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Everything posted by rbrcokflichk

  1. Feeling ok now...but I feel this nasty eye problem coming on sometime Thursday afternoon... ...just can't see myself coming into work on Friday!!! I'd rather have an awkward morning than a boring night!!!
  2. Another choice for the chicago area is Chicagoland Skydiving, not too far at all. Good vibe there, low key and personable...not to say that SDC isn't, but of course I am biased!!! Good Luck!!! I'd rather have an awkward morning than a boring night!!!
  3. wow...not much activity accross the board if you and I are the only ones keeping this thread alive!!! I'm dissapointed in skydivers everywhere!!! Video??? NEVER get video!!!!! I'd rather have an awkward morning than a boring night!!!
  4. hmmmm, So much for keeping it in the air!!! All in good fun I'd rather have an awkward morning than a boring night!!!
  5. what happens in the air remains in the air.... Ha HA...ditto that!!!! I'd rather have an awkward morning than a boring night!!!
  6. rbrcokflichk

    New AffI

    way to go!!! congrats.... Those poor unsuspecting students won't know what hit 'em when you're through!!! Watch out girlies.... I'd rather have an awkward morning than a boring night!!!
  7. Yeah... from what I hear, all the guys down there are pretty lame Compared to Aimee they are! Ah...I love it when you massage my ego like that!!! (I would have said strokes, but coming from a woman I don't know if that would be all that apropriate!) Val...that sucks, I won't be around the following weekend...we will just have to share hot sex in spirit then!!! I am also bringing out DANGEROUS limes/lemons for the evening activities.... Have fun in Cali...I was there in April, and there was sadly no "hot sex" at the bonfire, wait...there was no bonfire!!! I'd rather have an awkward morning than a boring night!!!
  8. I'm soooooo jealous, I wanted to come that weekend but I had forty other things going on. Oh well, the pics are great Val, see you at CSC this weekend??? --A I'd rather have an awkward morning than a boring night!!!
  9. Do holidays and weekends count in your three more weeks!!!!! If not then really that is only 14 days which is 2 weeks...and then we could divide that by the density of the air and subtract my jump numbers divided by your jumps numbers, squared and maybe we can have you for practice or at the very least, meet 3!!! Practice on7/5/05....WE NEED YOU BACK!!!!! need....want, what's the difference at this point!!!! --hi to you too!!! I'd rather have an awkward morning than a boring night!!!
  10. Val---we know your type!!! You're the "hot sex" kind of drunk... I'd rather have an awkward morning than a boring night!!!
  11. holy crap, he must have a steady hand or a lot of razor burn to shave while not being able to give the shaveee full and undevided attention!!!! ykies... then there's the matter of the pump which I feel totally unqualified to comment on!!! I'd rather have an awkward morning than a boring night!!!
  12. Of course I second that!!!!! Can't wait to have you back!!!! I'd rather have an awkward morning than a boring night!!!
  13. Ok...so I'm going to get shot for posting this, but a dear friend of mine has been through this, more than once. He isn't someone that lacks experience at all, somewhere in the 1400 jumpish range (I'm sure he will correct me) Two things-- Near the end of last season before a jump, he says to me that he didn't feel good about his pack job. Instead of repacking it, he made the decision to jump it....well, that ended up being an expensive jump when he had to pay for the reserve re-pack. First jump this year--he came out, I invited him on a jump, he declined because he wasn't really in the jumping mindset...I don't really remember the real reason, regardless another jumper invited him on the same load, he decided to gear up--the skydive went fine, but after landing...well, I still don't have my friend back in the air with me. (maybe next month!!) Just two more examples of trust your gut....if it doesn't feel right, don't do it. Aimee--- Good Vibes-Good Dives!!!! (don't be mad!!) I'd rather have an awkward morning than a boring night!!!
  14. There should be a small but elite clan of HSC (hot sex chicks) could be taken multiple ways!!! Hee Hee I like that!!! I will be around Saturday for a short while early for the passing of the hot sex duties to the honorary HSC('s) for the evening...if multiple persons are needed to fulfill the duties of this commitment then more hot sex may need to be obtained!! However, As I recall from a photo I recently found, hot sex at the bonfire leads to curious onlookers when jello shots are distributed!!! ahhemHeatherhmm. In anycase, I will pass on the duties...for that evening as to not let down the men and women of Hinckley...but alas I will be back to fulfill my duties with the sicky cold drunken sweet midnight hot sex on future occasions. The torch eerrrr bottle is passed!!! I'd rather have an awkward morning than a boring night!!!
  15. So sorry val....I was all geared up for hot sex, getting it frigid and just like a the woman I am, I fell asleep before I could perform...my deepest apologies!!! The hot sex will be well prepped for the boogie, but I won't be around to distribute this time...I need volunteers for honorary hot sex distributors, preferable female since it seems to go over much better than a man offering hot sex to other men!!! I have had new partners in crime when the hot sex starts flowing but I have never had a stand in....is anyone up to the job??!! Applications being accepted until the boogie!!! I'd rather have an awkward morning than a boring night!!!
  16. It's the best I can do... I'd rather have an awkward morning than a boring night!!!
  17. Geesh....my two answers every time and in this order: Left hand...not always a tell tale signal, but it works. "Package" yup, I'm shallow!!!! Then I guess I'll absorb everything else...but if the first two aren't what you want, then really what do you have to work with??!! I'd rather have an awkward morning than a boring night!!!
  18. From my knee cap to my femur, now my femur is better than ever, and well...who really needs a full knee cap anyway?!! Everything works pretty good now though!!! I'd rather have an awkward morning than a boring night!!!
  19. 68...I had a hard opening and split my top skin 7 feet in an "L" shape.... I'd rather have an awkward morning than a boring night!!!
  20. From most experiences, nothing goes very well under that canopy!!!! Not that drinking would be involved during said occurrences!!!!! I'd rather have an awkward morning than a boring night!!!
  21. There are so many topless mosh pits, I lost count!!! Topless cushmans, Topless....well, you get the idea!! I should bring the toys our for one last romp though, I still have some intriguing inventory left that is selling at a nice discount! I am planning on starting back in the fall, so hinckly will have it's toys back!! --> P: At least I can make you scream for something!!! I'd rather have an awkward morning than a boring night!!!
  22. I am here to please!!! What good would a hinckley bonfire be without "sticky, sweet, cold, drunken, tasty, midnight, hot sex" anyway??!! I'd rather have an awkward morning than a boring night!!!
  23. What good does that do us....geesh posting a link for a party that we can't go to.... tell you what I'll have some "hot sex" that night at the bon fire in honor of you both!!!
  24. I dunno, sounds sort of like some sick twisted relationship when you put them all together like that!!! Regardless, I am going to stop by early, buy a few winning raffle tickets and trust that someone will let me know when I win the 100 jump package!!! Come on Smooth---optimistically you were hoping for the MS boogie for your first jump back!!!
  25. Wouldn't you know it...of all the weekends that my mom had to get married!!! Actually, I am going to try to sneek by early in the morning for raffle tickets and a jump or two. It's the only way I can afford the 100 jump package!!! See y'all sometime this weekend!!! Aimee