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Everything posted by jeiber

  1. I agree. Time will tell whether this war is worth the price many have paid. Although I'm a conservative that supports our reasons for going to war, I'm not particularly happy with the way things have been going. Again, we agree. Liberals don't seem to 'get it'. We can't leave right now. We have a resonsibility to stabilize the country. Unfortunately this is taking much longer than any of us anticipated. a) we're still working towards it though. A ruthless dictator has been removed from power. Although we're not done, it's a damn good start. Yes, I know there are other objectives. Not going to cover them all. b) yes, it has taken much longer than anticipated. c) I don't believe it's a civil war. I think it's more along the lines of gang violence. d) nobody is happy about this, including me. My 'brothers in arms' (as Kallend put it) are scattered across the middle east. One was killed in Afghanistan, one in Iraq. I'm sure there are more I haven't gotten word on yet. e) there is a plan. Building a stable country takes time. How long did it take the US to become a stable nation? We went through numerous wars on our turf, including a civil war. Alas, we can lead the horse to water, but we can't make it drink. Like an organ transplant (bad analogy, I know - best I can come up with at the moment), sometimes the body just rejects a good thing, with fatal results. Hopefully Iraq will eventually accept their new government, and prosper to be a strong, democratic nation. Jeff Shhh... you hear that sound? That's the sound of nobody caring!
  2. That's a great idea! Hmmm, makes me wonder if there's an even cheaper way to get to know someone. What could be cheaper than coffee... hmmmm. Jeff Shhh... you hear that sound? That's the sound of nobody caring!
  3. I agree. I can't help but ask, along the same lines, 20 years from now, will we be responsible for the lives we've saved as well, or will the Iraqi's claim they're responsible for the success of their future government? Seems that if bad things are happening, blame the US. If good things are happening, claim credit yourself. Sadly, the price of 100 lives comes at the cost of 10. Bad deal if you're one of the 10, but not so bad if you're among the 100 that are saved. Yes, it'll take a few years for the return on lives invested to be realized. Again, people are unhappy because we're a society of immediate gratification. Shhh... you hear that sound? That's the sound of nobody caring!
  4. Their employer sees it differently though. When you're in charge, you can make new rules for soldiers. Until then, the military isn't flexible when it comes to soldiers and politics. Maybe someone else knows the reg? I forget... been too long... No, I was responding to your question. I don't feel that the US is solely responsible for civilian deaths, even if we did invade. If I'm understanding your logic: If a country is invaded, it's citizens no longer have any social responsibility. Any crime committed is the sole responsibility of the occupying force, even if that force was not involved? An insurgent detonates a bomb in a market that has no military or police presence. Insurgent's hold no responsibility, it's the US's fault for the resulting deaths??? Shhh... you hear that sound? That's the sound of nobody caring!
  5. I'll agree that we're partially responsible, but putting even the majority of the blame on the US? Please... That's not praising 'the job', that's praising a specific incident. I agree, this would be irresponsible to publish in the media. I also feel the sniper kill being glorified in another thread is irresponsible. He's not only increasing the danger to himself, but to his spotter, and anyone who's associated with him. J Shhh... you hear that sound? That's the sound of nobody caring!
  6. Hmmm, odd that a Google search shows that no reputable news source ran that article. There are plenty of 'other' web sites that are running that article though; they bear slogans and titles, such as: "Breaking News and Views for the Progressive Community" Why cloud the issue with facts? "Colorado Campaign for Middle East Peace" No bias here, I'm sure. "News You Won't Find on CNN" And what does that tell you about the credibility of the news they report. "" 'Fair and Balanced' is typed next to a picture of GW that's crossed with a chimp.... 'fair and balanced' Maybe it is a real story (doubt it), but you still cannot discount our attempts to limit civilian deaths. What precautions are insurgents taking to make sure they don't harm non-combatants? Here's a link for you. Granted it's not as credible as 'Smirking Chimp - Fair and Balanced'. Does this put his fellow soldiers in danger? There's your answer. Shhh... you hear that sound? That's the sound of nobody caring!
  7. In your body count, I'm sure anybody not wearing an Iraqi military uniform is considered a civilian. To put it lightly, this is a very skewed number. Have civilians been inadvertantly killed? Yes. But you're completely disregarding the great lengths our military goes through to minimize civilian deaths. Let's talk about 'collateral damage' caused by insurgents. You need to be criticizing their tactics, not ours. And so have the court proceedings. (straw man tactic, again...) No, I implied no such thing. I implied that a soldier's personal opinion about the war should be kept to himself. He took into captivity farmers that he didn't think were insurgents. Just because they aren't walking about with an RPG and AK doesn't mean they pose no intelligence value. Once his comments no longer pose a threat, he can write a book and make a movie for all I care. Until then, his words are dangerous. Jeff Shhh... you hear that sound? That's the sound of nobody caring!
