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Everything posted by Westerly

  1. Well that wont happen so you're wasting your brain power thinking about it. How many presidents have had articles of impeachment draw against them? Like pretty much every one of them I think. It's all just a dog and pony show like it always is. The news is just looking for the next headline. He wont be impeached, Biden will take over on the 20th, he will hold a conference saying how he's being screwed over by a cheated system and America 'lost' becasue 'the system' won or whatever bullshit. An impeachment would take too long anyway. There isint enough time left for it to happen. The donnald is just going to go down in history as a shit leader who mismanaged the worst pandemic of the century resulting in countless loss of life. Like most rich ass holes, he will largely go without consequence and he will live out the remainder of his life with money doing whatever rich retired dudes do before eventually dying from diabetes or heart disease becasue he's fat and dosent eat healthy.
  2. no one cares. trump isint even a thing anymore. he is history.
  3. Westerly


    More infections. Shit is off the chain there. Nothing but FB posts from people saying they tested positive, line after line. I guess that is what happens when you host a large party with no masks in a state with one of the highest rates of covid infections on the entire planet. If only there was some way we could have known this was going to happen.... I for one lost a ton of respect for SDAZ.
  4. Westerly


    Here are some photos from their Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/SkydiveArizona/photos/pcb.10164838352080691/10164838350260691 https://www.facebook.com/SkydiveArizona/photos/pcb.10164838352080691/10164838351115691 In other words, lots of partying, close contact, few if any masks that I can see. And people are wondering why the virus spread? I would be surprised if only 8 people got infected. It's probably a lot more.
  5. Westerly


    You're nicer than me. More like a middle finger from me. These guys are having massive parties, no social distancing, no masks, no precautions, nothing. The top 3 rules from the CDC are: 1. no large gatherings, 2. social distance, 3. wear a mask. They did none of that and now they are rightfully paying the price. I dont have much sympathy for people who endanger other peoples lives. Going out and partying, getting infected and then being around others in public is not much different than operating a car while drunk.
  6. Westerly


    It may or may not be. I can tell you that all or most of the DZs in socal are still operating as far as I know. People are sure posting plenty of photos of them jumping at the DZs, many without masks of course.
  7. Westerly


    Speaking of Covid, there is a really big Covid outbreak at one very large west coast DZ. They hosted a Christmas boogie and now all of a sudden tons of people are saying on Facebook that they are positive.
  8. waaay too many. thats all you need to know. Too many people with no skill set looking for a 'fun' job to do.
  9. Westerly


    Even so, it's not like things are going to change on a dime on Jan 20th. Covid will still be doing its thing and vaccines still wont be available to you and me. Over the long term Biden will save some lives for sure, but in the short term I doubt much of anything will change in the day to day. Covid will still be just as bad on Jan 21st as on the 20th.
  10. Westerly


    Yea, 'sectors'. You can be an IT professional and work in the medical sector. Actually there are millions of IT professionals who work in healthcare. However, the vast majority of those who work in the medical sector do not work in patient care which is where the real medicine is.
  11. Westerly


    Well maybe if you include the janitors, the AC guy and the billing chick that sends you a $50k bill for a broken toe. There absolutely are not 16.8 million people that work in direct patient care (which are the ones who actually need the vaccination). This is apparent from the fact that it takes two months just to get an appointment with a doctor. Talking about those who actually have contact with patients, the number is probably a few million. Edit: it looks like there are 2.8 million RNs and 1M MDs in the USA. That by itself makes up 80% of those who work in patient care.
  12. Westerly


    In all fairness, the vaccinate has only been approved for use for three weeks so 'all of 2020' is really more like the last two weeks of December. In additional, there is a highly limited supply so it's not like anyone can just go get it. 2.7 million vaccinations is more than every healthcare worker in the United States for reference. Also, Trump did turn down the additional purchases but they have since changed that and committed to buying an additional 100m on top of whatever the original purchase was.
  13. Trick statement. Intelligent people arnt fooled--hints being intelligent.
  14. Westerly


