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Everything posted by winsor

  1. News flash - they're all going to die. The Woke crowd are giving them a run for their money in the competition for the greatest wellspring of raw stupidity. BSBD, Winsor
  2. The KKK has simply hundreds of adherents. That's a bad thing. Good Racists, OTOH, number in the millions, and have breathtaking levels of social and financial support. A good rule of thumb is that if you take an "anti racist" screed and switch the verbiage, replacing <minority> with white and vice versa, and it becomes a reprehensible racist diatribe, it was a reprehensible racist diatribe in the first place. This is a prime example: You can't have it both ways. BSBD, Winsor
  3. Apparently Brian Stelter is moving on.
  4. Laziness rears its ugly head.
  5. I'm in favor of equality under the law. Bill Clinton tried to use the UCMJ to shield himself from litigation during investigations re: Paula Jones et al. That would have been great in that sanctions in the military become harsher as rank increases; an E-4 charged with adultery may get Article 15 punishment with a fine and the loss of a stripe, but a Flag Officer faces enforced retirement with the loss of a star. I dislike The Donald and Hillary pretty much equally, and am fine with both of them facing consequences similar to those of an E-4 clerk taking secrets home, particularly after signing agreements of understanding that such actions are strictly proscribed. This involves extended incarceration and being banned from elective office. I am baffled by why anyone would stick up for any of them, particularly regarding violations of the Law, the Constitution or their Oath of Office. It says a lot about people who are cool with it on their behalf. BSBD, Winsor
  6. Due to the magic of the killfile, I can only guess at what you're talking about. One of the problems of objecting to the excesses of one side is that it is often assumed that this implies support of the other. Extremists of any stripe tend to take on the trappings of religious zealots - in some cases they ARE religious zealots - and their TRUE BELIEF is the problem more than the side of the aisle to which they gravitate. Pointing out that using hormone blockers and performing surgery on adolescents who are, as is typical of adolescents, unsure of quite what they are constitutes child abuse is is justifiably criminal is construed as being against LGBTQRST+/-..., which is not necessarily the case. If an adult wants to surgically modify their body to be a Barbie Doll, a Space Alien or whatever, I can't see why they shouldn't be allowed to do so. Doing this to a child is not okay (and I have to wonder who the hell came up with circumcision in the first place, as well). When people say "Democrats are like this" or "Republicans are like that," I'm tempted to note that there may be the odd exception to either claim. The definition of what constitutes a "moderate" differs depending on who you ask, but I'm not impressed by much of any extremists. BSBD Winsor
  7. Russell was an optimist.
  8. Not quite. Flight crews had a common policy, and what they did or did not pay for affected all of us. It was considered an insult that expensive elective surgery was covered for political reasons, and other every bit as legitimate procedures were not. If he wanted to become a she enough to pay for it. fine. Having us pay for it by applying political pressure didn't go over too well. BSBD, Winsor
  9. When SJWs breathlessly object to archeologists identifying skeletons as male or female because we don't know how they 'identified,' this is a sure sign that they are hard of thinking. I shouldn't lump them in with the Special Ed. crowd, since they would give a bad name to the kids on the short buses, who are generally nicer than average. Woke ideology supports the lyrics of "The Refreshments'" hit single.
  10. Kind of none of the above. Living in Greenwich Village, New Hope, and other gay hot spots, one encounters people living quite a variety of lifestyles. The general consensus is okay, whatever. If someone wants to be addressed as one thing or another, that's fine. If someone wants to be treated as male or female, that's generally no big deal. There are gay and lesbian people who I'd trust more to look after my kid more than some breeders I know. This is incidental to my point. Even if I am cool with someone living as another sex or species, that does not mean that they ARE another sex or species. I'm not mad at them, I wish them no harm, and I don't particularly care one way or another so long as they don't hurt anyone else. When my insurance paid for sex reassignment surgery for one of our flight attendants, but denied coverage for treatments they considered 'elective,' that bothered me. Whether a co-worker has female anatomy as standard equipment or aftermarket is not my concern - until I have to pay for it. I have lived around delusional people my whole life (religion being the prime culprit), and generally am okay with it if they leave me out of it. When they want me to get audited for Scientology or pray to Jesus, I am not. I reserve the right to deem people who think sex is a matter of choice as fucking retards. YMMV. BSBD, Winsor
  11. Gender is a grammatical construct. Sex is biological. You can self-identify as a lesbian poodle if you wish. That does not MAKE you a lesbian poodle, even with the requisite surgery, hair transplants and whatnot.. BSBD, Winsor
