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Everything posted by sfc

  1. sfc

    Good or Bad?

    I think MOST people in this country.... other than the 20% dead enders who think everything is still in great shape and support the Incompetent in Chief, see how well the GOP and the NEO CONS ran this country into the ground. They took their money and ran.... the treasury is in sad shape after their raids on it for personal gain. There are THOUSANDS of NEO CONS.. who deserver to sit in prison for their actions.. there was nothing new about their greed.. just the magnitude of the offenses against our nation. You keep posting these accusations (crap) but you never post anything to back it up. So that makes this your opinion and nothing more. Noticed the financial crisis were in have you? The reason the republican base is shrinking is that they fucked up big time and people don't vote for them any more, except for you 20%ers. This article is just an attempt by a 20%er to blame the Democrats for their own parties failures and anyone except a 20%er can see straight through it.
  2. How many babies did he kill and what were their names, did you get any pictures?
  3. No, you did not. You linked to two opinion pieces! And two quoted explanations on the origin of of the phrase "bread and circuses", a scanned copy of an actual birth certificate from Indiana circa 1960, and a cut and paste of Article II of the US Constitution. My request to you stands - please provide references to the "known reality" that you spoke of. The basis of your claim is that your birth certificate looks more authentic than the President's, and you are using a low res scan of his birth certificate to compare with yours, I'm sorry but I can't buy into that as proof, it is not even suspicious and so far all courts that have ruled agree with me. You also have posted some opinions from the web which have no standing, I trust the US courts more than some random blog. The only reason you don't is that it doesn't support your opinion and you can't accept that you are wrong.
  4. So throw the baby out with the bathwater? It is your way or no way. Abstinence programs don't work, they are a waste of money. Planned parenthood helps people who ask for it, they don't go shoving their message down anyone's throat. They deal with adoption, abortion, the pill, condoms and fertility treatment, they do everything related to reproduction, not just abortion.
  5. Yes we do, and Rachel Maddow bugs me as well, can't stand to watch the woman. Keith is OK most of the time, he doesn't take it too seriously.
  6. Its ok, you can admit it...I watch him all the time too...just to hear him spit shit like that. Its gonna get pretty messy now that Colmes ain't around to wipe his ass. It's hard to watch him more than about 60 seconds at a time, he is so venomous. if I had to admit it I'll say I watch him about 10 mins over a week. Colmes was almost as bad in his rudeness towards his guests. Personally I like the PBS political shows and Larry King much more than fox, if only because of the courtesy the hosts and guests show each other. On fox it is not unusual to have three people yelling at the same time. One notable exception is Huckabee.
  7. He's not a messiah, not mine anyway. He is my President - and yours. Even though I (correctly) predicted an Obama victory, I also made up my mind that John McCain would be a President I could live with, no matter how disappointed I might feel if he'd won. Our country and our economy are in such sorry shape that I'd have given him a chance. Even McCain has said he wants to see Obama succeed. so what's YOUR fuckin' problem ? I think Obama is working wonders bringing things together, the latest opinions demonstrate that the nay sayers (like the ones who post here) are a small minority. 79% are positive about Obama and the next 4 years. http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20090118/ts_alt_afp/usinaugurationobamapoll;_ylt=ArYVwImiCM7T8SodxGQG5aoDW7oF The far right are really getting twisted up over all the unilateral support Obama is getting and becoming even more absurd in their attacks on what they perceive at the evil left. Flipping though the channels yesterday I heard sean hannity blame left wing environmentalist for the plane crash in NY because their efforts had increased the number of birds.
  8. There’s a lot to hate. Eight years of incompetence has generated a long list. I suppose there are some liberals who hate for purely ideological reasons, just like some of our friends here on the far right. Ahh the platitudes So I will ask you, what SPECIFIC ACTIONS show him to be incompetent? Not actions you do not agree with but those that prove or indicate incompetence. fuck me,no, I pass on this one can you really be asking this question? Are you a 24%er? Cangrats You are the first to avoid specifics of your opinion. As predicted...... It wouldn't matter what I wrote here, your closed mind is like a closed book, just a block of wood and I can't reason with a block of wood. (credits to Confucius) LMFAO My mind is closed??? Block of wood??? (nice PA by the way) I gave you a chance to explain the platitudes. YOU could not do it You cannot envisage bush doing wrong because of your ideology, you view (bush = good) as an axiom. Changing your view would be a greater challenge than Galileo had persuading the Pope to believe in heliocentrism.
  9. There’s a lot to hate. Eight years of incompetence has generated a long list. I suppose there are some liberals who hate for purely ideological reasons, just like some of our friends here on the far right. Ahh the platitudes So I will ask you, what SPECIFIC ACTIONS show him to be incompetent? Not actions you do not agree with but those that prove or indicate incompetence. fuck me,no, I pass on this one can you really be asking this question? Are you a 24%er? Cangrats You are the first to avoid specifics of your opinion. As predicted...... It wouldn't matter what I wrote here, your closed mind is like a closed book, just a block of wood and I can't reason with a block of wood. (credits to Confucius)
  10. There’s a lot to hate. Eight years of incompetence has generated a long list. I suppose there are some liberals who hate for purely ideological reasons, just like some of our friends here on the far right. Ahh the platitudes So I will ask you, what SPECIFIC ACTIONS show him to be incompetent? Not actions you do not agree with but those that prove or indicate incompetence. fuck me, can you really be asking this question? Are you a 24%er?
  11. Listening to bush is dangerous, it has been shown to lower the IQ of about 24% of listeners. (I reference many posts on this site as examples) Obama was smart not to listen. When bush actually leaves it will be like taking a dump after 8 years of constipation, the feeling after will be fantastic.
  12. I feel sorry for the word he uses when he speak, he tortures them. Thankfully there was a much happier and more interesting story to absorb the media last night so the coverage of this non-event was minimal.
  13. sfc

