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Everything posted by 3331

  1. Go to http://www.skydiveorange.com/ or go to http://www.virginiaskydivingcenter.com/ in Dinwiddie Va. Do not go to 'DC Skydiving Center', it's what we call a Tandem Mill and they don't give out ratings. I Jumped with the guys who invented Skydiving.
  2. USPA to Hold General Membership Meeting and Winter Board Meeting USPA will hold its General Membership Meeting at 7 p.m. on Saturday, March 3, at the Wyndham San Antonio Riverwalk in San Antonio, Texas. The meeting will take place in conjunction with the winter 2018 USPA Board of Directors meeting March 2-4 at the same location. USPA invites all members in good standing to attend the General Membership Meeting, which will include information on the current state of USPA, as well as provide an opportunity for members to bring up discussion items with the board. Following the General Membership Meeting, members are invited to join the USPA Board and staff for a night out on the Riverwalk. More information is available on the Facebook event page. The Wyndham is located at 111 East Pecan Street, San Antonio, Texas, 78208; the phone number is (866) 254-8200; the website is wyndhamsariverwalk.com. https://www.facebook.com/events/311476972660518/ I Jumped with the guys who invented Skydiving.
  3. + 1 I Jumped with the guys who invented Skydiving.
  4. Working together, the entire general aviation community was instrumental in ensuring that HR 2997, the Federal Aviation Administration authorization bill, did not receive a vote by the full House of Representatives last fall. That bill includes a provision stripping air traffic control from the FAA and handing it to a new, private corporation. The entire general aviation community, including USPA, is strongly opposed to the concept. Congress still needs to pass an FAA reauthorization bill, and the House Transportation Committee chairman still vows to bring HR 2997 with its ATC privatization provision to the House floor. If he does, USPA and the other general aviation groups will need to mobilize our members again this spring to fight the effort. USPA members should stand ready to contact members of Congress should the need arise again. The fight's not over until it's over. I Jumped with the guys who invented Skydiving.
  5. Mild compared to this alert. I was on Johnston Atoll when this happened. See attached: I Jumped with the guys who invented Skydiving.
  6. + 1 I Jumped with the guys who invented Skydiving.
  7. You never lose your Skydiving Girlfriend---you just lose your turn… I Jumped with the guys who invented Skydiving.
  8. 3331

    Virus Alert:

    Found it and Deleted.
  9. Research was done years ago on the One pin and Two pin Racer Reserve. The Two pin is a faster cleaner launch of the reserve pilot chute, hands down. It's about the laws physics. I Jumped with the guys who invented Skydiving.
  10. 3331

    Virus Alert:

    I use Malwearbytes and it's worked well. I just used Zemana Antimalware that was recommended and it didn't find anything. When I ran Malwearbytes again the Virus was still there. I Jumped with the guys who invented Skydiving.
  11. 3331

    Virus Alert:

    Virus Alert: This virus (PUP.Optional.Trovi) continues to get into my PC after I delete it using Malwarebytes, it may be on yours right now. Get it off your computer. I Jumped with the guys who invented Skydiving.
  12. + 1 I Jumped with the guys who invented Skydiving.
  13. I'm now getting notified about watched threads and replies to posts.
  14. I edited my profile by deleting my Email then typing in the same Email. Maybe this will help. I Jumped with the guys who invented Skydiving.
  15. The first club at DeLand. The concrete slab for the Club Building is still there. Ask Gary Dupuis. That patch should be in a frame on the wall of the Perfect Spot. I jumped with those guy's ! I Jumped with the guys who invented Skydiving.
  16. Dean on TV, a classic ! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4yZrwOei39o&app=desktop I Jumped with the guys who invented Skydiving.
  17. I'm using my AOL account, the same one I've always used. I never got a notice that you responded to this post. I Jumped with the guys who invented Skydiving.
  18. + 1 I Jumped with the guys who invented Skydiving.
  19. Dean Widerman, well loved jumper at Woodbine Maryland and Pelicanland Maryland, passed away October 31, a day before his 68th birthday. A fun loving, big hearted man. He will be missed by many. Viewing and funeral at Zumbrun Funeral Home, 6028 Sykesville Road, Sykesville, MD. Viewing times: Friday, Nov. 3, from 2:00 - 4:00 pm, and 6:00 - 8:00 pm. Funeral Service: Saturday, Nov. 4, at 11:30 am. All are welcome! I Jumped with the guys who invented Skydiving.
  20. + 1 I Jumped with the guys who invented Skydiving.
  21. You never lose your Skydiving Girlfriend---you just lose your turn. I Jumped with the guys who invented Skydiving.
  22. I'm not getting Email notifications about watched subjects and threads. I Jumped with the guys who invented Skydiving.
  23. The House floor vote on the air traffic control privatization bill that was scheduled to take place last week was postponed. That's good news, since it means that the proponents of ATC privatization don't have the votes to pass the bill. That also means that the members of USPA and other general aviation groups who have been calling their Representatives in opposition to the bill are having the desired effect. But we can't rest; the House Transportation Committee Chairman has vowed to pass ATC privatization, and that means the Congressional deal-making and arm-twisting are in full force. So the bill is likely to be put back on the House calendar for a vote, whether next week or a few weeks or a couple of months. When that happens, USPA will again ask our members to help with calls to Congress. 'edited and posted without permission' I Jumped with the guys who invented Skydiving.
  24. THIS MAY BE OUR LAST CHANCE TO SAVE SKYDIVING FROM DIRE CONSEQUENCES The proponents of the bad idea of stripping air traffic control from the FAA, and handing it to a new private corporation are planning to have the House vote on their bill--HR 2997--next week. All of the general aviation (GA) groups, including USPA, are opposed. If you have not called your Congressional Representative and secured their "no" vote on HR 2997, please do so now! 1. Dial toll-free: 833-GAVOICE (833-428-6423), weekdays from 9-5 Eastern. 2. You will be asked to input your zip code then transferred to your Representative's office. 3. Say: "I am opposed to ATC privatization, and my Representative should vote 'no' on HR 2997." If you do not call, and HR 2997 passes Congress and is signed into law, here is what could happen: The airlines and large airports will gain control of the new ATC board, outweighing GA and skydiving interests. FAA's current "first come, first served" ATC policy will be eliminated, degrading service to skydive operators. Decisions affecting airspace and ATC procedures will favor airline efficiency and penalize skydiving operational and airspace needs. Drop Zones could lose airspace. Skydive operators will incur higher costs due to increased flight times; jump ticket costs will increase. For more information, go to www.atcnotforsale.com. Please call! The future of skydiving, and all of General Aviation, is at stake! I Jumped with the guys who invented Skydiving.