    This should answer as to why: https://www.tampabay.com/news/health/2021/01/01/tampa-bay-had-crowded-new-years-eve-parties-on-same-day-florida-broke-coronavirus-record/ Florida set a record of something like 17,000+ cases in one day and on that very same day, later in the evening, hosted massive block parties with thousands in attendance and zero masks anywhere. People just dont give a shit. They never have. They will care when they get it and die. That's how it always goes. Look at how many people die every year from heart disease. Something like 650,000. Yet people still eat McDees all day, dont exercise and refuse to do anything to improve their health. It is just how people are. People prefer to learn most lessons the hard way. Oh, and a few of the DZs in my area all held a NYE boogie despite two people I know who jumped there in the last week who got Covid within the last few days. No masks anywhere, no COVID precautions, nothing. I have learned that skydivers are no better than any of the clowns in any of the photos we talk about. We just happen to share a common interest, but being a skydiver doesent make you a caring or smart person at all.
  15. You seem to forget people have a short memory (hints the forgetting). No one will give a shit about him in three months and those who do will be a small enough group that no one will care about them. Easy really. Even so, he wont be the president anymore and will have zero authority to do anything, so irrelevant regardless.
  16. No, but I also dont give a shit what he does. He is irrelevant at this point. The future is moving on and he's not a part of it. In two months he wont even be in the news anymore. Yes, there are lots of idiots / selfish people. However, Trump dident create that. That already existed before Trump. Racism, hatred, selfishness, ect. All of that existed before Trump. Trump just made it easier for people to come out of the closet about it, but they still felt the way they felt prior to him. Also, not everyone who voted for Trump is part of the 'Trumpism'. Some people voted for Trump simply becasue they dont like Biden or becasue they dont want the tax increases that commonly come with democrats (which is honestly a really valid point). Democrats arnt exactly a god send either. I could write a book about all the issues that exist with the Democratic party and why you'd possibly prefer not to vote for them. Point being that what Trump exposed already existed before him. I actually see that even here in skydiving. The total disregard for any COVID precautions, which is the norm at most DZs including many of the big-name ones, tells me exactly what I need to know--people in general just dont give a shit about anything but themselves, they are lazy, and they would rather believe convenient lies than hard truths. This has always been true and it shouldent come across as new news to anyone. This pandemic is just making it easier to see these things, that is all.
  17. no one cares. trump isint even a thing anymore. he lost and he's gone. its a done deal.
  18. who gives a shit. trump is ancient history. he's not even relevant anymore.
  19. So you mean to say that there are people in congress who are corrupt? Who would have ever thought. That's new news for sure. It's painfully obvious how this is going to play out. He is going to continue his same bullshit regime of crying about how the election was stolen and whatever over the next two weeks. He will loose and Biden will be the president and he'll play the victim card on Twitter with a few closely-spaced, all-caps tweets about how he's being fucked over, and then in two months he will fade into irrelevance and the news will stop talking about him. Then he will just go down in history as a shit president who mismanaged the greatest peacetime loss of life in the history of this country and that's how the history books will tell it. So there you go, I just told you what will happen so we can stop talking about it now.
  20. Geez, enough with these stupid Trump threads. Everyone knows the dude is a class act. Who cares, he's gone in like two weeks anyway. It's not even news anymore. Trump is a relic from the past at this point.
  21. The first quarter of 2021 is going to make 2020 look great comparatively I bet.
  22. He's known for a much better quote" think of how stupid the average person is and then realize half of them are even stupider.' that fits 2020 very well.
  23. Westerly


    trump is still all on about this bullshit that the election was stolen and he is about to right rights. at this point it's just getting annoying.
  24. Westerly


    Yes but without question the number of those who have caught it is higher than those tested positive. For a number of reasons, not everyone who is actually infected gets tested. So in reality it's a lot more than 6%, but still I would bet that fewer than 1 in 3 have been infected.