    Bush Countdown

    That describes the process perfectly, the only beef I have with it are the decision block, I don't believe he can. 7.125 days and counting
  14. No not all, the contents are not stored, just the details that it was sent/received and who the recipient and sender were. I'd be amazed if there were not programs that scanned email in the USA and other countries, if you could dig into the bush secret executive orders i'm sure you'd find one ordering it, they have publicly state they bug international phone calls, emails would be just an extension of this.
  15. sfc

    Bush Countdown

    NINE !! It's almost over, I'll be celebrating on the 20th.
  16. I never mentioned where this attack occurred. It could have happened anywhere. It's kind of sad how, instead of commenting on a horrific knife crime, instead all you can think about is nationalism. you provided a link to the daily mail in the UK, so you did say where it happened. What is there to say, the only reason you post story after story is that you are bent out of shape about the UK handgun ban and somehow you think that posting stories about violent crime will persuade others to agree with you about how bad the UK handgun is. You're old enough to remember records, with these repetitive threads you are sounding like a broken one. whoosh You whooshed off in post #63, and haven't landed yet. I'm going to discuss this with my cat.
  17. I never mentioned where this attack occurred. It could have happened anywhere. It's kind of sad how, instead of commenting on a horrific knife crime, instead all you can think about is nationalism. you provided a link to the daily mail in the UK, so you did say where it happened. What is there to say, the only reason you post story after story is that you are bent out of shape about the UK handgun ban and somehow you think that posting stories about violent crime will persuade others to agree with you about how bad the UK handgun is. You're old enough to remember records, with these repetitive threads you are sounding like a broken one.
  18. News:Woman repeatedly slashed after confronting gang who stabbed her dog to death A disabled woman was slashed repeatedly with a knife after confronting a gang who had stabbed her dog to death in her garden. The mother-of-three discovered the mutilated body of her Yorkshire terrier lying in a pool of blood outside her door. Seconds later she was confronted by four men who threatened her, forced her back into the house, and then attacked her with a knife. The 38-year-old suffered 'numerous' cuts to her body and had to be treated in hospital.Source: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1106890/Woman-repeatedly-slashed-confronting-gang-young-13-stabbed-dog-death.html I don't know why they even bothered to print this story. It was only a knife. Who gives a damn? Kinda sad how much time you spend bashing the UK, you need to get a life... It is extreemly sad (even after repeated explinations) that you do not get the point of these posts. Hint, not aimed at the UK u and jr even have similar avatars, how cute is that.
  19. News:Woman repeatedly slashed after confronting gang who stabbed her dog to death A disabled woman was slashed repeatedly with a knife after confronting a gang who had stabbed her dog to death in her garden. The mother-of-three discovered the mutilated body of her Yorkshire terrier lying in a pool of blood outside her door. Seconds later she was confronted by four men who threatened her, forced her back into the house, and then attacked her with a knife. The 38-year-old suffered 'numerous' cuts to her body and had to be treated in hospital.Source: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1106890/Woman-repeatedly-slashed-confronting-gang-young-13-stabbed-dog-death.html I don't know why they even bothered to print this story. It was only a knife. Who gives a damn? Kinda sad how much time you spend bashing the UK, you need to get a life...
