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Everything posted by bigway

  1. you could not resist googlig the lyrics and then copying them and pastin them to this thread? Hope it was lots of fun for you and fufulled your desires. .Karnage Krew Gear Store .
  2. here you go lisa, finally a thread all to yourself. .Karnage Krew Gear Store .
  3. don't believe that for a second, they are only two dollars each in the uk compared to forty dollars each in Australia. .Karnage Krew Gear Store .
  4. Fantastic post! These guys are really trying their hardest to try and fitnin with the western world here. They are putting all their hopes and dreams into these olympic as a nation who don't know any betTer. I hope everyone can see that andbif they can't it would not hurt them to learn a bit about this nation that has let the world into see them at their best. These olympic could change the world for the better of china if people pay attention to them. Everyone will have their own opinion ....... But that's mine. .Karnage Krew Gear Store .
  5. YOu should have seen the USA team going on at the last olympics how they were going to smash the australians like guitars. All over the papers them saying this. When Australia won the relay they all sat there pretending to play guitars .Karnage Krew Gear Store .
  6. And here i thought it was Sony, trying to make me watch this demo TV that they sent me longer than i needed to. .Karnage Krew Gear Store .
  7. from further reading it seems the only fireworks faked were the footprints leading across the city to re stadium as part of re show. This was not so much of the fireworks display but more a segment of meaning incorporated into the show. So if that was faked then fair enough but the actual firework displays were live. Now people are acussing NBC of reordering the order the teams entered the stadium so people waited the entire show for the USA team.... Yeah, like the USA has that much control over the Olympics .Karnage Krew Gear Store .
  8. btw- the guy made to look like running around the stadium was lifted from the centre of the stadium by wire and swung around the top rim of the stadium. It was in no way meant for anyone to believe he was actually running around in assisted as he woild have had to be able to defy gravity running horizontal to the ground. .Karnage Krew Gear Store .
  9. I watched video of people in the streets watching the fireworks..... Was that faked too? What a crock of shit. Is there any evidence supporting this was faked or just a British. Newspaper trying to sell newspapers by trying to 'uncover a scandel' .Karnage Krew Gear Store .
  10. how about sticking with the first thread you started and we have a decent discussion instead of turning the bonfire into a news headline feed? .Karnage Krew Gear Store .
  11. maybe we should start a new thread for every Olympic event and race? Oh, look at that, seems there already is. I would love to partake in adecent discusssion about the olympic but it is such a put off everytime coming into the forums and seeing the same two people starting new threads for each race. .Karnage Krew Gear Store .
  12. That's Chinese Military for you! Fair enough China having their Military as the main entertainment but i think it is a real shame to learn that an estimated more than half the people in the stands were also Chinese military or Police. They have put an awesome event on and the place looks so different from when i was there last. For a country that has 7 million people born every year they sure have everything under control. So much meaning in that ceromony, really nice tribute to the earthquake victims with the flowers i thought. I always thought this would be an event of all events, I mean any country trying for a century to host an event is sure to make it one not to forget. .Karnage Krew Gear Store .
  13. .Karnage Krew Gear Store .
  14. Are you serious? Badminton is one of asias biggest sports. Kayaking and rowings are major sports around the globe. If you are serious about kids not doing these sports ad them being worthless events I have to chalk that up to be one of re most iggnorant comments I have read on these forums. .Karnage Krew Gear Store .
  15. the same Aussie who organized the last 4 openning ceremonies advised this one and it was his last one. It has been uncovered that at least half the audience were either military or police. Explains why George bush got such a massive cheer I would imagine. .Karnage Krew Gear Store .
  16. Yeah, I was pretty blown away when i saw the phones that were common in the states while there. I could not believe how basic and old they seemed. .Karnage Krew Gear Store .
  17. What hurdle rate are you using in your calculations in order to reach that conclusion? No hurdle rate, simple math: First gen iPhone: Unit price: $399 Cheapest Plan: $39 (450 min) Data Plan: $20 (200 SMS included) Two Year Contract Total: $1815 3G iPhone (8GB): Unit price: $199 Cheapest Plan: $39 (450) Data plan: $30 SMS Plan: $5 Two Year Contract Total: $1975 AT&T had to restructure in order to subsidize the hardware (which wasn't the case with the first generation iPhone). The US has it good, I understand that the plans for the iPhone in Canada, Australia and New Zealand are stupid-expensive. [ Australia I pay 70 usd per month and get the iPhone 16gb plus 700 mb data plus 550 dollars worth of calls and texts. .Karnage Krew Gear Store .
  18. I will ccontinue using my htc over my iPhone until the iPhone gets many needed upgrades that I constantly use for my busines when not in the office. All the apps on the iPhone are very childish for time being or just pointless. I find myself always needing copy paste even if it is just to delete a block of text and I hate that the only way to share files is with an app that only works on macs and I hate that safari can not download and save any file. The iPhone also needs for the email application to go sideways for a bigger keyboard and the sideways feature should be an option on safari not compolsary if you tilt it. iPhone needs many improvemants for it to be any good as a business PDA. For now it just cartoonish. It does give you the feeling that it is very capable of going far and beyond the touch screen windows mobile devices such as my jasjam. .Karnage Krew Gear Store .
  19. There is an excellent voip application. Skype is also coming soon. .Karnage Krew Gear Store .
  20. Who gives a shit If the world ran out of E. Anyway, I stand corrected. Massive bust though after a huge operation. .Karnage Krew Gear Store .
  21. MAte, watch the videos. They had every colour E. They had 4.4 TONS of E. This was to be distributed all over the southern hemisphere. .Karnage Krew Gear Store .
  22. I am not having a go at America or anything here, but it blew my mind when the camera panned over to George W Bush. First i was super suprised to see him in a Stadium of such magnitude and secondly because he got a massiv cheer by the crowd, massive. I was just blown away for obvious reasons. After a while of thinking about it i wonder if he got such a massive cheer because the majority of people there were chinese and maybe they thought to fit in with the western world that they need to cheer Bush thinking wrongly that the western world cheers him. I meant none of the above to be political, just the human emotion of suprise. I cant belive the shit uniform my country had on. How could they not have enough respect to wear a Jacket at such an event. The USA looks to have a super strong attendance there. This olympics is going to be fantastic! How strong a image was that painting? Very powerful. .Karnage Krew Gear Store .
  23. I imagined it would be all over the news everywhere. It is the second biggest drug bust the world has ever seen. .Karnage Krew Gear Store .
  24. Wow, the pictures of the amount of drugs on the news was amazing. .Karnage Krew Gear Store .
  25. LMAO. Is that the "FIRST" time you have said that? .Karnage Krew Gear Store .