  8. Keeping a personal opinion to ones self is much different than covering up a massacre. Let's find another angle to debate. I'm not going to spend my time disproving a straw man argument. Shhh... you hear that sound? That's the sound of nobody caring!
  9. I wouldn't worry about it. The earth has a natural electromagnetic field... somehow the human race continues to evolve despite it's presense. People live their entire lives underneath humming power lines, with no ill effect. Microwave towers are everywhere... not a big deal. Keep in mind, we're talking moderation here. If you stick your head in a microwave oven, it'll probably cause you some immediate and long term health problems. It does for cats, anyway. Anyway, you're time could probably be better spend worrying about invading space aliens and spontaneous human combustion. Shhh... you hear that sound? That's the sound of nobody caring!
  10. It never ceases to amaze me how you can jump such vast canyons of conclusions. Who's talking about covering anything up?! Keeping one's opinion to one's self is one thing. Covering up a massacre is another. You're arguments sometimes remind me of the Monty Python skit where the knight is trying to speak logically to the villagers, but they are totally convinced this woman is a witch. No matter what is said, they twist the logic to support their belief that she's a witch.... Jeff ps- Burn her! Shhh... you hear that sound? That's the sound of nobody caring!
  11. Yes, I am, but as you mentioned, there are a few people in a narrow range that don't apply to my statement. By far, my statement is accurate. Are there exceptions? Of course. There are exceptions to everything. His military career was with a unit where secrecy was paramount. He's been through SERE training (British equivalent) where he knows the power of morale. So this soldier, knowing the importance of silence, and the impact his actions will have on morale, chooses to divulge (very subjective) information to the media. THAT I have issues with. J Shhh... you hear that sound? That's the sound of nobody caring!
  12. It has nothing to do with respect. I have alot of respect for his professional accomplishments. He can have any belief he wants. I do question his judgement in giving this to the media circus. Part of being professional is doing things you don't necessarily want to do, and doing it with a smile on your face. I did when I was an enlisted soldier in the Army, and I do it now as a professional for the corporation I work for. There are alot of things in life that you don't have to like, you just have to 'do'. J Shhh... you hear that sound? That's the sound of nobody caring!
  13. Yeah, that'll be easy to enforce! Ya know, let's just do away with taxes altogether. From now on, it's on the honor system. Everyone just mail a check to the IRS on the 15th, and pay them whatever you think is fair. Shhh... you hear that sound? That's the sound of nobody caring!
  14. I couldn't agree more. As a true professional, he would have quietly walked away, instead of providing propaganda that could be used against his former brothers in arms. There's more here than is visible on the surface. Those that know, are professional enough to keep quiet... J Shhh... you hear that sound? That's the sound of nobody caring!
  15. Sweet!!! I'm buyin' an MC-30 to chop! Maybe I won't sell my N90 after all!
  16. It was some girl I met at a party. We were really drunk. I'm not sure what her name was - I think it might have been Kelly... I dunno. Went in my bedroom, passed out while fooling around. Woke up later and finished the job. The only thing I really remember well, is how tight she was. Wow...
  17. Yeah, but you'd probably end up being my dog! Hope you like peanut butter! Shhh... you hear that sound? That's the sound of nobody caring!
  18. That depends on where you're putting the peanut butter.... Shhh... you hear that sound? That's the sound of nobody caring!
  19. Niiiiice! My favorite: 'wanker' Shhh... you hear that sound? That's the sound of nobody caring!
  20. Damn, you women have it so easy! You don't even have to smear peanut butter on yourselves to get your animals to lick you! Shhh... you hear that sound? That's the sound of nobody caring!
  21. Hmmm. Most women don't like it 'chewed on'... nipple biting, yes, but not chewed on. If we're going to talk about flowers, how about deflowering?
  22. This needs to be moved to 'Women Only'... What are you gonna talk about next? Shoes? Sheesh... It doesn't get much gayer than this. J Shhh... you hear that sound? That's the sound of nobody caring!
  23. Yeah, I guess Billy's an animal too! Shhh... you hear that sound? That's the sound of nobody caring!
  24. Sucky?!?! Hey now, I'm going to make a killing when you don't make it 48 hours without drinking! Shhh... you hear that sound? That's the sound of nobody caring!
  25. I noticed this takes the same switch as the F100. Are you sure the wires can be spliced on the N90? The only reason I ask is because the remote for my F100 has an LED display, and a number of buttons to control timers, etc. I've got an N90 that I don't use, so I've been thinking using as a jump camera if I need to shoot with film. Shhh... you hear that sound? That's the sound of nobody caring!