  12. I'd expect Pee Wee Herman to outpoll The Donald.
  13. Oddly enough, early 20th century archaeologists were routinely inaccurate regarding the sex of Inca remains. This was, however, the result of using rudimentary criteria more applicable to Europeans rather than of political correctness. BSBD, Winsor
  14. Oddly enough, like 'Little Big Man,' 'Dr. Strangelove' was basically a documentary presented as a comedy (I, too, thought it was a scream). Much though the Air Force claimed that such an attack couldn't happen, Kubrick evidently was remarkably close to the actual security protocols in place at the time - which were quietly overhauled shortly thereafter. 'Little Big Man' incorporated most of the details of 'Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee,' but presented as a farce. Monte Python's work often had cerebral underpinnings, though taken to absurd extremes. I find it unnerving that people espouse an equal level of inanity with a straight face. Then again, my guess is that "Q" generates the nonsense that powers the Q Anon movement purely for amusement. It can be entertaining to generate a rumor and watch it take on a life of its own. As 'The Refreshments' noted, "everybody knows that the world is full of stupid people...," and the far right and far left seem hell bent on proving that claim. Humorless people are frightening. BSBD, Winsor
  15. Whether the article describes someone who is making fun of Woke stupidity or is, in fact, similarly delusional, it's fair game. A lot of what Monty Python did was quite silly. The problem comes when the humorless take their work as instructional materials. BSBD, Winsor
  16. There should thus be a Skydiving SIG (special interest group).
  17. He has it nailed. God is ignorance, RELIGION is power.
  18. The humorlessness of the Woke is matched only by their inability to do their homework. Their good intentions are those with which the road to hell is paved. I'm not sure whether to attribute the Weltanschauung to willful ignorance, active stupidity, or a combination of both. My news feed pops up such gems as this: It concerns me that such idiocy is supported to the extent that it is. I wish people would not us comedy routines as instructional materials. While I find censorship to be abhorrent, it also concerns me that people can read or hear tripe and take it seriously. To use religion as a paradigm, it amazed me that when studying the Greek Myths it was taken as a given the mentions of the Greek Gods was treated as a literary device, while other texts of similar antiquity that referenced their deity of choice were accepted verbatim. Simply mind blowing. My son put it nicely when he noted that "God is Ignorance." His contention was that unsophisticated societies had a limited knowledge base, and that anything that was unknown was treated as unknowable and thus the work of "God." It is a curious characteristic of humanity that when ignorance is addressed, any clarification is generally met with hostility by both the unwashed masses and, to a large extent, the 'intelligentsia.' This leads to my observation that our only inexhaustible natural resource is stupidity. In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is not king - he is a pariah. T'was ever thus. BSBD, Winsor
  19. Gender is a grammatical construct (he, she, it, whatever) but sex is biological. When you have Supreme Court Justices who can't figure it out, things like this occur: I am puzzled by why we are such fans of delusion. BSBD, Winsor
  20. Vivisection for starts.
  21. Precisely my point. Thanks.
  22. Damn! If we passed proper legislation, Climate Change would be nipped in the bud!
  23. I wasn't involved with any of the Mitzvot regarding foreskins, and really don't get the fixation during the Bronze Age. The Tanakh mentions collecting foreskins of slain adversaries, which I agree is beyond icky. Left ears are bad enough. There are Mitzvot regarding the care and feeding of slaves as well. Since I find the institution personally abhorrent, I freed all of my slaves years ago and gave each one $1.7 million and a great employment reference. There are many way fucked up practices in various cultures, and I agree that 'respecting' them reflexively is lame. The Children of Israel are, by any standard, one big, dysfunctional family - but you knew that already. By no means does this make the vivisection of children okay. If you turn 18 and want to pierce your eyeballs and have your penis split up the middle and have hieroglyphics tattooed over every inch of your skin, knock yourself out. Jews are still kinda touchy about little kids being subjected to 'experiments' by licensed MDs some time back, but switching back and forth between 'male' and 'female' on the basis of a pubescent identity crisis is not okay by any means. YMMV. BSBD, Winsor
  24. Convicted women could volunteer to be surrogate mothers where time spent pregnant would come off the end of their sentence. A win-win scenario if I ever saw one.