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Everything posted by sistaluv

  1. My dad named me that's a yougoslavian singer of his day I like it too ;) thanx Blue Skies and Terminal Memories 4 Life
  2. What is your middle name? Mine is Yasna...just curious of what others is? Blue Skies and Terminal Memories 4 Life
  3. Go buy a lottery ticket edit: to post seakev beat me to's a sign... Blue Skies and Terminal Memories 4 Life
  4. sistaluv

    head down;)

    Now thats original....
  5. sistaluv

    head down;)

    LOL lmao cute Blue Skies and Terminal Memories 4 Life
  6. sistaluv

    head down;)

    It's going to be my first tattoo and i want it super detailed and stuff but on the right track Blue Skies and Terminal Memories 4 Life
  7. sistaluv

    head down;)

    ya not a bad for a pic?? There's so many to choose from? Blue Skies and Terminal Memories 4 Life
  8. sistaluv

    head down;)

    Blue Skies and Terminal Memories 4 Life
  9. sistaluv

    head down;)

    Well I never thought of getting a tattoo before but i can't seem to get this one out of my head and wonder what ya guys think? It would be at my bikini line and below belly button, on the side and it would be of a skydiver going head down Don't have a pic yet but just pondering the thought! Any ideas? Blue Skies and Terminal Memories 4 Life
  10. Well on the poll there wasn't a vot for IAD so thats why I said that. Also your right, and I never did static line so I personally wouldn't really know(I guess) Blue Skies and Terminal Memories 4 Life
  11. Hey you might add: ......A good place to vent! GOOD JOB! Blue Skies and Terminal Memories 4 Life
  12. I believe that's Greg Gasson, and he actually has a safety harness mostly hidden under his jumpsuit. Quote Nice to know ......I've seen that pic many times and I even saved it to My Space to show my other friends ....its a great pic!!! Seems like a cool, funny kinda guy that is obviously very brave!! He's got fans.... Blue Skies and Terminal Memories 4 Life
  13. There is a pic of a guy hanging from his gear by his hand and canopy is open but if he slips and lets go....I think hes the craziest skydiver!!!!Not sure of his name but hes here pics somewhere and dam he's brave!!!!I'll try to find and post his pic...
  14. 13- Lost prarie (didn't jump , way to excited and wasn't ready but had the time of my life and learned lots) 13-17- Jeans guy memorial boogie in calgary (had a blast, and i jumped (wow) I think you should go to boogies when ever you can cause even if you don't jump I'm sure you'll learn a lot!And have lots of fun Blue Skies and Terminal Memories 4 Life
  15. My first jump was IAD not static but same idea ..(my jump master had my pilot shute in his hand) After that I did awareness jump, then 2 paper pulls, and then I pulled my own shute in a matter of 5 jumps and wow .... I'm hooked!!!! Up to date I haven't done a tandem jump but am allowed (signed off ) to jump out of hot air balloons, hellicopters, DC3,Skyvan, otters and can't waite to experience it all!!!!Little set back cause of car accident but will be back soon:) I am very happy with my training too!thanx guys;) Blue Skies and Terminal Memories 4 Life
  16. Prayers "and people are scared to skydive....?!?!" Blue Skies and Terminal Memories 4 Life
  17. 28yrs Blue Skies and Terminal Memories 4 Life
  18. good choices..never heard them
  19. hahahaha LOL I bet you guys can't play this game without a smile on your Things that amuse well me anyways... Blue Skies and Terminal Memories 4 Life
  20. I didn't read all the posts but since I won Pimp my Ride I got a rental in the mean time and I found a sneaky way to cut the cost....but only if you have your own insurance....tell them not to add insurance that you want to put yours on it and that cuts the cost in half if you dont have insurance put car under someone elses name thats over 25yrs and has it and put ya as second driver...hope this helps.. Blue Skies and Terminal Memories 4 Life
  21. Well once i gave up my house and bought a trailer for the dz a friend of mine told me about this place. He also told me about the forums but I didn't get it till much later....But i'm glad I found you guys...plan to meet soon enough Blue Skies and Terminal Memories 4 Life
  22. 1. Whats your name? Vikisa 2. How old are you? 28 may 31st 3. Why did you decide to start jumping out of airplanes? Got bored ..needed extreme sports 4. Are you single or taken? Married? Single 5. Do you have kids? No 6. What do you drive? 1993 sazuki sidekick(now oficially pimped) 7. Have you ever done a kisspass? yes 8. Where do you live? Timmins Ontario Canada (for now) 9. Do you have any pets? 2 cool cats black/grey Shyla & Mersadies 10. How many jumps do you have? 21 11. What color eyes do you have? Hazel Green 12. What is your nationality? European French Canadian 13. Have you ever dated someone you met off the internet? No 14. Favorite Movie?Happy ones 15. What do you do when you arent skydiving? Traveling, Outdoor activities 16. Have you ever BASE jumped? No 17. If not... do you want to? Yes 18. Do you have siblings?One older brother Mike 31 19. Where do you want to travel to the most?Beaches 20. What's your favorite color? Blue 21. Where was the last place you flew to ( not skydiving )? Toronto Blue Skies and Terminal Memories 4 Life
  23. ya i remember......newbie ....can't remeber the other names for the more post ya that was kinda cool too;) Blue Skies and Terminal Memories 4 Life
  24. Walt I must say you deffinatly make me laugh too........ Blue Skies and Terminal Memories 4 Life
  25. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In Reply To -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Seeing that pic reminded me of more from my experience......I woke up in -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- So did Heidi ... Quote The only difference was when I get juiced and don't wanna be bothered I hide (woke up in manny different pranks played on me!) And this time I hid in my ride's car under they let me sleep all the way to woke up in front of my last night was a long one.... Didn't get a chance to say official by! But when I chatted to new friends later they all laughed!! Blue Skies and Terminal Memories 4 Life