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Everything posted by Sirob

  1. My only goal is distance and I am testing myself by exiting far away from the airfield. Believe me, you don't want to fly anywhere else after my exit than towards the airfield... My turn is fast and sharp. If you have any doubts, come to Zagreb and join me... PS. I estimate exit speed from our Cessna around 65 kt.
  2. Hi Kris, Who is flying from Smellveggan(exit altitude 930m) in the Kjerag_07.wmv clip?.....etc. These numbers you have quoted, what is the exit altitude? What kind of airplane(exit airspeed)? *** We are jumping Cessna C-185 from 2500 meters. I am always turning 180 degrees after exit towards the airfield so airspeed from the plane does not really help me there. Numbers I posted (Robi's and mine) are from distance flying. I suggest to all to work on distance flying. I am convinced you will be surprised with the outcome ...
  3. Concerning Phantom flying ...there is no big secret. Everything really important has been already said and written here: ...and the way how I am learning it is here:; Of course, there are some fine tuning things dependent on your personal style but really that's it! I am planning to be on WS competition in Italy, so maybe we can talk there... Boris PS. Thanks for the compliments. I am happy that people are enjoying watching my videos ...
  4. Today I had chance to jump one distance chasing WS jump with my brother . The result was not as expected - because I made excellent jump and he was able to follow me but not to catch me. My average was 63 km/h (39 mph), I am 192 cm and my exit weight is 97 kg (213 lb). OK, I admit, he was wearing Phantom too.... On the second jump he switched back to V2 and demonstrated distance chase with average of 50 km/h (31 mph)..... Now I know what numbers are possible but I also know how I have to fly to get them - fast horizontaly. In my opinion, for those who knows how to fly, vertical speed is just excellent indicator about the quality of the flight.
  5. It has been already discussed before in 2003. (;) Among others... ***Robert Pecnik and Nenad Pesut made WS tandem jump on 17.6.2000. in Vrsar (Croatia). Robert had Skyflyer prototype and Nenad had Classic WS. They jumped from 4000 meters, freefall was without drouge till 1500 meters and opening at 1200 meters. As they said, jump was fun, without problem, very easy and they felt some lift during FF. ***
  6. Make estimation on the ground. Find similar size canopy and look through the lens.
  7. Using electronical devices for measuring can help but people tend to become addicted and focus more on them rather than flying feeling itself. I am not against them, especially if you have situation like Kris, I am just saying that there is nice and simple way without them too. Robert is jumping without GPS (unless he play with new toy). His Dytter is often fooled by his flights therefore all data are useless but still he knows how to fly. I don't know what GR I have and I don't care too much about it (yet
  8. We don't use gadgets at all to show us how god or bad we are flying - remember Robibid first suggestion? We all know how useful are data form those electronically devices. Only BASE can give you really reliable data about your glide ratio. What you can do is - look at the map of your DZ (or play with Google Earth), find some references at certain distance out of DZ, memorize them and try to fly from one of them to the DZ. Than it is very easy to look at your progression by just watching the ground. Runaway you are using can be also excellent reference. For dilema alone or in the group, here is one similarity with running. You can run solo or run in group. If you want to improve your speed you will have to run alone otherwise you will be always limited by the speed of your group. Mine goal is to learn performance flying and after that performance flocking.
  9. IMHO People will get better by understanding what they are doing and trying that by themselves. Jumping all the time with the fastest and the best is useless, it can make you only frustrated (I know from my own experience). You have to check your skill with better than you occasionally, when you have problems or chance to do it - but not that often. Jumping solo keep your focus on the important things and therefore progress is better and faster. As I said before, it is not easy but at the end - whole new world is open for you. Boris
  10. By reading posts here at I see that there many people are starting to fly wingsuit in different ways. Here are some of my experience how to learn to fly WS. This is the way how my brother (Robibird) is teaching me and other friends here. Hope you will find this useful. Important to mention - primary objective at the beginning is to really learn how to fly WS and to feel the speed and glide, other stuff like flocking are next step. As novice wing suit flyer, first suggestion you will hear from Robibird is to forget about any data about your vertical speed - don't look at all to your Dytters. Your body and mind should be the only learning instrument and tool. First couple of flights are done pointing at safety, to get used to new environment (exit techniques, restricted movements, new sensation of flying instead of falling, opening, etc...). After you gain some self-confidence we are learning performance flying. Knowing the right body position and understanding aerodynamics of wingsuit is the key that helps you to understand what is happening to you while flying. We can not have better teacher than him, can we?!
  11. Hi all, I am glad that you like my movie. Positive feedback is always nice to hear.
  12. NSL commented changed rules: My comments were pointing to this line. I think people from NSL are better informed than we are but I may be wrong...
  13. In 13 years as 4-way videographer, I always felt as equally worth team member. Any other way was something unnatural for me and my team. I salute this rule change as a small step against the situation that you can buy everything. It will put some of DZ-dogs out of business but it will make room for new faces and that is good for the sport.
  14. That is the point - next to which one? The one in front? Or back? Or left? Or right? Given example was made by random meaning of "next".
  15. Given rule is simply not sufficient. First question is where is the point from we measure "two body lengths". Is it relative to the next flying person or center point of the whole formation. In 5 minutes I made two drawings (see attached PDF), on the left you can see desired formation and on the right the one you can have by implementing "two body lengths" rule in mine interpretation (choose next flyer as you like). Flyers are moved only on one axis (but I think we should allow two (or three?) axes). Flyers can move back and forth from the desired slot. Does second formation looks like the desired one? Not to me...
  16. Sirob

    Fly the Line

    Hi, As James wrote, we are considering putting the DVD on sale at the moment.. More info will be announced shortly here and on Phoenix-Fly web site. Regards, Boris
  17. Try this
  18. Thanks for correction. But I know for sure that this is not Robert...
  19. That guy is not Robert. You can read on the page that his name is Aleksej Prislal. Robert is from Croatia.
  20. Absolutely NOT using auto focus in FF. DoF and hyperfocal point makes everything sharp. Nikon F301, D70s Lenses 16, 20, 28, 35 mm
  21. Very nice video! How to be better? Look at this: Robibird can give you some advices especially for speed.
  22. Sirob

    Heli Boogie 2006

    Robibird just came home, so first video from Heliboogie 2006 is on It is Exit No.8 and Exit No.0...
  23. I think I had this error, in my case, cause was that transport mechanism went out of synchronization. I went to Sony service and now it is fine.