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Everything posted by sharpfive

  1. You can also download the Mozilla browser for free. It has a setting to block pop-ups.
  2. If the money meant nothing, she would sue for one dollar just to make her point.
  3. Why is this happening in our great country? Are our leaders failing us en masse? I used to be proud to be an American, but I wonder now...we are becoming a nation of supersized morons who sue each other at the drop of a hat, taking NO responsiblity for our own poor judgement. HELLLLLP!!!!
  4. sharpfive

    Web hosts

    They do come with help, but it's pretty boring and not very flexible. If you have an HTML editor and an FTP client it's much more fun to go that way. Check out the web site, you'll see all the options.
  5. You can go to View and hide those buttons
  6. sharpfive

    Web hosts offers free web hosting. The down side is your pages are plastered with ads you can't control. For a minimal monthly fee you can buy ad-free space. Not bad for getting your feet wet, but you will outgrow it quickly.
  7. We don't need no stinkin' rifle! Let's hold the lawyer down and let Ronald McDonald rape him.
  8. There are too many lawyers out there. We need to cull the herd.
  9. OK thanks, hard to keep up with all this!
  10. Curly was quite a womanizer and an accomplished ballroom dancer before he took the stooge fork in the road. Is there an emoticon to represent nyuk-nyuk?
  11. Thanks, and BTW, that's an excellent web site you have there!
  12. Thanks to everybody. When it's unanimous, it's a go! Truthfully, FP was frustrating me to the point I was ready to go back to Notepad. Time to shell out the $$$$ and get with the "program". One more for all you HTML pros; how come the markup tags on this site are enclosed in brackets instead of < > ??
  13. Is that what you used on your site? Nice job!
  14. Thank you Stacy, What do you think about the learning curve/user friendly aspect comapred to FP?
  15. Does anybody have experience with both programs? I've been using FP for a couple years and am tired of all that extra HTML code it plasters all over the pages. I hear DW MX is the way to go, but am wondering if it's overkill for a hobbyist, or too difficult to learn on one's own.
  16. Whoa, bad aim! I wonder, when the next Gulf War starts, will Saddam's missiles have little "Inspected by no. 12" stickers on them?
  17. Our size and isolation might be contributing factors, but our education system competes against the mass media and apathetic parents for the minds of children. It's no wonder the kids grow up knowing everything about celebrities and athletes, but are woefully ignorant of the real world. Then they grow up, move to Florida, and can't even vote without screwing up.
  18. Yeah, those city names sound almost musical, kinda like Timbouktu or Detroit
  19. Now, if only we could come up with a use for this knowledge...
  20. Actually, you were right regardless
  21. I cheated, lived in Africa for a little while. Hey, we don't know if I was right yet, anyway! And, the only thing I can give off the top of my head is skin
  22. Burkina Faso! Formerly Upper Volta? ouugadogou, forgive my spelling.