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  1. Seven years today. Rest easy Chief. .................................. Better you than me ..................................
  2. NOT forgotten. I think of her often. .................................. Better you than me ..................................
  3. Mixoligist


    Yes. Contact Mike "Mad-Dog" Maguire @ UPT for details like your experience. I have over 6000 and I KNOW I have not seen anything nor everything yet. Bob .................................. Better you than me ..................................
  4. Came from the US with 10 first time jumpers. Very professional and a great vibe. Really enjoyed everything about the DZ. Awesome.
  5. My girlfriend is going to Queenstown NZ in March 2012 to teach a large yoga workshop. She wants to promote skydiving to all her 25+ students. Info I'm looking for Respectable Dz in Queenstown? Tandem cost in us dollars? Visiting TI with Sigma allowed to purchase slots? Are Uspa ratings recognized? Anyone reading this who works in NZ please pm me .................................. Better you than me ..................................
  6. Highjacking this post for some info too. My girlfriend is going to Queens town NZ in March 2012 to teach a large yogi workshop. She wants to promote skydiving to all her students. Info I'm looking for Dz in Queens town? Tandem cost in us dollars? Could I do visiting Tandems? Anyone reading this who works in NZ please pm me .................................. Better you than me ..................................
  7. Nuff said right there. Correct me if I'm wrong OP but, I'm pretty sure you speak of my crew. 90 degree to final is acceptable. A turn is only "low" if it does not allow enough altitude for the canopy to recover on it's own arc without input from toggles or rears. I set the bar high for all tandem staff and the rules are VERY clear. Deviation from our standards gets you time off or worse, you go away. As stated by others, you could have spoken to any of us in person about your concerns. We are normal people and skydivers just like you. What ever happened to having beers and talking while looking one in the eye? Blues, Bob .................................. Better you than me ..................................
  8. Fail! .................................. Better you than me ..................................
  9. Obama for S&TA .................................. Better you than me ..................................
  10. He is everyone and everywhere. Plan on it. .................................. Better you than me ..................................
  11. Friends don't let friends jump a Strong. .................................. Better you than me ..................................
  12. I know asking questions in person at your home DZ can be embarrassing and/or humiliating sometimes but,,,,, are there things you learned here you could not have learned at your DZ? I'm just curious .................................. Better you than me ..................................
  13. Tandem ratings can be found in the bottom of cereal boxes and cracker jacks, all you need is the the money and jump numbers. .................................. Better you than me ..................................
  14. pm sent .................................. Better you than me ..................................
  15. Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteers be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe." Chances are you also understand it. .................................. Better you than me ..................................