  20. So you friend carries in bars illegally. In other words he is a criminal who had a CCP and you don't have a problem with that?
  21. When he reported it as missing he told the police what kind of firearm he had, the local PD would not have needed to run a trace. ATF can only release trace info for a criminal investigation, I expect he would not have gotten it back if he had not reported it.
  22. You keep bringing this up, but you have yet to do anything but generalize yourself. So why don't you start by specifically telling us how you think that access to gun trace data is going to reduce crime. And I hope that you do already know that any police agency that requests a trace on a particular crime gun, gets it. And I would hope that you also already know that just because a crime gun is traced back to a point of sale at some gun shop, doesn't necessarily mean that the gun shop did anything illegal. Allowing ATF trace data to be used in prosecution of criminal gun dealers for example. At the moment gun shops can sell arms illegally and even if 100s of weapons can be traced back to them this info cannot be used to prosecute them if the local authorities can even obtain the trace info in the first place which they cant under current law. If a 2nd hand car dealers name came up often in regard to stolen cars they could be investigated based on probably cause, not so with guns, preventing this info from being available makes it harder to track the criminal activity.
  23. Interesting that you go this route. Kallend has indicated a non specific interest in eliminating medical privacy rights in order to prevent mentally suspect people from purchasing guns through normal channels (using an FFL). But he can't quite articulate it while still being against the Patriot Act. How about you? Are you willing to trade up rights and privacy to fight terrorism? Or "gun crime?" BTW, with the upcoming Medicare explosion, the government does have a compelling reason to have your medical records too. I'd consider it, I haven't thrown in the towel on reducing gun crime like some have. There are also laws that go to the extreme of protecting the gun industry, laws that make it easier to get away with gun crime. Tiahrt prevents ATF trace info from being used in prosecution of gun crime, I don't see how that helps, I'd be interested to hear specifics from the NRA types as to why this is so bad. Almost (kelpdiver excepted) all the comments have been generalizations and are kinda pointless, I know what the pro-NRA position is, no-one seems to have the knowledge to discuss Tiarht and it's details directly and I've read the NRA web site spin about it. I don't see medical records as being a way to fight organized gun crime (gun running) which I think is the biggest problem we have, however I don't have a problem with a requirement for medical records to be released in the cases of "nutters".
  24. How about getting rid of Tiahrt? which prevents access to federal gun data, should not affect law abiding citizen gun ownership? So again, something that infringes on the rights of citizens, has been abused in the past, and does nothing against criminals. Sure! Care to explain? Why should one type of government information be immune to freedom of information? So, you have no problems with your tax returns or medical records being available online? Try sticking to the point, the government does not have my medical records, I go to private doctors and if releasing my tax records could be used to fight crime then I'd strongly consider it. You should run for office, you answer questions with another, typical polititian.
  25. How about getting rid of Tiahrt? which prevents access to federal gun data, should not affect law abiding citizen gun ownership? So again, something that infringes on the rights of citizens, has been abused in the past, and does nothing against criminals. Sure! Care to explain? Why should one type of government information be immune to freedom of information?