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Everything posted by Westerly

  1. Westerly


    I have seen it. I also know there are operational limits to what those masks can do--the manufacturer literately says there are. One of those limits is the masks just arnt really effective at catching particles that are too small which is why they have a technical specification specifically saying what they are designed for and what they are not designed for. The size of the Covid virus falls into the category of not designed for. That said, most of the virus travels in water droplets which are easily caught by an N-95 mask so really only individual virus particles floating around would get by. But even so, most people, even in healthcare settings, cannot correctly fit an N-95 mask on their face so that it does not leak which is the more pertinent problem. They are notoriously difficult to fit correctly and even the slightest movement by bumping it or taking it off and than back on is sufficient to make for an insecure seal. Really, if you're looking for protection against a biological entity, N-95 is like the Geo Metro of options. What you really need is a full CBR suit with an independent air supply taken from an external source. Clearly not practical for daily use so the meet-in-the-middle option would be an actual respirator with the correct cartridges which in the long term isint actually any more expensive than daily throwaway use of an N-95, but they provide better protection as they are MUCH easier to get an airtight seal on.
  2. I dont understand how we are so far into this thing already and people dont understand that death rate directly trails infections. As in infections go up, deaths go up. How that is even a hard concept to grasp is beyond me. I feel like that was common knowledge before COVID even existed. More people get something bad, more people die from it. Duh. So often we hear 'COVID cases are on the rise but deaths are still low'. Well no shit, people dont die instantly from it, but if more people get infected more people are going to die. Grow a brain people...
  3. Westerly


    I wouldent say they are a fool, more like they are just being disrespectful and uncaring. A mask doesent do much to protect YOU from COVID, unless it's an N-95 that has been properly fitted and seal tested, and even then it only offers some protection as the virus is smaller than the the minimum size particle the mask is rated to stop. The point of a mask is to stop you from infecting others, which is why not wearing one implies you dont care about other people.
  4. Westerly


    The answer is no. This has already been looked into and the CDC found that people do not get sick by touching objects that were previously touched by the infected. The primary means of infection is respiratory droplets exhaled from infected people. Other mediums of infection are nearly non-existent. For example, there is not been one single documented COVID case involving someone getting sick by eating COVID-contaminated food despite all the news about people working in warehouses and processing lines getting sick. If no one tried to do anything about it, if no one wore masks at all, no one social distanced, the death toll would probably be over a million dead by now...easily. Yes, but that's kind of presenting a defense for assault as 'well I could have killed the guy, but I didn't'. That's not a real argument the same as saying 'we could have done nothing but we dident' is not a real defense for doing a poor job managing COVID.
  5. More elliptical canopies are more likely to dive and spin on you on opening if you have linetwists or another issue and they are sometimes more likely to open off heading.
  6. It's almost as if we know that shutdowns, masks and social distancing work, yet we always seem to forget that leading to a swift remembrance a month later, but with 40,000 more deaths than the month prior. I suspect by the time this is all over every single person in America will personally know someone who got extremely sick or died from Covid and at that point it will be hard to look back and say 'yea, ignoring all the doctors and just saying fuck it was the right thing to do'. On the other hand, the EU currently has it worse than America. They have more cases a day than we do right now, which is strange considering they mostly got it right. I suspect maybe too many Euros watching that Trump news and getting the wrong ideas.
  7. Every state is seeing an uptick. Without question we are at the start of a 2nd wave. So who wants to guess how many cases per day we will get up to before we go back to lockdown? Or at least how many before people realize, hmm maybe COVID is in fact on the rise again? My guess, 120,000 per day. We got to 80k last time, but people are getting more dense by the minute so we have to account for that.
  8. Westerly


    Yea but you live in Canada. Massive difference. There the government and people understand the importance of healthcare and public health, hints the reason why you dont have 8 mil + infections like we do. In America, people are too dumb to understand that in fact the entire world scientific and medical collective is not all in a plot together to secretly troll the entire world economy and they do in fact actually know what they are talking about when they say to take this shit seriously. It's amazing how dumb someone has to be in order for them to take medical advice from people who have no medical background while simultaneously ignoring all the doctors who have prestigious and rewound experience in medicine. Really makes sense, doesent it?
  9. Westerly


    how many lives will be saved if biden is elected?
  10. Westerly


    Sure, that would work. But the test would need instant results which just wont happen. We arnt there. The technology exists and it has for a long time, but it's like an electric car in the 90s. It's more of a concept than a reality. I would bet my entire retirement that we will have an approved vaccine before testing becomes 'legit' in any measurable capacity of the word. I am fairly convinced that testing will never be brought to the level it should be and the virus will die off before we get there. Most areas are pushing for less testing, not more. Since the start we have been taking four steps backwards with every decision. The start line is a half mile in front of us at this point.
  11. Westerly


