron?
  4. Your definition of "personal attack" sure differs from mine!
  5. Oh quit your whining about personal attacks. You are giving, what I consider to be, piss poor advice, and I think i am allowed to state my opinion. But that's just my opinion. And maybe you can be a bit more extreme with the Manta thing?
  6. Let's see... He admitted he shouldn't have swooping the pond, got in over his head, forced himself into a bad situation that he wasn't ready for and messed it up to the point of breaking himself and putting himself out of jumping for awhile. I would consider that to be a stupid choice. I have made alot of stupid choices, but fortunately, I have learned from them and think things over alot more now BEFORE the situation arises. I know Brains and he is great guy and not stupid for sure. The CHOICE he made was stupid. And I think he will admit that. He already kinda did. Now THIS.... this is stupid! Experience is knowing what you have the skill for and what you don't. If he was using his experience, he would have chose NOT to swoop that pond. Saying that it is ok to "push things a bit" and put yourself into situations you aren't skilled enough for is what is stupid and what gets people hurt or killed. Great advice!
  7. Now ya see how ungrateful you are?! I did that "showboating," as you call it, so that you would have a good video to take with you and learn from, as well as to make you work and feel more confident in the air. Jeesh, some people!
  8. That is right about the same jump numbers that I learned not to be stupid too! Now that you have learned it, the REAL test is what you do with it. Glad it wasn't worse.
  9. Well, as long as you know THAT is the only reason I am your friend, we are good to go. Tell Cora she is already "up to snuff" and I am looking forward to jumping with her. YOU on the other hand, might want to hire that FF coach!
  10. I'll just say... You da man! Next stop, Crosskeys?
  11. Oh you're goooood! That there is some professional PR work!
  12. Thanks to the bad influence of McDuck, I wasn't either! Well at least not at night.
  13. Thank you, Andrea, but you need to give yourself more credit! You fly really great! You are alot of fun to jump with! I still laugh everytime I see that part where I flip you in the air! Sorry bout that, I couldn't resist!
  14. Thank you, Cora and Bobbi!
  15. Well, tell Cora I said thank you! And good thinkin with the blank look and Doritos.
  16. Thank you sir. Good thing he got my wife's looks!
  17. I'm sorry, were you saying something? I was ignoring you.
  18. I think she's got all the baby she can handle with ME. Yeah, you're right. I mean, it's a good thing I am such a mature, sensible man!