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Everything posted by flyonthewall

  1. I grew up with Eli. I always thought i had a special bond with him because it felt so good to be around him. It wasn't until years later I realized that he made most everyone feel that way. Those of you who knew him through skydiving, don't have to be told how much he loved the sport or how tirelessly and generously he gave his time and energy to furthering it. Growing up with him was no different. When I think back on the most fun I've ever had or the hardest I've ever laughed E was always there. I think that is what I will miss the most about him, his laugh and how easy it was to make him laugh. I just wanted to leave some words on this little virtual epitaph here, in the hopes that maybe someday his children can read this and know what an exceptional human being their father was. I miss you every day E... Blue skies fly free forever. Paul
  2. Watching freefly big ways. The cool part was the breakoff. Watching everyone go from headdown to a track. Scattering in every direction. Also watching Mike Mangold fly his stunt plane out at Perris. With a spectacular sunset as a backdrop. Awesome
  3. Excalibur comes to mind, that movie has a stunning soundtrack. Carmina Barana is very haunting.
  4. I think everyone should look through a telescope once in their life. Nothing will give you a feeling of perspective like seeing the planets or the Andromeda galaxy.
  5. Sound as if you've been talking with Asia Carerra
  6. I work in the "adult entertainment" industry. NOT in front of the camera. I have a desk job at a broadcasting company. Most of the "actresses" and "actors" date and marry eachother. The relationships that I've seen between actors and people that aren't (even if they work in the industry but not in front of the camera) don't last very long. I know some "actors" that are happily married. Of course they both have sex with other people all day for work. It makes you wonder if those girls like to have sex at all when off camera. If they just had sex all day would they want it from you when they get home? to answer your question I don't even date women that work in the industry whether they're in the movies or not.
  7. flyonthewall


    Hello, lurker here. I don't have any skydiving knowledge to share on this subject. But I wanted to say that I had the pleasure of meeting Marco and Gi at the X-fest. Those are two of the nicest people I have ever met. I had read about Atmonauti here in these forums. So when I met Marco we had something to talk about. he was amazed that someone who had never jumped had even the slightest idea of what Atmonauti was all about. The footage I saw of Gi flying is awesome. She is so incredibly graceful in her flying. Marco wanted to take me for an Atmonauti tandem lol. He was sorry he didn't have his gear. I made my first jump that week and it's a week I'll never forget. I hope team frick comes back next year I know I will. X-fest was a blast.
  8. I went to a hypnotherapist years ago. I needed help with anxiety attacks. It was one of the best and most effective things I've ever done. She completely cured me of stage fright (I'm a musician). If you want more information feel free to PM me and I'll share the whole story.
  9. I have some friends who got into the sport right after we all graduated highschool. I've always wanted to try it. I saw it on T.V. when I was young and it looked awesome. Well I let ten years go by without seeing my three friends from school. Then last January I googled one of them. After emailing each other for a while I went and visited them. When I saw what they had accomplished I was astounded. I was also sorry I didn't go out to taft and jump with them years ago (maybe I could have ten thousand jumps under my belt like they do). Now I just had to find out what freefall felt like. So I did a tandem to see what it was like. I've always been a nervous and hyper person. I found freefall to be very soothing in a way. Almost like that's the only time my mind is "quiet" There's a serious zen to this. So now I'm waiting for my tax return so I can pay for my AFF jumps. I'm trying to figure out what I can sell to by my first rig. I've got jumping on the brain and there's only one cure. Sorry for the long post but hey you asked!
  10. Ball pythons are great pets. I had a burmese named fizban. I had to get rid of him at about fourteen feet. He was incredibly docile. I used to work for a reptile breeder/distributer. If you think skydiving is exciting try dealing with a four foot monitor lizard who's loose in your delivery van while you're on the freeway!
  11. Hi longtime lurker here. I wanted to bring up a part of tattoo after care that not too many people know about. It's called a hot compress. I leave my tattoos wrapped (in glad wrap) for atleast two hours. I don't unwrap them until I can wash them. Sometimes I leave them wrapped while I sleep so I don't get goo on my sheets. After a thorough wash with soap and water I draw hot water as hot as I can stand to touch. Then I soak a towel in the water. I then hold the hot towel on my fresh tattoo until it stops hurting. Obviously if you've just gotten a tattoo the size of a nickel you don't need to do this. For larger pieces this works great. It opens the pores in your skin to "set" the ink. After doing this I've healed pieces without any scabbing at all. After hot compress just take care of your tattoo the way yourt artist told you to or do what you've found to work the best. I've attached a pic of my stomach piece just for shits and giggles. BTW nice pictures Paige.
  12. I have two favs. The one where Bart sells his soul to Milhouse. Also the one where lisa gets into astronomy and wants to fight light pollution.
  13. What pops into your head when you think about your 2003? My first skydive
  14. Pink Floyd at the rose bowl '93 Okay no Roger Waters but it was an absolutely incredible show. The best I've ever seen.
  15. flyonthewall


    Hi I mostly lurk here (for about a year now) But I felt like chiming in on this thread. First and formost I've only done one tandem. Do I consider myself a skydiver? No. Have I skydived? Yes. I spent three days at the DZ and met people from all over the world. Thanks to this site I had "non whuffo" things to talk about. The freeflyers I met from Italy could not believe I had never jumped before. All because I had read up on their style here. They were astonished that I knew of their style and understood it without having jumped before. I guess the point is that I met SKYDIVERS from all over the world that weekend and none of them treated me any differently than they would any skydiver. I'm glad no one snubbed me because I hadn't jumped. The reason I did a tandem was that I didn't want to sit through eight hours of instruction just to get a taste. I wanted to make sure I would like it before making a commitment. I can't wait to start AFF. Oh and I voted hetero :) To each their own!
  16. I jumped with Joe Miller. He did a great job introducing me to the sport. I will request him when I go back to do my AFF.
  17. I think @ the beginning of next year I will start AFF. I have some financial loose ends that need tying up. After I deal with that I will be back in the air. I will go by myself but I have two friends that want to go as well so hopefully I will have a buddy or two to do AFF with.
  18. Thanks for the replies. I really had the time of my life this weekend. Everyone I met at the DZ went out of their way to make sure I had a good time.
  19. I did a tandem at Perris on Saturday. As I was standing there with my TM waiting for the otter. I got a little nervous. When I got in the plane I got a little more nervous. Okay okay stop looking out the window! Then a guy doing a hop 'n pop opened the door and when he jumped I wasn't nervous I was scared! Then everyone else that was jumping before us went. As I slid down the seat to the door my palms were a little sweaty. Now I'm on my knee at the door 1,2 & 3 All I can say is that freefall is simply incredible. Words can not describe it. After a good bit of freefall I pulled at 5K. After the canopy opened I felt like I was just hanging there suspended it was so peaceful and quiet. I spent three days at perris this weekend. I met some seriously cool people from all over the world. I still haven't met a skydiver that I didn't like. Everyone at the DZ was telling me how soon I'd be back. I'm fairly sure they're right and this was only a small taste of something I'm going to do over and over and maybe even over again. I liked the vibe at Perris so much I think I'm going to do my AFF there even though there are DZs closer to my house. I've been lurking around this site for almost a year now. So I wanted to post about my first experience. I've learned a lot here so far.