    No, but we have this thing called Social media, the Internet and the news where I can see clips of video and photos from any location on Earth instantly and from that it's pretty easy to tell if people are wearing masks or not. Like everything, it's political. In most republican land of the free or die states, mask wearing is much lower. I know there are regions where mask wearing is high, I also know there are MANY regions where mask wearing is exactly 0%, and I see those regions every single day. I have been to areas where I was the only person I saw anywhere within 360 view that was wearing a mask. For many regions in the USA, it's total business as normal, as if the virus doesent even exist. The rising cases over the last few weeks should prove that in itself.
  12. Westerly


    Yes, but contract tracing basically dosent exist. I have met more than 10 people who has had Covid and none of them had a contract tracer call them. Some states have ZERO contract tracing of any form and not one single state does 100% contract tracing. Contract tracing is just like testing--highly over promised and under delivered.
  13. Westerly


    That doesent mean anything. Did you read what I said? Hospitals dont set prices, insurance companies do. When a hospital joins an insurance company's network, they need to sign a contract with the insurance company and part of the stipulation is an agreed upon price for every single line item on the charge master. Basically the insurance says 'we pay exactly this amount for this charge, do you agree or not?" The hospitals agree as such is required if they want to join their network and when the patient later uses the services, the insurance company basically says 'according to the contract you signed with us, this is what we agreed to pay for this line item" which ends up being about 10 - 20% of the asking price. So in reality the total on a hospital bill is just a BS meaningless number. Insurance companies dont even look at it--they dont care. They already know what they pay for each line item on a bill and whatever that amounts to is what it amounts to. The insurance companies have the upper hand and they set the prices. They say WE decide how much we are going to pay, not YOU.
  14. Westerly


    But asymptomatic people dont normally get tested because they have no reason to go seek out a test in the first place. if you're asymptomatic than in your mind you're not infected as far as you know so there is no reason to get a test. This plan would only work if there is large scale random, mandatory testing. Like employee drug testing basically. Even if tests could be found at every Walmart around, they were all free and all took 10 min, asymptomatic spread would still be rampid solely on the basis of people not being aware they should have taken a test in the first place. Also I think you very seriously underestimate the number of people who flat out just dont give a shit. Either they think Covid is fake, or it's just the flu, or they just dont care either way--that's like 50% of the US population. Go outside and see how many people are not wearing a mask. Those are the same people that wouldent care about getting a test unless they were noticeably sick. Even the CDC changed their guidance now saying that there is no need for you to get tested unless you have symptoms, although I suspect such change was entirely politically driven and not even remotely scientifically driven.
  15. Westerly


    He is asking about vaccines, not testing. Testing doesent really help the person infected. It just helps the government keep numbers and charts. I'd say it helps others by allowing for contract tracing, but I'd just be blowing smoke as we all know no one really does contract tracing anymore. They never really did much of it to begin with and now people just flat out dont care anyway.
  16. Westerly


    Which means the real cost is more like $300. Insurance companies dont pay retail. They pay about 10% of the asking price. Prices in the medical world are set by insurance companies, not by hospitals. The hospital can charge whatever they want, but the insurance company and their contract with the hospital determines how much they actually pay. I have had hospital bills that were $20k and the insurance company said cool, we'll pay $2k for that and the hospital said ok. It's a contract requirement. The charges are agreed upon in advance when the insurance company generates a contract with the provider.
  17. Westerly


