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    Orange Skydive
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  1. I signed up for a tandem base jump at Bridge Day. Lost 80 pounds to make the weight requirement and after screaming like a woman and pissing myself in pure terror I ended up loving it LoL. I asked Sean Chumo how can I get into base jumping and he said learn to skydive and get 200 jumps and come back to me... so onw year later about to get my A license. Skydiving is so different but amazing and completely addicted. Been such a cool experience and met some really interesting people along the way! I was 33 doing my first AFF skydive. I don't know quite how to put this but..... I'm kind of a big deal, people know me.
  2. o really? Well I definitely decided to go with orange based on everyones replies, just wish it was as close ! I don't know quite how to put this but..... I'm kind of a big deal, people know me.
  3. thanks guys for the replies, that settles it I will be going to orange. A lot of money involved so I appreciate that replies. I am curious tho, so dcskydiving center doesn't even do ratings? They advertise like you can get your AFF and all that on their webpage. Either way I was more inclined to go to orange, skydiving center would be nice because its under an hour away from me. I don't know quite how to put this but..... I'm kind of a big deal, people know me.
  4. Hey everyone, so my goal this year is to get my skydiving license. Thankfully I have two places that are really close to me in Virginia, DC Skydiving Center and Skydive Orange. DC skydiving Center is half an hour closer, but wanted opinions as which one could possibly be a better option for a noobie. I don't know quite how to put this but..... I'm kind of a big deal, people know me.