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Everything posted by sistaluv

  1. Unfortunatly my memories isn't from this year.... Blue Skies and Terminal Memories 4 Life
  2. Thanx for the info and swimming I do agree works well with me and I won't rush it!!! The sky is not ........! I know I live through all the stories on here to keep me going and I guess I got a little excited but I'm ok now (i think)Yes I wanna be safe than sorry
  3. And you now have 8000 jumps wow I envy you...nice Blue Skies and Terminal Memories 4 Life
  4. Well luckily it was only a compression fracture and surgery is better not done. Nothing else was damaged I'm just weaker from bed rest and not working for a while. So I go to gym to stay in shape and rebuild muscles. I feel that a jump is soon to come....but not sure how soon....Thanx guys! Blue Skies and Terminal Memories 4 Life
  5. Realistically ya this is pretty unsafe....but I personally learnt from a lot of my own experiences and others... Blue Skies and Terminal Memories 4 Life
  6. even if I wasn't hurt! Blue Skies and Terminal Memories 4 Life
  7. just read the post above on advice and I take what I want and leave the rest behind! Since I know what I feel and I just want to know what people have to say that know about this kind of stuff since there's no one around here that can help..thanx Blue Skies and Terminal Memories 4 Life
  8. I wonder if I'm not ready to jump yet because of my back if I can go on a tandem jump? I never tried a tandem jump before so I don't know how the openings are and the landings....thats what im worried about!?! I'm physically better now just need to continue at the gym and get stronger. I do have constant back pain due to compressed T9-10 vertibrae (car accident)and the dr here are against skydiving so I have no idea? Any advise would help! And I know the sky isn't going anywhere so you don't need to tell me that I'm fully aware and sick of hearing thatPosted this in bonfire too just thought I'd get more info here!Thanx Blue Skies and Terminal Memories 4 Life
  9. wow your first jump was out of a lucky sh#t!!!I'm yet to jump from one
  10. hahahahhahahahahah lol good one Blue Skies and Terminal Memories 4 Life
  11. Well one of my friends decided to bring me on an adventure at the dz and he brought me to the end of the runway and we lied down (piolet knew) and did a fly by and wow!!!!!! When the plane was close enough we flashed them! Can't explain but I'll never forget that one Yes I know that was dangerous but dam the feeling was crazy, nothing you expect. Another one is going on a bridge train track and when the train is coming you go on the padio part and hold on tight and scream as loud as you can....wild too It feels like its going to suck you in! Another was running along the bridge that separates Lake Ontario and Lake Erie (if i'm not mistaken) and all the people in the cars are watching and then grabbing the railing and hiking over into the water!(Make sure theres traffic jam so you don't cause accident and spot it first) I might add I did these with people who have done it many times before! And these are a few of my cheap thrills. Feel free to add yours! Blue Skies and Terminal Memories 4 Life
  12. You just gotta look left, right, up, ........hehehehe() I couldn't help that one.... Blue Skies and Terminal Memories 4 Life
  13. oh how can I forget american men everywhere!! Blue Skies and Terminal Memories 4 Life
  14. That sound fun.....have a blast...I love bikes too!! Blue Skies and Terminal Memories 4 Life
  15. Other than the jumping the flybys were pretty cool....Oh and the after hours stuff at the bonfire was really ......!!Couldn't believe my eyes I felt like such an angelWhen the skydivers showed up from orange on top of bus nakked that went down in history too Blue Skies and Terminal Memories 4 Life
  16. Ya I know it happened to friends and I play pranks all the time. That one really really sucked!!! Like bigtime!!!! Blue Skies and Terminal Memories 4 Life
  17. Ok this one is mean..... bye them lottery ticket with the last winning numbers and get a coppy of the winning numbers and they think they prepared to have them freak on ya..... Blue Skies and Terminal Memories 4 Life
  18. Empty out there room, even there furniture or the whole house and put in front yard or storage which ever suite your location. I threw a huge party once and I came home to everything out on the padio...I freaked but dam it was funny! Put matches or toothpaste between there toes while there Draw cat face with marker on there face or Pee in watergun and ask them if there hot and spray Put sugar in there salt I'll think of more...... Blue Skies and Terminal Memories 4 Life
  19. I don't check all the posts on so if there was a post like this before mine....????(hense SOME MORE COOL SAYINGS) I'm just passing time!!! I'd never see the other one so I wouldn't know!!?! You can put a clicky if you want to join them if thats better.... No pun intended!!
  20. C132 wow is that the same as C182..... round parashute too..that muct be different.And as for not remembering anything when you get down,I hear ya I couldn't get that grin off my face....Oh and what the hell am I doing???Ya that was me Blue Skies and Terminal Memories 4 Life
  21. What were you thinking on your way up to altitude on your first jump? And when the jumpmaster asks "Are you ready?......."What was your reply? Well for me I was focused on arching"bigtime" cause they emphasized it so much and once I was getting higher (it was my first time in a plane too so I was analyzing everything) and as we got much higher I realized I forgot to look at what it looked like on the ground so I was worried that I wouldn't know where to I forgot the radios that were at my chest and the jumpmaster tried to calm me down and explain to me it looked like a triangle (yes they showed me in training but ya know....)finally it clicked in again and I was focused and remembered the radios and saw the triangle then it was the big question....ARE YOU answer was BORN READY...(on video you hear a lot of different answers and its so funny)..and off I went(IAD style) Then I was like a kid at the candy store..hookedOh and for all those "firsts" I caught on quick and bought lots of beers... Blue Skies and Terminal Memories 4 Life
  22. Well I guess it goes something like this: Travel the world Go on a cruise Find my soul mate Have a family Own a resort (happyland) Live the fairytail Skydive everywhere in between;) Live long healthy life..... and go on hapily ever that too much to ask for? Blue Skies and Terminal Memories 4 Life
  23. hahahahahaha lol......glad my login name can entertain ya! Thanx for the audio... Blue Skies and Terminal Memories 4 Life
  24. Now your getting Blue Skies and Terminal Memories 4 Life