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Everything posted by olofscience

  1. What, you trust models now? You were pretty against them before. This paper is from 1983! It also has quite a big flaw that it assumed a massive increase in CO2 concentration (doubling) while only assuming a 0.25 C increase in global temperature. As of 2020 we're already at around 1.1C so they're already very wrong. Keep up.
  2. So...you got anything to contribute to the discussion? I didn't say I was smarter, I said I knew more about how the oil industry worked, having worked there myself. But if you think his quick googling and multiple mistakes are equally credible, then that just says more about you. One more thing: I didn't just make that statement without evidence - my previous discussions with him, his long posting history already reveals the depth of his ignorance and inability to read and understand technical details. Or even read the most basic things about the stuff he posts (like the titles).
  3. Excuses, excuses. You worded your statement as if CO2 was the major factor. It wasn't. If it had any effect at all it would be fractions of a percent.
  4. <facepalm> The bottleneck for food production wasn't CO2. It's fixed nitrogen. The invention of the Haber-Bosch process in 1909 made the massive increase in food production in the 20th Century possible. And oil and gas installations don't need any replacement or maintenance? You see, I used to work for an oil company. I'm not some hippy lefty. I know far more than you do on how the industry works. Could you also please learn some engineering? I feel stupider already for even replying to you...
  5. Only if brenthutch spends a bit more time actually reading the articles that he posts, and actually puts effort into educating himself. I've got better things to do with my time. If you want a history of his posts, it pretty much goes: climate change isn't happening once that becomes undeniable, he switches to "yes it's happening, but we can't stop it, it's actually good for us" fossil fuels are the best and renewables will never work! every now and then he'll find an article saying "climate change isn't happening", he forgets what he said in (2) and cheerfully repeats like a broken record assorted other attacks against electric cars, renewables, etc. without any engineering knowledge whatsoever So I won't waste my time on him. But Turtle, if you summarise the points in the video to me, I can answer your questions and engage in a hopefully more productive discussion.
  6. and that summarises your knowledge of this topic...shallow and riddled with errors.
  7. okay, so... Your posts have just quickly crossed into "so stupid it's not worth my time to respond" level, so I won't waste my time. Now I understand why kallend only answers some questions. Have fun.
  8. It's pretty relevant if the discussion is knowledge of bias. In a discussion of primarily science-related debate ("green new deal equals magical thinking") it's especially relevant. And who do you think is creating and managing those controlled settings? People in advertising like you?
  9. Kallend is an accomplished scientist and scientists know what kind of biases exist, how to identify it in scientific papers, and how to correct for it. Bias is literally one of the FIRST things we have consider. Ever wonder why the covid-19 vaccine trials are done double blind? It's really troublesome to do them like that but it's really important. He has much more actual experience (and accomplishments) with accounting for bias than you guys with your Fox news and Google "research". Just fyi.
  10. It's like he said "I drive a vehicle that costs more than £300,000" which would technically be true if you were a bus driver in London.
  11. They'd blame that on the left. Ron already thinks that left wingers are cowardly snowflakes and some like Markharju were itching for a civil war so they can get rid of the 50% on the opposing side. If you don't know someone personally, a natural inclination is to reduce them to oversimplified caricatures in your head to save on mental space (see Dunbar's number). EVERYONE, left or right, has to do it at some point. Where this point is, depends on how much capacity is available in your brain. "More information", facts, or education won't help people who are already at the limit of their brain capacity, unfortunately.
  12. Call me a pessimist, but trumpists will find this "easy" to defend against. They'll say: Trump downplayed covid-19 intentionally because people are stupid and panic easily. This fits into their belief system: instead of deception, this can imply Trump is smarter than he outwardly appeared to be (nevermind the fact that he then went on to lose the battle against covid-19) this implies the Trumpist is also smarter than the common, "easily-panicked" person. This makes them feel good about themselves even though there's no evidence for it. Trump's core supporters won't be swayed by this. The only ones to convince are those near or on the fence.
  13. Have you ever written a single peer-reviewed study? Have you ever reviewed any studies (as an academic peer)? Data takes a lot of time to gather and analyse. Even with lawyers out of the equation. It's like saying 9 women can make a baby in 1 month - there are some things you can't accelerate. Try out some interactive timelines here: https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2020/04/30/opinion/coronavirus-covid-vaccine.html
  14. It was basically 6 minutes of a guy saying "dear black people, white people are better than you, be thankful we made everything". Besides the obvious mistakes in history (for example, plumbing was invented in ancient Mesopotamia and Egypt who were NOT white people), it was only info on how white supremacists think. White people invented trade? Hilarious. That many black people have slave owner ancestors was because of rape rather than actual privilege. And seriously, that guy was so full of crap that it would take a much longer post to refute all his points, so I'll leave it at that for now.
  15. A lot of the economic growth was already happening under Obama. This just carried on. You'll need to point to something that was failing, then turned around by Trump. Maybe the coal industry? Oh, wait. That's still failing. Stopping the deaths and economic impact of coronavirus? Still failing.
  16. I think looting and rioting is wrong and very counter-productive to the peaceful protests demanding justice. I *really* didn't think I had to say that as I've never said anything to support the rioting and destruction. My comments were aimed at keeping the topic on the main reasons for the protests in the first place and not the destruction done by a minority. It's quite a contrast - you take my lack of comments on it as support for rioting, while Turtle actually praises the killer and all it implies is he's "anti-looting and anti-rioting". As I've said, Biden has condemned the rioting repeatedly, and unlike Trump he doesn't feed the flames. Trump stokes it and points to the riots as "what's already happening (on my watch) will happen if Biden wins".
  17. Yep, guilty as charged. The troll is now fat and well-fed, and I shall move on.
  18. I'm pretty sure. Many of the posters here are supportive of BLM, including myself, and NONE of them have ever mentioned segregation. You were the first one to mention it and you are now pointing to it like your argument depends on it. Well, then we can take a survey of the crowd here. Who here thinks that being anti rioting and anti looting is wrong? ...<crickets>...
  19. Again, you're making it up. You're imagining things. Seriously, stop. Biden has repeatedly condemned the looting and rioting, if that helps: https://edition.cnn.com/2020/08/31/politics/joe-biden-pittsburgh-violence-speech/index.html
  20. How much are you willing to bet on that? It's not wrong to protect against that - you're making a strawman argument again because nobody said that. But murdering people exercising their 1st Amendment right is not "protecting against that".
  21. I just quoted the demands from the protest organisers in Kenosha. And my post was accurate - there were no demands for segregation coming from Kenosha and you've admitted as such. You're quoting demands from Seattle which don't represent the majority view of the BLM movement at all. Selectively focusing on a tiny minority and attributing to the entire movement? You're being dishonest.
  22. So the doomsday scenario is the riots already happening under Trump will happen with Biden? It can't be guaranteed that they'll stop under Biden, but Trump is feeding the flames and Biden isn't. It's not hard to figure out who will be worse.
  23. Absolute lie. Where were the demands for segregation? Not the protests in Kenosha.