    some good news for a change, Pfizer has already started full scale production of their Covid vaccine in hopes for approval. It makes sense. The drug basically costs very little to make and if they are the first company to push their product on the public, that is big cash. For a rarity, corporate interest aligns with public interest. That has to be a record of some sort. I wonder how many of their workers are accidentally 'losing' a few of those doses for themselves and their family. Not that I blame them at all. I think the covid vaccine should already start being pushed. Anyone who wants to take the risk and sign a waiver and take it. Right now at this point you're way more likely to die because you did not take an experimental Covid vaccine than because you did. There is a high probability that the vaccines will receive FDA approval and when they do it's going to be like "oh 150,000 people died that we could have saved, but you know, we wanted to be SUPER SURE it was safe first". well there you go, it turns out it was safe and now hundreds of thousands more are dead because they dident have time to wait. https://www.forbes.com/sites/roberthart/2020/10/19/pfizer-reportedly-manufactures-several-hundred-thousand-covid-19-vaccines-anticipating-november-regulatory-approval/#62be712b5b92
  18. There is a record. You'd obviously have to enter in personally identifying info to vote online, the same you would to vote by mail. It's really simple. Whatever info the state needs from you to vote by mail the same would be required to vote online. You're like Trump pushing fake news here. Voting fraud is remarkably rare, to the point it's not worth even really being concerned about, and the Internet has a well proven track record of security when websites are programed by professionals who know what they are doing. There is literately no piece of technology in modern existence that is more thoroughly tested than the Internet.
  19. Well I dident say fully online. Just the choice of online voting. You can do paper or digital, your choice. Also, paper is notoriously unreliable and inaccurate. COUGH FLORIDA RECOUNT. Remember that one? How many times did they fuck that up and still the final total was probably inaccurate. Believe it or not there was a time when all banking was done on paper. Your account summary was a piece of paper typed up by a teller on a typewriter and then kept on file. Studies have been conducted on digital banking vs old school paper banking and basically it was found that errors were on the order of tens of thousands of times more common back in the days of all paper banking than they were in the new age of digital banking. That is because computers can do something humans cannot--exact perfect equations with 100% accuracy. Humans are always fallible to mistakes and computers are so accurate they are borderline perfect. Name the last time your calculator ever gave you the wrong answer for a math equation? Never. It doesn't happen because they never make mistakes. Even the oldest, most obsolete computer is still a factor of a thousand times more accurate than the most reliable human to ever walk the earth. Math equations that took Albert Einstein days to solve a modern computer can solve in less than 1 millisecond. So how exactly do you think that humans are supposed to compete with that for accuracy and reliability? You think the final counts toward elections are accurate? I absofuckinglutely guarantee you they are not. I bet it's off by tens of thousands of votes if not a hundred thousand.
  20. People seriously overestimate the power that the president has. It's like 'oh so and so got elected, my life is ruined now'. I have been alive to see 8 presidents so far and not one of them have had any major impact on my life regardless if they were dem or republican. The president is not nearly as powerful as most people think. Congress as a whole can override any order the president makes, and congress has powers that the president does not have such as the ability to write laws and declare war. However, the reverse is not true. There is virtually nothing that the president can do that congress cannot do. Many people blame the president for no centralized mask mandate, but congress could easily mandate such. In fact congress could make it a federal law to wear a mask, which is something the president cannot do. Then there are judges. A judge has more power than the president does in some respects because a judge can deem any order the president issues as illegal and void. This happens on a regular basis actually.
  21. Just another reason to move all this shit online. The entire world economy--every stock in existence in every country in existence, and the sum of all money in every account at every bank in every legitimate currency--can be accessed online, even via my phone while taking a shit. We are able to do that all the time, but we cant vote online? I'd say trillions of dollars in stock and cash in digital form is worth more than any election is, so safe to say that we have already done 'bigger, better things' online so safe to say the medium has been tested and demonstrated as acceptable.
  22. Even talking about this is pointless because there are tens of thousands of miles of road in the USA that have no cellular coverage at all and probably hundreds of thousands of miles of road that has weak coverage. That dosent work. To remotely drive a car you'd basically need 5 bars 4g LTE at all times and that just flat out doesn't exist and wont for a long time. Even so, cellular internet in general is unreliable. Speeds can vary substantially and the frequencies used are very heavily saturated which makes interference problems common.
  23. This thread is 3 years old. Pretty sure the OP is long gone.
  24. You realize you're the exact person who you're talking about? The type of people who buy 60 rolls of TP because they think the world is going to end. yea, that's you as you self admitted. You literately couldent have possibly outed yourself any more as one of those ridiculous clowns who buy everything off the shelf because they think zombies are going to take over. It's like when the Trump followers speak about how everyone is so dumb and their stupid actions are going to get everyone infected with Covid, but fail to realize that the group of people they are talking about includes themselves. Yea, that's what is going on here.